Installation and Setup


Versions indicated are those used during development. Other versions may be compatible, but have not yet been tested.

Openbabel is not necessary, and only adds additional file format support for importing molecules. You must install the C++ pacakge before installing the Python bindings. For Debian based systems, your distribution may already have installable packages:

$ sudo apt-get install openbabel
$ pip install openbabel

Also note that the openbabel Python bindings require swig to install:

$ sudo apt-get install swig

Older version of swig (before 2.0) will not work. For other systems, you must compile the openbabel Python bindings yourself. There are tutorials for this on the openbabel website, as well as in the pymatgen documentation.


To install PxXtal, one can simply type

$ pip install pyxtal

or make a copy of the source code, and then install it manually.

$ git clone
$ cd pyxtal
$ pip install .

or update the code to our developing version

$ pip install --upgrade git+

This will install the module. You can check the installation of the code by a simple test run as follows,


You expect to see the following output.

            ______       _    _          _
            (_____ \     \ \  / /        | |
             _____) )   _ \ \/ / |_  ____| |
            |  ____/ | | | )  (|  _)/ _  | |
            | |    | |_| |/ /\ \ |_( ( | | |___
            |_|     \__  /_/  \_\___)_||_|_(___

----------------------(version 0.0.1 )----------------------

A Python package for random crystal generation
The source code is available at
Developed by Zhu's group at University of Nevada Las Vegas

====== Testing functionality for pyXtal version 0.1dev ======
Importing sys...
Importing numpy...
Importing pymatgen...
Importing pandas...
    223     |       223     |       223     |       1.12 s ~
    224     |       224     |       224     |       0.30 s
    225     |       225     |       225     |       0.54 s
    226     |       226     |       226     |       0.45 s
    227     |       227     |       227     |       0.47 s
    228     |       228     |       228     |       1.42 s ~
    229     |       229     |       229     |       0.19 s
    230     |       230     |       230     |       0.18 s

Total time elapsed: 34.15 s

More extensive test can be invoked by running

$ -m all

Ideally, one should see the completion of all modules in the end.