pyxtal.molecule module
Module for handling molecules.
- class pyxtal.molecule.Box(dims)[source]
Class for storing the binding box for a molecule.
- Parameters:
dims – [length, width, height]
- class pyxtal.molecule.Orientation(matrix=None, degrees=2, axis=None, random_state=None)[source]
Stores orientations for molecules based on vector constraints. Can be stored to regenerate orientations consistent with a given constraint vector, without re-calling orientation_in_wyckoff_position. Allows for generating orientations which differ only in their rotation about a given axis.
- Parameters:
matrix – a 3x3 rotation matrix describing the orientation (and/or inversion) to store
degrees – the number of degrees of freedom… 0 - The orientation refers to a single rotation matrix 1 - The orientation can be rotated about a single axis 2 - The orientation can be any pure rotation matrix
axis – an optional axis about which the orientation can rotate. Only used if degrees is equal to 1
- change_orientation(angle='random', flip=False, update=True)[source]
Change the orientation of molecule by applying a rotation.
It allows for specification of an angle (or a random angle) to rotate about the constraint axis. If the system has 2 degrees of rotational freedom, the molecule can also be flipped with a probability
- Parameters:
angle (float or str, optional) – The angle to rotate about the constraint axis. If “random”, a random rotation angle is selected
flip (bool, optional) – Whether to apply an random flip. This is only applied if the system has 2 degrees of rotational freedom.
- get_matrix(angle='random')[source]
Generate a 3x3 rotation matrix consistent with the orientation’s constraints. Allows for specification of an angle (possibly random) to rotate about the constraint axis.
- Parameters:
angle – an angle to rotate about the constraint axis. If “random”, chooses a random rotation angle. If self.degrees==2, chooses a random 3d rotation matrix to multiply by. If the original matrix is wanted, set angle=0, or call self.matrix
- Returns:
a 3x3 rotation (and/or inversion) matrix (numpy array)
- get_op()[source]
Generate a SymmOp object consistent with the orientation’s constraints. Allows for specification of an angle (possibly random) to rotate about the constraint axis.
- Parameters:
angle – an angle to rotate about the constraint axis. If “random”, chooses a random rotation angle. If self.degrees==2, chooses a random 3d rotation matrix to multiply by. If the original matrix is wanted, set angle=0, or call self.matrix
- Returns:
pymatgen.core.structure. SymmOp object
- random_orientation()[source]
Applies random rotation (if possible) and returns a new orientation with the new base matrix.
- Returns:
a new orientation object with a different base rotation matrix
- pyxtal.molecule.compare_mol_connectivity(mol1, mol2, ignore_name=False)[source]
Compare two molecules by connectivity
- pyxtal.molecule.find_rotor_from_smile(smile)[source]
Find the positions of rotatable bonds based on a SMILES string.
Rotatable bonds are those which are not part of rings and which fit specific chemical patterns. These torsions are filtered by rules such as avoiding atoms with only one neighbor and avoiding equivalent torsions.
- Parameters:
smile (str) – The SMILES string representing the molecule.
- Returns:
Each tuple represents a torsion as (i, j, k, l) where i-j-k-l are atom indices involved in the rotatable bond.
- Return type:
list of tuples
- pyxtal.molecule.generate_molecules(smile, wps=None, N_iter=5, N_conf=10, tol=0.5)[source]
generate pyxtal_molecules from smiles codes.
- Parameters:
smile – smiles code
wps – list of wps
N_iter – rdkit parameter
N_conf – number of conformers
tol – rdkit parameter
- Returns:
a list of pyxtal molecules
- pyxtal.molecule.get_inertia_tensor(coords, weights=None)[source]
Calculate the symmetric inertia tensor for a molecule.
- Parameters:
coords – [N, 3] array of coordinates
- Returns:
a 3x3 numpy array representing the inertia tensor
- pyxtal.molecule.has_non_aromatic_ring(smiles)[source]
Determine if a molecule has a non-aromatic ring. It checks if a cyclic ring system exists that is not aromatic.
- Parameters:
smiles (str) – A SMILES string representing the molecule.
- Returns:
True if it contains a non-aromatic ring, False otherwise.
- Return type:
- pyxtal.molecule.is_compatible_symmetry(mol, wp)[source]
Tests if a molecule meets the symmetry requirements of a Wyckoff position
- Parameters:
mol – a pymatgen Molecule object.
wp – a pyxtal.symmetry.Wyckoff_position object
- class pyxtal.molecule.pyxtal_molecule(mol=None, symmetrize=True, fix=False, torsions=None, seed=None, random_state=None, tm=<pyxtal.tolerance.Tol_matrix object>, symtol=0.3, active_sites=None)[source]
A molecule class to support the descriptin of molecules in a xtal
Features: 0. Parse the input from different formats (SMILES, xyz, gjf, etc.). 1. Estimate molecular properties such as volume, tolerance, and radii. 2. Find and store symmetry information of the molecule. 3. Get the principal axis of the molecule. 4. Re-align the molecule to center it at (0, 0, 0).
SMILES Format: If a SMILES format is used, the molecular center is defined following RDKit’s handling of molecular transformations:
Otherwise, the center is just the mean of atomic positions
- Parameters:
mol (str or pymatgen.Molecule) – The molecule representation, either as a string (SMILES or filename) or as a pymatgen Molecule object.
tm (Tol_matrix, optional) – A tolerance matrix object, used for molecular tolerances.
symmetrize (bool, optional) – Whether to symmetrize the molecule using its point group.
fix (bool, optional) – Fix torsions in the molecule.
torsions (list, optional) – List of torsions to analyze or fix.
seed (int, optional) – Random seed for internal processes. Defaults to a hex seed.
random_state (int or numpy.Generator, optional) – Numpy random state for random number generation.
symtol (float, optional) – Symmetry tolerance. Default is 0.3.
active_sites (list, optional) – List of active sites within the molecule.
- align(conf, reflect=False, torsionlist=None)[source]
Align the molecule and return the xyz The default CanonicalizeConformer function may also include inversion
- get_box(padding=None)[source]
Given a molecule, find a minimum orthorhombic box containing it. Size is calculated using min and max x, y, and z values, plus the padding defined by the vdw radius For best results, call oriented_molecule first.
- Parameters:
padding – float (default is 3.4 according to the vdw radius of C)
- Returns:
a Box object
- Return type:
- get_box_coordinates(xyz, padding=0, resolution=1.0)[source]
create the points cloud to describe the molecular box
- Parameters:
center – molecular center position
orientation – orientation matrix
padding – padding of the box
resolution – float in angstrom
- Returns:
box axis vertices: [N, 3] array, Cartesian coordinates to describe the box. center: box center
- Return type:
- get_coefs_matrix(mol2=None, ignore_error=True)[source]
Get the Atom-Atom potential parameters E = A*exp(-B*R) - C*R^(-6) according to Gavezotti, Acc. Chem. Res., 27, 1994 in Kcal/mol and angstrom
- Parameters:
mol2 – the 2nd pyxtal_molecule object
tm – tolerance class
- Returns:
a 3D matrix for computing the intermolecular energy
- get_orientation(xyz, rtol=0.15)[source]
For the given xyz, compute the orientation
- Parameters:
xyz – molecular xyz
- get_orientations_in_wp(wp, rtol=0.01)[source]
Compute the valid orientations from a given Wyckoff site symmetry.
- Parameters:
wp – a pyxtal.symmetry.Wyckoff_position object
- Returns:
a list of pyxtal.molecule.Orientation objects
- get_orientations_in_wps(wps=None, rtol=0.01)[source]
Compute the valid orientations from a given Wyckoff site symmetry.
- Parameters:
wp – a pyxtal.symmetry.Wyckoff_position object
- Returns:
a list of operations.Orientation objects
- get_principle_axes(xyz, rdmt=True)[source]
get the principle axis for a rotated xyz, sorted by the moments
- get_rmsd(xyz, debug=False)[source]
Compute the rmsd with another 3D xyz coordinates
- Parameters:
xyz – 3D coordinates
- Returns:
rmsd values transition matrix: 4*4 matrix match: True or False
- Return type:
rmsd (float)
- get_rmsd2(xyz0, xyz1)[source]
Compute the rmsd with another 3D xyz coordinates
- Parameters:
xyz – 3D coordinates
- Returns:
transition matrix:
- Return type:
- get_symmetry(xyz=None, symmetrize=False, rtol=0.3)[source]
- Set the molecule’s point symmetry.
pga: pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer.PointGroupAnalyzer object
pg: pyxtal.symmetry.Group object
symops: a list of SymmOp objects
- Parameters:
symmetrize – boolean, whether or not symmetrize the coordinates
- get_tols_matrix(mol2=None, tm=None)[source]
Compute the 2D tolerance matrix between the current and other molecules
- Parameters:
mol2 – the 2nd pyxtal_molecule object
tm – tolerance class
- Returns:
a 2D matrix which is used internally for distance checking.
- rdkit_mol_init(smile, fix, torsions)[source]
initialize the mol xyz and torsion list
- Parameters:
smile – smile string
fix – whether or not fix the seed
torsions – None or list
- relax(xyz, align=False)[source]
Relax the input xyz coordinates with rdit MMFF
- Parameters:
xyz – 3D coordinates
align – whether or not align the xyz
- Returns:
new xyz eng: energy value
- Return type:
- set_labels()[source]
Set atom labels for the given molecule for H-bond caculation. Needs to identify the following: - (O)N-H - acid-O - amide-O - alcohol-O - N with NH2 - N with NH