pyxtal.molecular_crystal module

Module for generating molecular crystals

class pyxtal.molecular_crystal.molecular_crystal(dim, group, molecules, numMols, factor=1.1, thickness=None, area=None, lattice=None, torsions=None, tm=<pyxtal.tolerance.Tol_matrix object>, sites=None, conventional=True, seed=None, random_state=None, use_hall=False)[source]

Bases: object

Class for storing and generating molecular crystals based on symmetry constraints. Based on the crystal.random_crystal class for atomic crystals. Given a spacegroup, list of molecule objects, molecular stoichiometry, and a volume factor, generates a molecular crystal consistent with the given constraints.

  • dim – dimenion (1, 2, 3)

  • group – the group number (1-75, 1-80, 1-230)

  • molecules – a list of pymatgen.core.structure.Molecule objects for each type of molecule. Alternatively, you may supply a file path, or the name of molecules from the built_in database

  • numMols – A list of the number of each type of molecule within the primitive cell (NOT the conventioal cell)

  • factor – A volume factor used to generate a larger or smaller unit cell. Increasing this gives extra space between molecules

  • lattice (optional) – the Lattice object to define the unit cell

  • conventional (optional) – count the atomic numbers in a conventional cell

  • tm (optional) – the Tol_matrix object to define the distances

  • sites (optional) – pre-assigned wyckoff sites (e.g., [[“4a”], [“2b”]])

  • seed (optional) – seeds

  • use_hall – False


The main code to generate a random molecular crystal. If successful, self.valid is True


Generate the initial lattice

set_molecules(molecules, torsions)[source]

Initialize and store molecular information.

This function processes a list of molecules and initializes each one as a pyxtal_molecule object. If torsions are provided, they are applied to the respective molecules during initialization. It stored information in the self.molecules attribute.

  • molecules (list) – A list of molecules, where each entry can either be: - A SMILES string or file path representing a molecule. - An already-initialized pyxtal_molecule object.

  • torsions (list) – A list of torsion angles. The length of torsions must be equal to the length of molecules, or None can be provided if no torsions are needed.


Calculates the valid orientations for each Molecule and Wyckoff position. Returns a list with 4 indices:

  • index 1: the molecular prototype’s index within self.molecules

  • index 2: the WP’s 1st index (based on multiplicity)

  • index 3: the WP’s 2nd index (within the group of same multiplicity)

  • index 4: the index of a valid orientation for the molecule/WP pair

For example, self.valid_orientations[i][j][k] would be a list of valid orientations for self.molecules[i], in the Wyckoff position[j][k]


Initialize and store symmetry sites for each molecule.

This function processes a list of symmetry sites, validates them against the expected number of molecules, and stores them in the self.sites dictionary. Each entry in the sites list can be either a dictionary or another type (list, etc.), and if no valid site is provided for a molecule, None is assigned for that molecule’s site.


sites (list) –

A list of sites corresponding to self.molecules. They can be: - A dictionary of site information (keys represent Wyckoff letters or

other identifiers, and values are the corresponding information).

  • A list or other type representing site information.

  • None, if no symmetry site information is available for that molecule.


Given the molecular stoichiometry, estimate the volume for a unit cell.