Source code for pyxtal.wyckoff_site

Module for handling Wyckoff sites for both atom and molecule

# Standard Libraries
import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation as R
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from copy import deepcopy

# External Libraries
from pymatgen.core import Molecule

# PyXtal imports
from pyxtal.tolerance import Tol_matrix
from pyxtal.operations import (
from pyxtal.symmetry import Group, Wyckoff_position
from pyxtal.database.element import Element
from pyxtal.constants import rad, deg
from pyxtal.lattice import Lattice

[docs] class atom_site: """ Class for storing atomic Wyckoff positions with a single coordinate. Args: wp: a `Wyckoff_position <pyxtal.symmetry.Wyckoff_position.html> object coordinate: a fractional 3-vector for the generating atom's coordinate specie: an Element, element name or symbol, or atomic number of the atom search: to search for the optimum position for special wyckoff site """ def __init__(self, wp=None, coordinate=None, specie=1, search=False): self.position = np.array(coordinate) self.specie = Element(specie).short_name self.wp = wp self.coordination = None self._get_dof() self.PBC = self.wp.PBC self.multiplicity = self.wp.multiplicity if search: self.search_position() self.update() def __str__(self): if not hasattr(self.wp, "site_symm"): self.wp.get_site_symmetry() s = "{:>2s} @ [{:7.4f} {:7.4f} {:7.4f}], ".format(self.specie, *self.position) s += "WP [{:}] ".format(self.wp.get_label()) if self.coordination is not None: s += " CN [{:2d}] ".format(self.coordination) s += "Site [{:}]".format(self.wp.site_symm.replace(" ","")) return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def copy(self): """ Simply copy the structure """ return deepcopy(self)
[docs] def save_dict(self): dict0 = {"position": self.position, "specie": self.specie, "wp": self.wp.save_dict(), } return dict0
def _get_dof(self): """ get the number of dof for the given structures: """ self.dof = self.wp.get_dof() #freedom = np.trace(self.wp.ops[0].rotation_matrix) > 0 #self.dof = len(freedom[freedom==True]) #self.dof = len(freedom[freedom==True])
[docs] @classmethod def load_dict(cls, dicts): """ load the sites from a dictionary """ position = dicts["position"] specie = dicts["specie"] if 'wp' in dicts: wp = Wyckoff_position.load_dict(dicts['wp']) else: hn, index = dicts['hn'], dicts['index'] wp = Wyckoff_position.from_group_and_index(hn, index, use_hall=True) return cls(wp, position, specie)
[docs] def perturbate(self, lattice, magnitude=0.1): """ Random perturbation of the site Args: lattice: lattice vectors magnitude: the magnitude of displacement (default: 0.1 A) """ dis = (np.random.sample(3) - 0.5).dot(lattice) dis /= np.linalg.norm(dis) dis *= magnitude pos = self.position + self.update(pos)
[docs] def search_position(self): """ Sometimes, the initial posiition is not the proper generator Needs to find the proper generator """ if self.wp.index > 0: wp0 = Group(self.wp.number, self.wp.dim)[0] pos = self.position coords = wp0.apply_ops(pos) for coord in coords: ans = self.wp.ops[0].operate(coord) diff = coord - ans diff -= np.floor(diff) if np.sum(diff**2)<1e-4: self.position = coord - np.floor(coord) break
[docs] def encode(self): """ transform dict to 1D vector [specie, wp.index, free x, y, z] """ xyz = self.wp.get_free_xyzs(self.position) #print(self.wp.ops[0].rotation_matrix, self.wp.get_frozen_axis(), self.wp.get_dof()) #print([self.specie, self.wp.index] + list(xyz)) return [self.specie, self.wp.index] + list(xyz)
[docs] def swap_axis(self, swap_id, shift=np.zeros(3)): """ sometimes space groups like Pmm2 allows one to swap the a,b axes to get an alternative representation """ self.position += shift self.position = self.position[swap_id] self.position -= np.floor(self.position) self.wp, _ = self.wp.swap_axis(swap_id) self.site_symm = site_symm( self.wp.symmetry[0], self.wp.number, dim=self.wp.dim ) self.update()
[docs] def shift_by_swap(self, swap_id): """ check if a shift is needed during swap May occur for special WP in the I/A/B/C/F cases e.g., in space group 71 (Immm), the permutation 4j(1/2,0,0.2) -> (0.2,0,1/2) -> 4f(0.7,1/2,0) it requires a shift of (0.5,0.5,0.5) """ wp, shift = self.wp.swap_axis(swap_id) return shift
[docs] def equivalent_set(self, tran, indices): """ Transform the wp to another equivalent set. Needs to update both wp and positions Args: tran: affine matrix indices: the list of transformed wps """ self.position = SymmOp(tran).operate(self.position) self.position -= np.floor(self.position) self.wp = self.wp.equivalent_set(indices[self.wp.index]) #update the wp index self.site_symm = site_symm( self.wp.symmetry_m[0], self.wp.number, dim=self.wp.dim ) self.update()
[docs] def update(self, pos=None, reset_wp=False): """ Used to generate coords from self.position """ if pos is None: pos = self.position if reset_wp: self.wp.ops = Group(self.wp.number)[self.wp.index].ops self.coords = self.wp.apply_ops(pos) self.position = self.coords[0]
[docs] def get_translations(self, pos, axis): """ return the displacement towards the reference positions Args: pos: reference position (1*3 vector) lattice: 3*3 matrix translation: axis: """ #diffs0 = pos - self.coords diffs0 = self.wp.apply_ops(pos) - self.position diffs = diffs0.copy() diffs -= np.round(diffs) diffs[:, axis] = 0 translations = diffs0 - diffs return translations
[docs] def get_disp(self, pos, lattice, translation): """ return the displacement towards the reference positions Args: pos: reference position (1*3 vector) lattice: 3*3 matrix translation: """ coords = self.wp.apply_ops(pos) diffs = coords - (self.position + translation) #coords = self.wp.apply_ops(self.position + translation) #diffs = pos - coords diffs -= np.round(diffs) dists = np.linalg.norm(, axis=1) id = np.argmin(dists) #print("++++", id, dists[id], id, diffs[id], translation) #; import sys; sys.exit() return diffs[id], dists[id]
[docs] def check_with_ws2(self, ws2, lattice, tm, same_group=True): """ Given two Wyckoff sites, checks the inter-atomic distances between them. Args: ws2: a different Wyckoff_site object (will always return False if two identical WS's are provided) lattice: a 3x3 cell matrix same_group: whether or not the two WS's are in the same structure. Default value True reduces the calculation cost Returns: True if all distances are greater than the allowed tolerances. False if any distance is smaller than the allowed tolerance """ # Ensure the PBC values are valid if self.PBC != ws2.PBC: raise ValueError("PBC values do not match between Wyckoff sites") # Get tolerance tol = tm.get_tol(self.specie, ws2.specie) # Symmetry shortcut method: check only some atoms if same_group is True: # We can either check one atom in WS1 against all WS2, or vice-versa # Check which option is faster if self.multiplicity > ws2.multiplicity: coords1 = [self.coords[0]] coords2 = ws2.coords else: coords1 = [ws2.coords[0]] coords2 = self.coords # Calculate distances dm = distance_matrix(coords1, coords2, lattice, PBC=self.PBC) # Check if any distances are less than the tolerance if (dm < tol).any(): return False else: return True # No symmetry method: check all atomic pairs else: dm = distance_matrix(ws1.coords, ws2.coords, lattice, PBC=ws1.PBC) # Check if any distances are less than the tolerance if (dm < tol).any(): return False else: return True
[docs] def substitute_with_single(self, ele): """ chemical substitution with another element Args: ele (str): e.g. 'Zn' """ self.specie = ele return self
[docs] def substitute_with_linear(self, eles, direction, lattice): """ chemical substitution with another linear building block, e.g. CN Args: eles (str): e.g., ['C', 'N'] neighbors: two nearest neiboring atom xyz """ bond_length = 1.4 #direction = neighbors[1] - neighbors[0] #direction =, lattice) #direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction) # Get the fraction coordinates shift = * direction, np.linalg.inv(lattice)) site1 = self.copy() site2 = self.copy() site1.specie = eles[0] site2.specie = eles[1] site1.update(site1.position + shift) site2.update(site2.position - shift) return site1, site2
[docs] def to_mol_site(self, lattice, molecule, ori=[0, 0, 0], reflect=False, type_id=0): """ transform it to the mol_sites, i.e., to build a molecule on the current WP """ dicts = {} dicts['smile'] = dicts['type'] = type_id dicts['dim'] = 3 dicts['PBC'] = [1, 1, 1] dicts['hn'] = self.wp.hall_number dicts['index'] = self.wp.index dicts['lattice'] = lattice.matrix dicts['lattice_type'] = lattice.ltype dicts['center'] = self.position if not in ["Cl-"]: dicts['orientation'] = np.array(ori) dicts['rotor'] = molecule.get_torsion_angles() dicts['reflect'] = reflect return mol_site.from_1D_dicts(dicts)
[docs] class mol_site: """ Class for storing molecular Wyckoff positions and orientations within the molecular_crystal class. Each mol_site object represenents an entire Wyckoff position, not necessarily a single molecule. This is the molecular version of Wyckoff_site Args: mol: a `pyxtal_molecule <pyxtal.molecule.pyxtal_molecule.html>`_ object position: the 3-vector representing the generating molecule's position orientation: an `Orientation <pyxtal.molecule.Oreintation.html>`_ object wp: a `Wyckoff_position <pyxtal.symmetry.Wyckoff_position.html>`_ object lattice: a `Lattice <pyxtal.lattice.Lattice>`_ object stype: integer number to specify the type of molecule """ def __init__(self, mol, position, orientation, wp, lattice=None, stype=0): # describe the molecule self.molecule = mol self.wp = wp self.position = position # fractional coordinate of molecular center self.orientation = orientation #pyxtal.molecule.orientation object if isinstance(lattice, Lattice): self.lattice = lattice else: self.lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(lattice) self.PBC = self.wp.PBC #self.mol = mol.mol # A Pymatgen molecule object self.symbols = mol.symbols #[site.specie.value for site in self.mol.sites] self.numbers = self.molecule.mol.atomic_numbers self.tols_matrix = mol.tols_matrix self.radius = mol.radius self.type = stype
[docs] def update_molecule(self, mol): self.molecule = mol self.numbers = mol.mol.atomic_numbers self.symbols = mol.symbols self.tols_matrix = mol.tols_matrix self.radius = mol.radius
[docs] def update_orientation(self, angles): # QZ: Symmetrize the angle to the compatible orientation first self.orientation.r = R.from_euler('zxy', angles, degrees=True) self.orientation.matrix = self.orientation.r.as_matrix()
[docs] def update_lattice(self, lattice): # QZ: Symmetrize the angle to the compatible orientation first self.lattice = lattice
def __str__(self): if not hasattr(self.wp, "site_symm"): self.wp.get_site_symmetry() self.angles = self.orientation.r.as_euler('zxy', degrees=True) formula = self.molecule.mol.formula.replace(" ","") s = "{:12s} @ [{:7.4f} {:7.4f} {:7.4f}] ".format(formula, *self.position) s += "WP [{:s}] ".format(self.wp.get_label()) s += "Site [{:}]".format(self.wp.site_symm.replace(" ","")) if len(self.molecule.mol) > 1: s += " Euler [{:6.1f} {:6.1f} {:6.1f}]".format(*self.angles) return s def __repr__(self): return str(self) def _get_dof(self): """ get the number of dof for the given structures: """ freedom = np.trace(self.wp.ops[0].rotation_matrix) > 0 self.dof = len(freedom[freedom==True])
[docs] def save_dict(self): dict0 = {"position": self.position, "wp": self.wp.save_dict(), "molecule": self.molecule.save_str(), "orientation": self.orientation.save_dict(), "lattice": self.lattice.matrix, "lattice_type": self.lattice.ltype, "stype": self.type, } if self.molecule.torsionlist is not None: xyz, _ = self._get_coords_and_species(absolute=True, first=True) dict0['rotors'] = self.molecule.get_torsion_angles(xyz) return dict0
[docs] @classmethod def load_dict(cls, dicts): """ load the sites from a dictionary """ from pyxtal.molecule import pyxtal_molecule, Orientation mol = pyxtal_molecule.load_str(dicts["molecule"]) position = dicts["position"] orientation = Orientation.load_dict(dicts['orientation']) wp = Wyckoff_position.load_dict(dicts['wp']) lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(dicts["lattice"], ltype=dicts["lattice_type"]) stype = dicts["stype"] return cls(mol, position, orientation, wp, lattice, stype)
[docs] def encode(self): """ transform dict to 1D vector [x, y, z, or1, or2, or3, rotor1, rotor2, .etc] """ if len(self.molecule.mol)>1: xyz, _ = self._get_coords_and_species(absolute=True, first=True) #if len(xyz)==3: print("encode: \n", self.molecule.mol.cart_coords) rotor = self.molecule.get_torsion_angles(xyz) ori, _, reflect = self.molecule.get_orientation(xyz) return [self.wp.index] + list(self.position) + list(ori) + rotor + [reflect] else: return [self.wp.index] + list(self.position) + [0]
[docs] def to_1D_dicts(self): """ save the wp in 1D representation """ xyz, _ = self._get_coords_and_species(absolute=True, first=True) dict0 = {"smile":} dict0["rotor"] = self.molecule.get_torsion_angles(xyz) dict0["orientation"], dict0["rmsd"], dict0["reflect"] = self.molecule.get_orientation(xyz) angs = dict0["rotor"] #rdkit_mol = self.molecule.rdkit_mol( #conf0 = rdkit_mol.GetConformer(0) #print(self.molecule.set_torsion_angles(conf0, angs)) #print("save matrix"); print(self.orientation.r.as_matrix()) #print("save angle"); print(self.orientation.r.as_euler('zxy', degrees=True)) #print("angle"); print(dict0["orientation"]) dict0["center"] = self.position - np.floor(self.position) #self.molecule.get_center(xyz) dict0["number"] = self.wp.number dict0["index"] = self.wp.index dict0["PBC"] = self.wp.PBC dict0["dim"] = self.wp.dim dict0["lattice"] = self.lattice.matrix dict0["lattice_type"] = self.lattice.ltype return dict0
[docs] @classmethod def from_1D_dicts(cls, dicts): from pyxtal.molecule import pyxtal_molecule, Orientation mol = pyxtal_molecule(mol=dicts['smile']+'.smi', fix=True) if len(mol.mol) > 1: if len(dicts['smile']) > 1: conf = mol.rdkit_mol().GetConformer(0) if dicts['reflect']: mol.set_torsion_angles(conf, dicts["rotor"], False) xyz = mol.set_torsion_angles(conf, dicts["rotor"], dicts['reflect']) else: # for H2O, use the standard one xyz = np.array([[-0.00111384, 0.36313718, 0. ], [-0.82498189, -0.18196256, 0. ], [ 0.82609573, -0.18117463, 0. ]]) mol.reset_positions(xyz) matrix = R.from_euler('zxy', dicts["orientation"], degrees=True).as_matrix() orientation = Orientation(matrix) else: orientation = Orientation(np.eye(3)) g = dicts["hn"] index = int(dicts["index"]) dim = dicts["dim"] wp = Wyckoff_position.from_group_and_index(g, index, dim, dicts["PBC"]) lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(dicts["lattice"], ltype=dicts["lattice_type"]) position = dicts["center"]["center"], lattice.inv_matrix) position, wp, _ = wp.merge(position, lattice.matrix, 0.01) return cls(mol, position, orientation, wp, lattice)
[docs] def show(self, id=None, **kwargs): """ display WP on the notebook """ from pyxtal.viz import display_molecular_site return display_molecular_site(self, id, **kwargs)
def _get_coords_and_species(self, absolute=False, PBC=False, first=False, unitcell=False): """ Used to generate coords and species for get_coords_and_species Args: absolute: return absolute or relative coordinates PBC: whether or not to add coordinates in neighboring unit cells, first: whether or not to extract the information from only the first site unitcell: whether or not to move the molecular center to the unit cell Returns: atomic coords: a numpy array of atomic coordinates in the site species: a list of atomic species for the atomic coords """ coord0 = wp_atomic_sites = [] wp_atomic_coords = None for point_index, op2 in enumerate(self.wp.ops): # Obtain the center in absolute coords center_relative = op2.operate(self.position) if unitcell: center_relative -= np.floor(center_relative) center_absolute =, self.lattice.matrix) # Rotate the molecule (Euclidean metric) #op2_m = self.wp.generators_m[point_index] op2_m = self.wp.get_euclidean_generator(self.lattice.matrix, point_index) rot = op2_m.affine_matrix[:3, :3].T # NOTE=====the euclidean_generator has wrong translation vectors, # but we don't care. This needs to be fixed later #if self.diag and self.wp.index > 0: # tau = op2.translation_vector #else: # tau = op2_m.translation_vector tmp =, rot) #+ tau # Add absolute center to molecule tmp += center_absolute tmp = if wp_atomic_coords is None: wp_atomic_coords = tmp else: wp_atomic_coords = np.append(wp_atomic_coords, tmp, axis=0) wp_atomic_sites.extend(self.symbols) if first: break if PBC: # Filter PBC of wp_atomic_coords wp_atomic_coords = filtered_coords(wp_atomic_coords, PBC=self.PBC) # Add PBC copies of coords m = create_matrix(PBC=self.PBC, omit=True) # Move [0,0,0] PBC vector to first position in array m2 = [[0, 0, 0]] for v in m: m2.append(v) new_coords = np.vstack([wp_atomic_coords + v for v in m2]) wp_atomic_coords = new_coords if absolute: wp_atomic_coords = return wp_atomic_coords, wp_atomic_sites
[docs] def get_coords_and_species(self, absolute=False, PBC=False, unitcell=False): """ Lazily generates and returns the atomic coordinate and species for the Wyckoff position. Plugs the molecule into the provided orientation (with angle=0), and calculates the new positions. Args: absolute: return absolute or relative coordinates PBC: whether or not to add coordinates in neighboring unit cells unitcell: whether or not to move the molecule center to the unit cell Returns: coords: a np array of 3-vectors. species: a list of atomic symbols, e.g. ['H', 'H', 'O', 'H', 'H', 'O'] """ return self._get_coords_and_species(absolute, PBC, unitcell=unitcell)
[docs] def perturbate(self, lattice, trans=0.1, rot=5): """ Random perturbation of the molecular site Args: lattice: lattice vectors trans: magnitude of tranlation vectors (default: 0.1 A) rot: magnitude of rotation degree (default: 5.0) """ dis = (np.random.sample(3) - 0.5).dot(lattice) dis /= np.linalg.norm(dis) dis *= trans self.translate(dis, True) if rot == 'random': self.orientation.change_orientation() else: self.orientation.change_orientation(angle=rot/180*np.pi)
[docs] def translate(self, disp=np.zeros(3), absolute=False): """ To translate the molecule """ disp = np.array(disp) if absolute: disp = position = self.position + disp self.position = self.wp.project(position)
[docs] def rotate(self, ax_id=0, ax_vector=None, angle=180): """ To rotate the molecule Args: ax_id: the principle axis id ax_vector (float): 3-vector to define the axis angle (float): angle to rotate """ p = self.orientation.r if ax_vector is not None: ax = ax_vector/np.linalg.norm(ax_vector) else: xyz = ax = self.molecule.get_principle_axes(xyz).T[ax_id] q = R.from_rotvec(ax*rad*angle) o = q*p self.orientation.r = o self.orientation.matrix = o.as_matrix()
#def is_compatible_symmetry(self, tol=0.3): # """ # Check if the molecular symmetry matches the site symmetry # """ # mol = self.molecule.mol # if len(mol) == 1 or self.wp.index==0: # return True # else: # pga = PointGroupAnalyzer(mol, tol) # for op in self.wp.symmetry_m[0]: # if not pga.is_valid_op(op): # return False # return True
[docs] def is_valid_orientation(self): pass
[docs] def get_mol_object(self, id=0): """ make the pymatgen molecule object Args: id: the index of molecules in the given site Returns: a molecule object """ coord0 = # # Obtain the center in absolute coords if not hasattr(self.wp, "generators"): self.wp.set_generators() if id <= len(self.wp.generators): #op = self.wp.generators[id] op = self.wp.get_euclidean_generator(self.lattice.matrix, id) center_relative = op.operate(self.position) center_relative -= np.floor(center_relative) center_absolute =, self.lattice.matrix) # Rotate the molecule (Euclidean metric) #op_m = self.wp.generators_m[id] #rot = op_m.affine_matrix[0:3][:, 0:3].T #tau = op_m.affine_matrix[0:3][:, 3] op0 = self.wp.get_euclidean_generator(self.lattice.matrix, id) rot = op0.rotation_matrix.T tmp =, rot) # Add absolute center to molecule tmp += center_absolute return Molecule(self.symbols, tmp) else: raise ValueError("id is greater than the number of molecules")
[docs] def show_molecule_in_box(self, id=0): """ display molecule with box Args: id (int): molecular id """ from pyxtal.viz import display_molecule mol = self.get_mol_object(id) cell, vertices, center = self.molecule.get_box_coordinates(mol.cart_coords) return display_molecule(mol, center, cell)
[docs] def update(self, coords, lattice=None, absolute=False, update_mol=True): """ After the geometry relaxation, the returned atomic coordinates maybe rescaled to [0, 1] bound. In this case, we need to refind the molecular coordinates according to the original neighbor list. If the list does not change, we return the new coordinates otherwise, terminate the calculation. """ from pyxtal.molecule import compare_mol_connectivity, Orientation try: from openbabel import pybel, openbabel except: import pybel, openbabel if lattice is not None: self.lattice = lattice if not absolute: coords = #mol = Molecule(self.symbols, coords-np.mean(coords, axis=0)) center = self.molecule.get_center(coords) mol = Molecule(self.symbols, coords-center) #match, _ = compare_mol_connectivity(mol, self.mol, True) match, _ = compare_mol_connectivity(mol, self.molecule.mol) if match: #position = np.mean(coords, axis=0).dot(self.lattice.inv_matrix) position = self.position = position - np.floor(position) if update_mol: self.orientation = Orientation(np.eye(3)) self.molecule.mol = mol else: m1 = pybel.readstring('xyz','xyz')) m2 = pybel.readstring('xyz','xyz')) aligner = openbabel.OBAlign(True, False) aligner.SetRefMol(m1.OBMol) aligner.SetTargetMol(m2.OBMol) if aligner.Align(): print("RMSD: ", aligner.GetRMSD()) rot=np.zeros([3,3]) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): rot[i,j] = aligner.GetRotMatrix().Get(i,j) if abs(np.linalg.det(rot) - 1) < 1e-2: self.orientation.matrix = rot self.orientation.r = R.from_matrix(rot) else: raise ValueError("rotation matrix is wrong") else: import pickle with open('wrong.pkl', "wb") as f: pickle.dump([mol, self.molecule.mol], f)'', fmt='xyz')'', fmt='xyz') raise ValueError("molecular connectivity changes! Exit")
# todo check if connectivty changed def _create_matrix(self, center=False, ignore=False): """ Used for calculating distances in lattices with periodic boundary conditions. When multiplied with a set of points, generates additional points in cells adjacent to and diagonal to the original cell Args: center: ignore: Returns: A numpy array of matrices which can be multiplied by a set of coordinates """ abc = [self.lattice.a, self.lattice.b, self.lattice.c] # QZ: This should be based on the occupation of current molecule if hasattr(self, 'ijk_lists'): ijk_lists = self.ijk_lists else: ijk_lists = [] for id in range(3): if self.PBC[id]: if not ignore and abc[id] > 25 and self.radius < 10: ijk_lists.append([0]) elif abc[id] < 7.0: ijk_lists.append([-3, -2, -1, 0, 1, 2, 3]) else: ijk_lists.append([-1, 0, 1]) else: ijk_lists.append([0]) if center: matrix = [[0,0,0]] else: matrix = [] for i in ijk_lists[0]: for j in ijk_lists[1]: for k in ijk_lists[2]: if [i, j, k] != [0, 0, 0]: matrix.append([i, j, k]) # In case a,b,c are all greater than 20 if len(matrix) == 0: matrix = [[1,0,0]] return np.array(matrix, dtype=float)
[docs] def get_distances(self, coord1, coord2, m2=None, center=True, ignore=False): """ Compute the distance matrix between the center molecule (m1 length) and neighbors (m2 length) within the PBC consideration (pbc) Args: coord1: fractional coordinates of the center molecule coord2: fractional coordinates of the reference neighbors m2: the length of reference molecule center: whether or not consider the self image for coord2 ignore: Returns: distance matrix: [m1*m2*pbc, m1, m2] coord2 under PBC: [pbc, m2, 3] """ m1 = len(coord1) if m2 is None: m2 = m1 N2 = int(len(coord2)/m2) # peridoic images m = self._create_matrix(center, ignore) #PBC matrix coord2 = np.vstack([coord2 + v for v in m]) # absolute xyz coord1 =, self.lattice.matrix) coord2 =, self.lattice.matrix) d = cdist(coord1, coord2) d = d.T.reshape([len(m)*N2, m1, m2]) return d, coord2.reshape([len(m)*N2, m2, 3])
[docs] def get_dists_auto(self, ignore=False): """ Compute the distances between the periodic images Returns: a distance matrix (M, N, N) list of molecular xyz (M, N, 3) """ m_length = len(self.numbers) coord1, _ = self._get_coords_and_species(first=True, unitcell=True) return self.get_distances(coord1, coord1, center=False, ignore=ignore)
[docs] def get_dists_WP(self, ignore=False, id=None): """ Compute the distances within the WP sites Returns: a distance matrix (M, N, N) list of molecular xyz (M, N, 3) """ m_length = len(self.symbols) coords, _ = self._get_coords_and_species(unitcell=True) coord1 = coords[:m_length] #1st molecular coords if id is None: coord2 = coords[m_length:] #rest molecular coords else: coord2 = coords[m_length*(id):m_length*(id+1)] #rest molecular coords return self.get_distances(coord1, coord2, ignore=ignore)
[docs] def get_min_dist(self): """ Compute the minimum interatomic distance within the WP. Returns: minimum distance """ # Self image ds, _ = self.get_dists_auto() min_dist = np.min(ds) if min_dist < 0.9: # terminate earlier return min_dist else: # Other molecules if self.wp.multiplicity > 1: ds, _ = self.get_dists_WP() if min_dist > np.min(ds): min_dist = np.min(ds) return min_dist
[docs] def short_dist(self): """ Check if the atoms are too close within the WP. Returns: True or False """ m_length = len(self.numbers) tols_matrix = self.tols_matrix # Check periodic images d, _ = self.get_dists_auto() if np.min(d) < np.max(tols_matrix): tols = np.min(d, axis=0) if (tols < tols_matrix).any(): return False if self.wp.multiplicity > 1: d, _ = self.get_dists_WP() if np.min(d) < np.max(tols_matrix): tols = np.min(d, axis=0) #N*N matrix if (tols < tols_matrix).any(): return False return True
[docs] def short_dist_with_wp2(self, wp2, tm=Tol_matrix(prototype="molecular")): """ Check whether or not the molecules of two wp sites overlap. Uses ellipsoid overlapping approximation to check. Args: wp2: the 2nd wp sites tm: a Tol_matrix object (or prototype string) for distance checking Returns: True or False """ # Get coordinates for both mol_sites c1, _ = self.get_coords_and_species() c2, _ = wp2.get_coords_and_species() m_length1 = len(self.numbers) m_length2 = len(wp2.numbers) # choose wp with bigger molecule as the center if len(c2) <= len(c1): coord1 = c1[:m_length1] coord2 = c2 #rest molecular coords tols_matrix = self.molecule.get_tols_matrix(wp2.molecule, tm) m2 = m_length2 else: coord1 = c2[:m_length2] coord2 = c1 tols_matrix = wp2.molecule.get_tols_matrix(self.molecule, tm) m2 = m_length1 # compute the distance matrix d, _ = self.get_distances(coord1-np.floor(coord1), coord2-np.floor(coord2), m2) #print("short dist", len(c1), len(c2), d.min()) if np.min(d) < np.max(tols_matrix): tols = np.min(d, axis=0) if (tols < tols_matrix).any(): return False return True
[docs] def get_neighbors_auto(self, factor=1.1, max_d=4.0, ignore_E=True, detail=False, etol=-5e-2): """ Find the neigboring molecules Args: factor: volume factor max_d: maximum intermolecular distance ignore_E: detail: show detailed energies Returns min_ds: list of shortest distances neighs: list of neighboring molecular xyzs """ mol_center =, self.lattice.matrix) numbers = self.molecule.mol.atomic_numbers coord1, _ = self._get_coords_and_species(first=True, unitcell=True) tm = Tol_matrix(prototype="vdW", factor=factor) m_length = len(self.numbers) tols_matrix = self.molecule.get_tols_matrix(tm=tm) coef_matrix = None if not ignore_E: coef_matrix = self.molecule.get_coefs_matrix() if coef_matrix is not None: A = coef_matrix[:,:,0] B = coef_matrix[:,:,1] C = coef_matrix[:,:,2] min_ds = [] neighs = [] Ps = [] engs = [] pairs = [] dists = [] # Check periodic images d, coord2 = self.get_dists_auto(ignore=True) for i in range(d.shape[0]): if np.min(d[i]) < max_d and (d[i] < tols_matrix).any(): if coef_matrix is not None: if detail: eng = A*np.exp(-B*d[i])-C/(d[i]**6) ids = np.where(eng < etol) #for id in zip(*ids): # tmp1, tmp2 = coord1[id[0]], coord2[i][id[1]] # pairs.append((tmp1+tmp2)/2) # engs.append(eng[id]) # dists.append(d[i][id]) for id in range(len(ids[0])): n1, n2 = numbers[ids[0][id]], numbers[ids[1][id]] if 1 not in [n1, n2]: pos = coord2[i][ids[1][id]] - mol_center pairs.append((n2, pos))#; print('add self', i, n1, n2, pos, d[i][ids[0][id], ids[1][id]], id, np.linalg.norm(pos)) engs.append(eng[ids[0][id], ids[1][id]]) dists.append(d[i][ids[0][id], ids[1][id]]) else: eng0 = A*np.exp(-B*d[i])-C/(d[i]**6) engs.append(eng0.sum()) else: engs.append(None) if detail: #print('MMMMM', d[i].min()) ids = np.where(d[i] < max_d)#; print(ids) for id in range(len(ids[0])): #zip(*ids): n1, n2 = numbers[ids[0][id]], numbers[ids[1][id]] if 1 not in [n1, n2]:# != [1, 1]: pos = coord2[i][ids[1][id]] - mol_center pairs.append((n2, pos))#; print('add self', i, n1, n2, pos, d[i][ids[0][id], ids[1][id]], np.linalg.norm(pos)) dists.append(np.linalg.norm(pos)) tmp = d[i]/tols_matrix _d = tmp[tmp < 1.0] id = np.argmin(tmp.flatten()) d_min = d[i].flatten()[id] min_ds.append(min(_d)*factor) neighs.append(coord2[i]) Ps.append(0) if self.wp.multiplicity > 1: for idx in range(1, self.wp.multiplicity): if self.wp.is_pure_translation(idx): P = 0 else: P = 1 d, coord2 = self.get_dists_WP(ignore=True, id=idx) for i in range(d.shape[0]): if np.min(d[i])<max_d and (d[i] < tols_matrix).any(): if coef_matrix is not None: if detail: eng = A*np.exp(-B*d[i])-C/(d[i]**6) ids = np.where(eng < etol) #for id in zip(*ids): # tmp1, tmp2 = coord1[id[0]], coord2[i][id[1]] # pairs.append((tmp1+tmp2)/2) # engs.append(eng[id]) # dists.append(d[i][id]) for id in range(len(ids[0])): n1, n2 = numbers[ids[0][id]], numbers[ids[1][id]] if 1 not in [n1, n2]: pos = coord2[i][ids[1][id]] - mol_center pairs.append((n2, pos))#; print('add other', i, n1, n2, pos, d[i][ids[0][id], ids[1][id]], np.linalg.norm(pos)) engs.append(eng[ids[0][id], ids[1][id]]) dists.append(d[i][ids[0][id], ids[1][id]]) else: eng0 = A*np.exp(-B*d[i])-C/(d[i]**6) engs.append(eng0.sum()) else: engs.append(None) if detail: #print('OMMMM', d[i].min()) ids = np.where(d[i] < max_d) #for id in zip(*ids): for id in range(len(ids[0])): #zip(*ids): n1, n2 = numbers[ids[0][id]], numbers[ids[1][id]] if 1 not in [n1, n2]: # != [1, 1]: pos = coord2[i][ids[1][id]] - mol_center pairs.append((n2, pos))#; print('add other', i, n1, n2, pos, d[i][ids[0][id], ids[1][id]], np.linalg.norm(pos)) dists.append(np.linalg.norm(pos)) tmp = d[i]/tols_matrix _d = tmp[tmp < 1] id = np.argmin(tmp.flatten()) d_min = d[i].flatten()[id] min_ds.append(min(_d)*factor) neighs.append(coord2[i]) Ps.append(P) if detail: return engs, pairs, dists else: return min_ds, neighs, Ps, engs
[docs] def get_neighbors_wp2(self, wp2, factor=1.1, max_d=4.0, ignore_E=True, detail=False, etol=-5e-2): """ Find the neigboring molecules from a 2nd wp site Returns min_ds: list of shortest distances neighs: list of neighboring molecular xyzs """ tm=Tol_matrix(prototype="vdW", factor=factor) m_length1 = len(self.numbers) m_length2 = len(wp2.numbers) # Get coordinates for both mol_sites c1, _ = self.get_coords_and_species() c2, _ = wp2.get_coords_and_species() coord1 = c1[:m_length1] coord2 = c2 #rest molecular coords tols_matrix = self.molecule.get_tols_matrix(wp2.molecule, tm) coef_matrix = None if not ignore_E: coef_matrix = self.molecule.get_coefs_matrix(wp2.molecule) if coef_matrix is not None: A = coef_matrix[:,:,0] B = coef_matrix[:,:,1] C = coef_matrix[:,:,2] # compute the distance matrix d, coord2 = self.get_distances(coord1, coord2, m_length2, ignore=True) min_ds = [] neighs = [] engs = [] dists = [] pairs = [] for i in range(d.shape[0]): if np.min(d[i])<max_d and (d[i] < tols_matrix).any(): if coef_matrix is not None: if detail: eng = A*np.exp(-B*d[i])-C/(d[i]**6) ids = np.where(eng < etol) for id in zip(*ids): tmp1, tmp2 = coord1[id[0]], coord2[i][id[1]] pairs.append((tmp1+tmp2)/2) engs.append(eng[id]) dists.append(d[i][id]) else: eng0 = A*np.exp(-B*d[i])-C/(d[i]**6) engs.append(eng0.sum()) else: engs.append(None) tmp = d[i]/tols_matrix _d = tmp[tmp < 1] id = np.argmin(tmp.flatten()) d_min = d[i].flatten()[id] min_ds.append(min(_d)*factor) neighs.append(coord2[i]) if detail: return engs, pairs, dists else: return min_ds, neighs, engs
[docs] def get_ijk_lists(self, value=None): """ Get the occupatation in the unit cell for the generating molecule This can be used to estimate the supercell size for finding neighbors Returns PBC """ # Get coordinates for both mol_sites if value is None: ijk_lists = [] c1, _ = self.get_coords_and_species(absolute=False) for id in range(3): if self.PBC[id]: m1 = np.min(c1[:,id]) m2 = np.max(c1[:,id]) max_id = int(np.ceil(2*m2-m1)) min_id = int(np.floor(-m2)) ijk_lists.append(list(range(min_id-1, max_id+1))) else: ijk_lists.append([0]) self.ijk_lists = ijk_lists else: self.ijk_lists = value
[docs] def to_atom_site(self, specie=1): """ transform it to the mol_sites, i.e., to build a molecule on the current WP """ dicts = {} dicts['specie'] = specie dicts['position'] = self.position dicts['hn'] = self.wp.hall_number dicts['index'] = self.wp.index return atom_site.load_dict(dicts)