Source code for pyxtal

main pyxtal module to create the pyxtal class

# Standard Libraries
from copy import deepcopy
from random import choice, sample
import itertools
import numpy as np
import json

from ase import Atoms
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure, Molecule

# PyXtal imports #avoid *
from pyxtal.version import __version__
from pyxtal.block_crystal import block_crystal
from pyxtal.crystal import random_crystal
from pyxtal.symmetry import Group, Wyckoff_position
from pyxtal.operations import apply_ops, SymmOp, get_inverse
from pyxtal.wyckoff_site import atom_site, mol_site
from pyxtal.wyckoff_split import wyckoff_split
from pyxtal.molecule import pyxtal_molecule
from pyxtal.lattice import Lattice
from pyxtal.tolerance import Tol_matrix
from pyxtal.representation import representation, representation_atom
from import read_cif, write_cif, structure_from_ext
from pyxtal.constants import letters
from pyxtal.viz import display_molecular, display_atomic, display_cluster
from pyxtal.constants import letters

# name = "pyxtal"

[docs] class pyxtal: """ Class for handling atomic crystals based on symmetry constraints Examples -------- To create a new structure instance >>> from pyxtal import pyxtal >>> struc = pyxtal() one can either use pyxtal to generate a random symmetric structure >>> struc.from_random(3, 227, ['C'], [8]) or load a structure from a file or ASE atoms or Pymatgen structure object >>> struc.from_seed('diamond.cif') # as a string >>> struc.from_seed(diamond_ase) # as a ase atoms object >>> struc.from_seed(diamond_pymatgen) # as a pymatgen structure object as long as the struc is created, you can check their symmetry as follows >>> struc.get_site_labels() {'C': ['8a']} >>> struc ------Crystal from random------ Dimension: 3 Composition: C8 Group: Fd-3m (227) cubic lattice: 4.3529 4.3529 4.3529 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 Wyckoff sites: C @ [0.1250 0.1250 0.1250], WP: 8a, Site symmetry: -4 3 m The structure object can be easily manipulated via `apply_perturbtation` or `subgroup` function >>> struc2 = struc.subgroup_once(H=141) >>> struc2 ------Crystal from Wyckoff Split------ Dimension: 3 Composition: C8 Group: I41/amd (141) tetragonal lattice: 3.3535 3.3535 4.6461 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 Wyckoff sites: C @ [0.0000 0.2500 0.3750], WP: 4b, Site symmetry: -4 m 2 Alternatively, one can easily compute its XRD via the `pyxtal.XRD` class >>> xrd = struc.get_XRD() >>> xrd 2theta d_hkl hkl Intensity Multi 32.706 2.738 [ 1 1 1] 100.00 8 54.745 1.677 [ 2 2 0] 40.95 12 65.249 1.430 [ 3 1 1] 20.65 24 81.116 1.186 [ 4 0 0] 5.15 6 90.236 1.088 [ 3 3 1] 8.24 24 105.566 0.968 [ 4 2 2] 14.44 24 115.271 0.913 [ 5 1 1] 10.03 24 133.720 0.838 [ 4 4 0] 9.80 12 148.177 0.802 [ 5 3 1] 28.27 48 One can also try to get the transition path between two pyxtals that are symmetry related via the `get_transition` function >>> s1 = pyxtal() >>> s2 = pyxtal() >>> s1.from_seed("pyxtal/database/cifs/0-G62.cif") #structure with low symmetry >>> s2.from_seed("pyxtal/database/cifs/2-G71.cif") #structure with high symmetry >>> strucs, _, _, _, _ = s2.get_transition(s1) # get the transition from high to low >>> strucs [ ------Crystal from Transition 0 0.000------ Dimension: 3 Composition: O24Mg4W4Pb8 Group: Pnma (62) orthorhombic lattice: 11.6075 8.0526 5.8010 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 Wyckoff sites: Mg @ [ 0.8750 0.2500 0.7500], WP [4c] Site [.m.] Pb @ [ 0.6406 0.0053 0.7856], WP [8d] Site [1] W @ [ 0.6119 0.2500 0.2483], WP [4c] Site [.m.] O @ [ 0.6292 0.0083 0.2235], WP [8d] Site [1] O @ [ 0.4966 0.2500 0.0093], WP [4c] Site [.m.] O @ [ 0.5055 0.2500 0.4897], WP [4c] Site [.m.] O @ [ 0.7308 0.2500 0.9717], WP [4c] Site [.m.] O @ [ 0.7467 0.2500 0.4570], WP [4c] Site [.m.], ------Crystal from Transition 1 0.323------ Dimension: 3 Composition: O24Mg4W4Pb8 Group: Pnma (62) orthorhombic lattice: 11.6020 8.0526 5.8038 90.0000 90.0000 90.0000 Wyckoff sites: Mg @ [ 0.8750 0.2500 0.7500], WP [4c] Site [.m.] Pb @ [ 0.6250 -0.0053 0.7500], WP [8d] Site [1] W @ [ 0.6250 0.2500 0.2500], WP [4c] Site [.m.] O @ [ 0.6250 0.0083 0.2500], WP [8d] Site [1] O @ [ 0.5158 0.2500 -0.0068], WP [4c] Site [.m.] O @ [ 0.5158 0.2500 0.5068], WP [4c] Site [.m.] O @ [ 0.7342 0.2500 0.9932], WP [4c] Site [.m.] O @ [ 0.7342 0.2500 0.5068], WP [4c] Site [.m.]] Finally, the structure can be saved to different formats >>> struc.to_file('my.cif') >>> struc.to_file('my_poscar', fmt='poscar') or to Pymatgen/ASE structure object >>> pmg_struc = struc.to_pymatgen() >>> ase_struc = struc.to_ase() or to json file >>> struc.to_json('1.json') """ def __init__(self, molecular=False): self.valid = False self.molecular = molecular self.standard_setting = True self.numIons = None self.numMols = None self.source = None self.formula = None self.species = None = None self.lattice = None self.dim = 3 self.factor = 1.0 self.PBC = [1, 1, 1] if molecular: self.molecules = [] self.mol_sites = [] else: self.atom_sites = [] def __str__(self): if self.valid: s = "\n------Crystal from {:s}------".format(self.source) s += "\nDimension: {}".format(self.dim) s += "\nComposition: {}".format(self.formula) #if not self.standard_setting: if self.dim < 3: symbol = else: if self.molecular: symbol = self.mol_sites[0].wp.get_hm_symbol() else: symbol = self.atom_sites[0].wp.get_hm_symbol() s += "\nGroup: {} ({})".format(symbol, s += "\n{}".format(self.lattice) s += "\nWyckoff sites:" if self.molecular: for wyc in self.mol_sites: s += "\n\t{}".format(wyc) else: for wyc in self.atom_sites: s += "\n\t{}".format(wyc) else: s = "\nStructure not available." return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def get_dof(self): """ Get the number of dof for the given structures: """ if self.molecular: sites = self.mol_sites else: sites = self.atom_sites dof = 0 for site in sites: dof += site.dof return self.lattice.dof + dof
[docs] def get_site_labels(self): """ Get the site_labels as a dictionary """ if self.molecular: sites = self.mol_sites names = [ for site in sites] else: sites = self.atom_sites names = [site.specie for site in sites] dicts = {} for name, site in zip(names, sites): label = site.wp.get_label() if name not in dicts.keys(): dicts[name] = [label] else: dicts[name].append(label) return dicts
[docs] def from_random( self, dim = 3, group=None, species=None, numIons=None, factor=1.1, thickness = None, area = None, lattice=None, sites = None, conventional = True, t_factor = 1.0, max_count = 10, torsions = None, force_pass = False, block = None, num_block = None, seed = None, tm = None, use_hall = False, ): if self.molecular: prototype = "molecular" else: prototype = "atomic" if tm is None: tm = Tol_matrix(prototype=prototype, factor=t_factor) count = 0 quit = False while True: count += 1 if self.molecular: struc = block_crystal(dim, group, species, numIons, factor, thickness = thickness, area = area, block = block, num_block = num_block, lattice = lattice, torsions = torsions, sites = sites, conventional = conventional, tm = tm, seed = seed, use_hall = use_hall, ) else: struc = random_crystal(dim, group, species, numIons, factor, thickness, area, lattice, sites, conventional, tm, use_hall = use_hall, ) if force_pass: quit = True break elif struc.valid: quit = True break if count >= max_count: raise RuntimeError("long time to generate structure, check inputs") if quit: self.valid = struc.valid self.dim = dim try: self.lattice = struc.lattice if self.molecular: self.numMols = struc.numMols self.molecules = struc.molecules self.mol_sites = struc.mol_sites self.standard_setting = struc.mol_sites[0].wp.is_standard_setting() else: self.numIons = struc.numIons self.species = struc.species self.atom_sites = struc.atom_sites = self.PBC = struc.PBC self.source = 'random' self.factor = struc.factor self._get_formula() except: pass
[docs] def from_seed( self, seed, molecules = None, tol = 1e-4, a_tol = 5.0, ignore_HH = True, add_H = False, backend = 'pymatgen', style = 'pyxtal', hn = None, standard = False, ): """ Load the seed structure from Pymatgen/ASE/POSCAR/CIFs Internally they will be handled by Pymatgen Args: seed: cif/poscar file or a Pymatgen Structure object molecules: a list of reference molecule (xyz file or Pyxtal molecule) tol: scale factor for covalent bond distance ignore_HH: whether or not ignore short H-H distance in molecules add_H: whether or not add H atoms backend: structure parser, default is pymatgen style: pyxtal for spglib standard: whether or not optimize lattice """ if self.molecular: pmols = [] for mol in molecules: if type(mol) == pyxtal_molecule: pmols.append(mol) else: pmols.append(pyxtal_molecule(mol, fix=True)) #QZ: the default will not work for molecular H2, which is rare! struc = structure_from_ext(seed, pmols, ignore_HH=ignore_HH, add_H=add_H, hn=hn) self.mol_sites = struc.make_mol_sites() = Group(struc.wyc.number) self.lattice = struc.lattice self.molecules = pmols self.numMols = struc.numMols self.standard_setting = True self.valid = True # Need to add a check function if not standard: self.optimize_lattice() else: if isinstance(seed, dict): self.from_dict() elif isinstance(seed, Atoms): #ASE atoms from import AseAtomsAdaptor pmg_struc = AseAtomsAdaptor.get_structure(seed) self._from_pymatgen(pmg_struc, tol, a_tol, style=style) elif isinstance(seed, Structure): #Pymatgen self._from_pymatgen(seed, tol, style=style) elif isinstance(seed, str): if backend=='pymatgen': pmg_struc = Structure.from_file(seed, primitive=True) self._from_pymatgen(pmg_struc, tol, a_tol, style=style) else: #Need to check self.lattice, self.atom_sites = read_cif(seed) wp = self.atom_sites[0].wp = Group(wp.hall_number, use_hall=True) self.standard_setting = wp.is_standard_setting() self.valid = True self.factor = 1.0 self.source = 'Seed' self.dim = 3 self.PBC = [1, 1, 1] self._get_formula()
def _from_pymatgen(self, struc, tol=1e-3, a_tol=5.0, style='pyxtal', hn=None): """ Load structure from Pymatgen should not be used directly Args: struc: input pymatgen structure tol: symmetry tolerance a_tol: angle tolerance style: 'pyxtal' or spglib, differing in the choice of origin hn: hall_number """ from pyxtal.util import get_symmetrized_pmg #import pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher as sm self.valid = True try: sym_struc, number = get_symmetrized_pmg(struc, tol, a_tol, style, hn) #print(sym_struc) #import sys; sys.exit() except TypeError: print("Failed to load the Pymatgen structure") # print(struc) # self.valid = False if self.valid: d = sym_struc.composition.as_dict() species = [key for key in d.keys()] numIons = [] for ele in species: numIons.append(int(d[ele])) self.numIons = numIons self.species = species if hn is None: = Group(number, style=style) else: = Group(hn, use_hall=True) #print([0]); import sys; sys.exit() matrix, ltype = sym_struc.lattice.matrix, self.lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(matrix, ltype=ltype) atom_sites = [] for i, site in enumerate(sym_struc.equivalent_sites): pos = site[0].frac_coords letter = sym_struc.wyckoff_symbols[i] #print(letter) wp = Wyckoff_position.from_group_and_letter(number, letter, style=style, hn=hn) specie = site[0].specie.number #if wp.index>0: print(wp) pos1 = wp.search_generator(pos,[0], tol=tol) #print(pos, pos1,[0]) if pos1 is not None: atom_sites.append(atom_site(wp, pos1, specie)) else: pos1, wp, _ =[0].merge(pos, matrix, 1e-3) if pos1 is None: print("Problem in ", site) print(wp.symbol, wp.number, wp.letter, wp) print('sym_struc_sites', sym_struc) raise RuntimeError("Cannot extract the right mapping from spglib") #break #if len(atom_sites) != len(sym_struc.equivalent_sites): #else: self.atom_sites = atom_sites #import pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher as sm #self.dim = 3 #self.PBC = [1, 1, 1] #pmg1 = self.to_pymatgen() #if not sm.StructureMatcher().fit(struc, pmg1): # raise RuntimeError("The structure is inconsistent after conversion")
[docs] def check_H_coordination(self, r=1.12): """ A function to check short if H is connected to more than one atom Mainly used for debug, powered by pymatgen Args: r: the given cutoff distances Returns: True or False """ if self.dim > 0: pairs = [] pmg_struc = self.to_pymatgen() res = pmg_struc.get_all_neighbors(r) for i, neighs in enumerate(res): if pmg_struc.sites[i].specie.number==1 and len(neighs)>1: return True else: raise NotImplementedError("Does not support cluster for now") return False
[docs] def check_short_distances(self, r=0.7, exclude_H=True): """ A function to check short distance pairs Mainly used for debug, powered by pymatgen Args: r: the given cutoff distances exclude_H: whether or not exclude the H atoms Returns: list of pairs within the cutoff """ if self.dim > 0: pairs = [] pmg_struc = self.to_pymatgen() if exclude_H: pmg_struc.remove_species('H') res = pmg_struc.get_all_neighbors(r) for i, neighs in enumerate(res): for n in neighs: pairs.append([pmg_struc.sites[i].specie, n.specie, n.nn_distance]) else: raise NotImplementedError("Does not support cluster for now") return pairs
[docs] def check_short_distances_by_dict(self, dicts): """ A function to check short distance pairs Mainly used for debug, powered by pymatgen Args: dicts: e.g., {"H-H": 1.0, "O-O": 2.0} Returns: N_pairs: number of atomic pairs within the cutoff """ if self.dim > 0: N_pairs = 0 r_cut = max([dicts[key] for key in dicts.keys()]) pmg_struc = self.to_pymatgen() res = pmg_struc.get_all_neighbors(r_cut) for i, neighs in enumerate(res): ele1 = pmg_struc.sites[i].specie.value for n in neighs: ele2 = n.specie.value key1 = ele1 + '-' + ele2 key2 = ele2 + '-' + ele1 if key1 in dicts.keys() and n.nn_distance < dicts[key1]: N_pairs += 1 elif key1 != key2 and key2 in dicts.keys() and n.nn_distance < dicts[key2]: N_pairs += 1 else: raise NotImplementedError("Does not support cluster for now") return N_pairs
[docs] def to_file(self, filename=None, fmt=None, permission='w', sym_num=None, header="from_pyxtal"): """ Creates a file with the given ame and type to store the structure. By default, creates cif files for crystals and xyz files for clusters. For other formats, Pymatgen is used Args: filename (string): the file path fmt (string): the file type (`cif`, `xyz`, etc.) permission (string): `w` or `a+` sym_num (int): number of sym_ops, None means writing all symops header (string): header Returns: Nothing. Creates a file at the specified path """ if self.valid: if fmt is None: if self.dim == 0: fmt = 'xyz' else: fmt = 'cif' if fmt == "cif": if self.dim == 3: return write_cif(self, filename, header, permission, sym_num=sym_num) else: pmg_struc = self.to_pymatgen() if self.molecular: pmg_struc.sort() return, filename=filename) else: pmg_struc = self.to_pymatgen() if self.molecular: pmg_struc.sort() return, filename=filename) else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot create file: structure did not generate")
[docs] def supergroup(self, G=None, d_tol=1.0): """ Generate a structure with higher symmetry Args: G: super space group number (list of integers) d_tol: maximum tolerance Returns: a list of pyxtal structures with minimum super group symmetries """ from pyxtal.supergroup import supergroup my_super = supergroup(self, G=G) solutions = my_super.search_supergroup(d_tol=d_tol) return my_super.make_supergroup(solutions)
[docs] def supergroups(self, G=None, d_tol=1.0): """ Generate the structures with higher symmetry Args: G: super space group number (list of integers) d_tol: maximum tolerance Returns: a list of pyxtal structures with minimum super group symmetries """ from pyxtal.supergroup import supergroups sup = supergroups(self, G=G, d_tol=d_tol) return sup.strucs
[docs] def subgroup(self, perms=None, H=None, eps=0.05, idx=None, group_type='t', max_cell=4, min_cell=0): """ Generate a structure with lower symmetry Args: perms: e.g., {"Si": "C"} H: space group number (int) eps: pertubation term (float) idx: list group_type: `t`, `k` or `t+k` max_cell: maximum cell reconstruction (float) Returns: a list of pyxtal structures with lower symmetries """ #randomly choose a subgroup from the available list idx, sites, t_types, k_types = self._get_subgroup_ids(H, group_type, idx, max_cell, min_cell) valid_splitters = [] bad_splitters = [] for id in idx: gtype = (t_types+k_types)[id] if gtype == 'k': id -= len(t_types) splitter = wyckoff_split(, wp1=sites, idx=id, group_type=gtype) if not splitter.error: if perms is None: if splitter.valid_split: special = False if self.molecular: for i in range(len(self.mol_sites)): for ops in splitter.H_orbits[i]: if len(ops) < len(splitter.H[0]): special = True break if not special: valid_splitters.append(splitter) else: bad_splitters.append(splitter) else: bad_splitters.append(splitter) else: # apply permuation if len(splitter.H_orbits) == 1: if len(splitter.H_orbits[0]) > 1: valid_splitters.append(splitter) else: bad_splitters.append(splitter) else: valid_splitters.append(splitter) if len(valid_splitters) == 0: #print("try do one more step") new_strucs = [] for splitter in bad_splitters: trail_struc = self._subgroup_by_splitter(splitter, eps=eps) if trail_struc is not None: new_strucs.extend(trail_struc.subgroup(perms, group_type=group_type)) return new_strucs else: #print(len(valid_splitters), "valid_splitters are present") new_strucs = [] for splitter in valid_splitters: #print(splitter) if perms is None: new_struc = self._subgroup_by_splitter(splitter, eps=eps) else: new_struc = self._apply_substitution(splitter, perms) new_strucs.append(new_struc) return new_strucs
[docs] def subgroup_by_path(self, gtypes, ids, eps=0, mut_lat=False): """ Generate a structure with lower symmetry (for atomic crystals only) Args: g_types: ['t', 'k'] idx: list of ids for the splitter eps: degree of displacement mut_lat: mutate the lattice of not Returns: a pyxtal structure with lower symmetries list of splitters """ struc = self.copy() splitters = [] G = for g_type, id in zip(gtypes, ids): if self.molecular: _sites = struc.mol_sites else: _sites = struc.atom_sites sites = [site.wp.index for site in _sites] #print(G.number, id, g_type, sites) splitter = wyckoff_split(G, wp1=sites, idx=id, group_type=g_type) struc = struc._subgroup_by_splitter(splitter, eps=eps, mut_lat=mut_lat) if struc is None: return None splitters.append(splitter) G = splitter.H return struc, splitters
[docs] def subgroup_once(self, eps=0.1, H=None, perms=None, group_type='t', \ max_cell=4, min_cell=0, mut_lat=True, ignore_special=False): """ Generate a structure with lower symmetry (for atomic crystals only) Args: perms: e.g., {"Si": "C"} H: space group number (int) idx: list group_type: `t` or `k` max_cell: maximum cell reconstruction (float) Returns: a pyxtal structure with lower symmetries """ idx, sites, t_types, k_types = self._get_subgroup_ids(H, group_type, None, max_cell, min_cell) # Try 100 times to see if a valid split can be found count = 0 while count < 100: id = choice(idx) gtype = (t_types+k_types)[id] if gtype == 'k': id -= len(t_types) #print(, sites, id, gtype, idx) splitter = wyckoff_split(, wp1=sites, idx=id, group_type=gtype) if not splitter.error: if perms is not None: if len(splitter.H_orbits) == 1: if len(splitter.H_orbits[0]) > 1: return self._apply_substitution(splitter, perms) else: #print("try to find the next subgroup") trail_struc = self._subgroup_by_splitter(splitter, eps=eps, mut_lat=mut_lat) if trail_struc is not None: multiple = sum(trail_struc.numIons)/sum(self.numIons) max_cell = max([1, max_cell/multiple]) ans = trail_struc.subgroup_once(eps, H, perms, group_type, max_cell) if > 1: return ans else: return self._apply_substitution(splitter, perms) else: #print('permuation') if splitter.valid_split: special = False if self.molecular: for i in range(len(self.mol_sites)): for ops in splitter.H_orbits[i]: if len(ops) < len(splitter.H[0]): special = True break if ignore_special: return self._subgroup_by_splitter(splitter, eps=eps, mut_lat=mut_lat) else: if not special: return self._subgroup_by_splitter(splitter, eps=eps, mut_lat=mut_lat) else: #print("try to find the next subgroup") trail_struc = self._subgroup_by_splitter(splitter, eps=eps, mut_lat=mut_lat) if trail_struc is not None: multiple = sum(trail_struc.numIons)/sum(self.numIons) max_cell = max([1, max_cell/multiple]) ans = trail_struc.subgroup_once(eps, H, None, group_type, max_cell) if > 1: return ans count += 1 raise RuntimeError("Cannot find the splitter")
def _apply_substitution(self, splitter, perms): """ Apply the substitution """ try: new_struc = self._subgroup_by_splitter(splitter) except: print(self) print(splitter) print(len(splitter.H_orbits), len(splitter.G2_orbits), len(self.atom_sites)) self._subgroup_by_splitter(splitter) site_ids = [] for site_id, site in enumerate(new_struc.atom_sites): if site.specie in perms.keys(): site_ids.append(site_id) if len(site_ids) > 1: N = choice(range(1, len(site_ids))) else: N = 1 sub_ids = sample(site_ids, N) for sub_id in sub_ids: key = new_struc.atom_sites[sub_id].specie new_struc.atom_sites[sub_id].specie = perms[key] new_struc._get_formula() return new_struc def _get_subgroup_ids(self, H, group_type, idx, max_cell, min_cell): """ Generate the subgroup dictionary """ #transform from p21/n to p21/n, need to fix later, wp.get_transformation_to_std() if not self.standard_setting: self.optimize_lattice(standard=True) if H is not None: if Group(H, quick=True).point_group == group_type = 'k' else: group_type = 't' t_types = [] k_types = [] if group_type == 't': dicts = t_types = ['t']*len(dicts['subgroup']) elif group_type == 'k': dicts = k_types = ['k']*len(dicts['subgroup']) else: dicts = dict2 = t_types = ['t']*len(dicts['subgroup']) k_types = ['k']*len(dict2['subgroup']) for key in dicts.keys(): dicts[key].extend(dict2[key]) Hs = dicts['subgroup'] trans = dicts['transformation'] if idx is None: idx = [] if not self.molecular or>142: for i, tran in enumerate(trans): if min_cell<=np.linalg.det(tran[:3,:3])<=max_cell: idx.append(i) else: # for molecular crystals, assume the cell does not change for i, tran in enumerate(trans): tran = np.abs(tran[:3,:3]) good = True # only accepts trans like [a, b, c] [b, c, a] if != 5 and abs(abs(np.linalg.det(tran))-1)>1e-3: #print(, np.linalg.det(tran)) good = False if good: #print(np.linalg.det(tran), tran) idx.append(i) else: for id in idx: if id >= len(Hs): raise ValueError("The idx exceeds the number of possible splits") if H is not None: idx = [id for id in idx if Hs[id] == H] if len(idx) == 0: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find the splitter") if self.molecular: struc_sites = self.mol_sites else: struc_sites = self.atom_sites sites = [site.wp.get_label() for site in struc_sites] return idx, sites, t_types, k_types def _subgroup_by_splitter(self, splitter, eps=0.05, mut_lat=False): """ Transform the crystal to subgroup symmetry from a splitter object Args: splitter: wyckoff splitter object eps (float): maximum atomic displacement in Angstrom mut_lat (bool): whether or not mutate the lattice """ #print(splitter) lat1 =[:3,:3].T, self.lattice.matrix) multiples = np.linalg.det(splitter.R[:3,:3]) new_struc = self.copy() = splitter.H try: lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(lat1, except: self.optimize_lattice() lat1 =[:3,:3].T, self.lattice.matrix) try: lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(lat1, except: #print('problem with splitter, save it to bug.cif') #print(splitter) #print(self) #self.to_file('bug.cif') #import sys; sys.exit() return None #print(np.linalg.det(lat1)) #print(self.lattice) #print(self.lattice.matrix) #print(splitter.R[:3,:3].T) #print(lat1); import sys; sys.exit() #print(lattice); print(lattice.matrix) if mut_lat: lattice=lattice.mutate(degree=eps, frozen=True) h = splitter.H split_sites = [] if self.molecular: # below only works when the cell does not change # Fix when a, b, c swaps for i, site in enumerate(self.mol_sites): pos = site.position mol = site.molecule ori = site.orientation coord0 =, ori.matrix.T) wp1 = site.wp ori.reset_matrix(np.eye(3)) id = 0 for g1s, ops1, ops2 in zip(splitter.G1_orbits[i], \ splitter.G2_orbits[i], \ splitter.H_orbits[i]): if site.wp.multiplicity == len([0]): #general wyc rot = g1s[0].affine_matrix[:3,:3].T else: #for special wyc, needs to get better treatment op = wp1.get_euclidean_generator(self.lattice.matrix, id) rot = op.affine_matrix[:3, :3].T # xyz in new lattice #coord1 =, rot) #coord1 =, splitter.inv_R[:3,:3].T) #coord1 = np.array([[:3,:3].T, coord) for coord in coord1]) frac =, self.lattice.inv_matrix), rot) frac =, splitter.inv_R[:3,:3].T) coord1 =, lattice.matrix) _mol = mol.copy() center = _mol.get_center(coord1) _mol.reset_positions(coord1-center) #print('============'); print('xyz')) pos0 = apply_ops(pos, ops1)[0] #; print(pos0, pos) pos0 -= np.floor(pos0) dis = (np.random.sample(3) - 0.5).dot(self.lattice.matrix) dis /= np.linalg.norm(dis) pos0 += eps*dis*(np.random.random()-0.5) wp = Wyckoff_position.from_symops(ops2, h) _site = mol_site(_mol, pos0, ori, wp, lattice) _site.type = site.type split_sites.append(_site) id += wp.multiplicity new_struc.mol_sites = split_sites new_struc.numMols = [int(multiples*numMol) for numMol in self.numMols] else: for i, site in enumerate(self.atom_sites): pos = site.position for ops1, ops2 in zip(splitter.G2_orbits[i], splitter.H_orbits[i]): pos0 = apply_ops(pos, ops1)[0] pos0 -= np.floor(pos0) dis = (np.random.sample(3) - 0.5).dot(self.lattice.matrix) dis /= np.linalg.norm(dis) pos0 +=*dis*(np.random.random()-0.5), self.lattice.inv_matrix) wp = Wyckoff_position.from_symops(ops2, h) split_sites.append(atom_site(wp, pos0, site.specie)) new_struc.atom_sites = split_sites new_struc.numIons = [int(multiples*numIon) for numIon in self.numIons] new_struc.lattice = lattice new_struc.source = 'subgroup' return new_struc
[docs] def apply_perturbation(self, d_lat=0.05, d_coor=0.05, d_rot=1): """ perturb the structure without breaking the symmetry Args: d_coor: magnitude of perturbation on atomic coordinates (in A) d_lat: magnitude of perturbation on lattice (in percentage) """ self.lattice = self.lattice.mutate(degree=d_lat) if self.molecular: for site in self.mol_sites: site.perturbate(lattice=self.lattice.matrix, trans=d_coor, rot=d_rot) else: for site in self.atom_sites: site.perturbate(lattice=self.lattice.matrix, magnitude=d_coor) self.source = 'Perturbation'
[docs] def copy(self): """ Simply copy the structure """ return deepcopy(self)
def _get_coords_and_species(self, absolute=False, unitcell=True): """ Extract the coordinates and species information Args: abosulte: if True, return the cartesian coords otherwise fractional Returns: total_coords (N*3 numpy array) and the list of species """ species = [] total_coords = None if self.molecular: for site in self.mol_sites: coords, site_species = site.get_coords_and_species(absolute, unitcell=unitcell) species.extend(site_species) if total_coords is None: total_coords = coords else: total_coords = np.append(total_coords, coords, axis=0) else: for site in self.atom_sites: species.extend([site.specie]*site.multiplicity) if total_coords is None: total_coords = site.coords else: total_coords = np.append(total_coords, site.coords, axis=0) if absolute: total_coords = return total_coords, species def _get_formula(self): """ A quick function to get the formula. """ from pyxtal.database.element import Element formula = "" if self.molecular: numspecies = self.numMols species = [str(mol) for mol in self.molecules] else: specie_list = [] for site in self.atom_sites: specie_list.extend([site.specie]*site.wp.multiplicity) if self.species is None: species = list(set(specie_list)) self.species = species else: species = self.species numIons = np.zeros(len(species), dtype=int) for i, sp in enumerate(species): numIons[i] = specie_list.count(sp) self.numIons = numIons numspecies = self.numIons for i, s in zip(numspecies, species): if type(s) == int: s = Element(s).short_name formula += "{:s}{:d}".format(s, int(i)) self.formula = formula
[docs] def get_zprime(self, integer=False): """ Get zprime for molecular xtal """ mult = len([0]) comp = [c/mult for c in self.numMols] if integer: comp = [int(np.ceil(c)) for c in comp] return comp
[docs] def get_1D_comp(self): """ Get composition for 1d rep of molecular xtal """ comp = [0] * len(self.molecules) for s in self.mol_sites: for i, m in enumerate(self.molecules): if == comp[i] += 1 return comp
[docs] def get_num_torsions(self): """ Get number of torsions for molecular xtal """ N_torsions = 0 for s in self.mol_sites: N_torsions += len(s.molecule.torsionlist) return N_torsions
[docs] def to_ase(self, resort=True, center_only=False): """ Export to ase Atoms object. """ if self.valid: if self.dim > 0: lattice = self.lattice.copy() if self.molecular: if center_only: coords, species = [], [] for site in self.mol_sites: _coords = site.wp.apply_ops(site.position) _coords -= np.floor(_coords) coords.extend( species.extend([site.type+1] * site.wp.multiplicity) else: coords, species = self._get_coords_and_species(True) latt, coords = lattice.add_vacuum(coords, frac=False, PBC=self.PBC) atoms = Atoms(species, positions=coords, cell=latt, pbc=self.PBC) else: coords, species = self._get_coords_and_species() latt, coords = lattice.add_vacuum(coords, PBC=self.PBC) atoms = Atoms(species, scaled_positions=coords, cell=latt, pbc=self.PBC) if resort: permutation = np.argsort(atoms.numbers) atoms = atoms[permutation] return atoms else: coords, species = self._get_coords_and_species(True) return Atoms(species, positions=coords) else: raise RuntimeError("No valid structure can be converted to ase.")
[docs] def to_pymatgen(self, resort=True, shape='upper'): """ Export to Pymatgen structure object. """ if self.valid: if self.dim > 0: lattice = self.lattice.copy() #lattice.reset_matrix(shape) coords, species = self._get_coords_and_species() if resort: permutation = sorted(range(len(species)),key=species.__getitem__) #permutation = np.argsort(species) species = [species[id] for id in permutation] coords = coords[permutation] # Add space above and below a 2D or 1D crystals latt, coords = lattice.add_vacuum(coords, PBC=self.PBC) return Structure(latt, species, coords) else: # Clusters are handled as large molecules coords, species = self._get_coords_and_species(True) return Molecule(species, coords) else: raise RuntimeError("No valid structure can be converted to pymatgen.")
[docs] def to_pyxtal_center(self): """ Export to PyXtal object for molecular centers only. """ if self.valid and self.molecular: new_struc = pyxtal() new_struc.lattice = self.lattice.copy() newsites = [] for site in self.mol_sites: for i, mol in enumerate(self.molecules): if == break newsites.append(atom_site(site.wp, site.position, i+1)) new_struc.atom_sites = newsites = new_struc.standard_setting = site.wp.is_standard_setting() new_struc.numIons = self.numMols new_struc.species = [] for i in range(len(self.molecules)): new_struc.species.append(i+1) new_struc.valid = True new_struc.factor = 1.0 new_struc.source = 'Mol. Center' new_struc.dim = self.dim new_struc.PBC = self.PBC new_struc._get_formula() return new_struc else: raise RuntimeError("No valid structure can be converted to pymatgen.")
[docs] def get_XRD(self, **kwargs): """ Compute the PXRD object. ** kwargs include - wavelength (1.54184) - thetas [0, 180] - preferred_orientation: False - march_parameter: None """ from pyxtal.XRD import XRD return XRD(self.to_ase(), **kwargs)
[docs] def optimize_lattice(self, iterations=5, force=False, standard=False): """ Optimize the lattice if the cell has a bad inclination angles We first optimize the angle to some good-looking range. If standard, force the structure to have the standard setting This only applies to monoclinic systems Args: iterations: maximum number of iterations force: whether or not do the early termination standard: True or False """ for i in range(iterations): lattice, trans, opt = self.lattice.optimize_once() #print(i, opt, self.lattice, "->", lattice) if force or opt: self.transform(trans) else: break # QZ: to check spglib if standard and 3 <= <= 15: if not self.standard_setting: trans1 = self.lattice.get_permutation_matrices() trans2 = self.lattice.get_transformation_matrices() good_trans = None beta_diff = 90 if self.molecular: wp = self.mol_sites[0].wp else: wp = self.atom_sites[0].wp for tran1 in trans1: for tran2 in trans2: _trans = [tran1, tran2] wp0 = wp.copy() lat0 = self.lattice.transform_multi(_trans) wp0.transform_from_matrices(_trans) beta_diff0 = abs(lat0.beta*180/np.pi - 90) #print(wp0, wp0.is_standard_setting()) if wp0.is_standard_setting() and beta_diff0 < beta_diff: good_trans = _trans beta_diff = beta_diff0 if good_trans is not None: for tran in good_trans: self.transform(tran) else: print(self.lattice) if self.molecular: print(self.mol_sites[0].wp) else: print(self.atom_sites[0].wp) msg = "Cannot find the standard setting" raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def get_std_representation(self, trans): """ Perform cell transformation so that the symmetry operations follow standard space group notation """ pass
[docs] def get_1D_representation(self): """ Get the 1D representation class for molecular crystals """ if self.molecular: rep = representation.from_pyxtal(self) else: rep = representation_atom.from_pyxtal(self) return rep
[docs] def transform(self, trans, lattice=None): """ Perform cell transformation and symmetry operation Args: trans: 3*3 matrix lattice: pyxtal lattice object update: whether or not update each wp """ #print(trans) if lattice is None: #print("perform cell transformation") lattice = self.lattice.transform(trans) lattice0 = lattice.copy() lattice0.reset_matrix() if self.molecular: sites = self.mol_sites else: sites = self.atom_sites for j, site in enumerate(sites): pos_abs =, self.lattice.matrix) pos_frac = pos_frac -= np.floor(pos_frac) wp = site.wp.copy() wp.transform_from_matrix(trans, False, update=False) if self.molecular: #Obtain the transformed xyz xyz_abs, _ = site._get_coords_and_species(absolute=True, first=True) xyz_frac = xyz_abs =, lattice0.matrix) mol = site.molecule ori = site.orientation ori.reset_matrix(np.eye(3)) center = mol.get_center(xyz_abs) mol.reset_positions(xyz_abs-center) sites[j] = mol_site(mol, pos_frac, ori, wp, lattice0, site.type) else: sites[j] = atom_site(wp, pos_frac, site.specie) # update the hall number for i, site in enumerate(sites): if i == 0: match_spg, match_hall = site.wp.update() if not match_spg: hall_numbers = [site.wp.hall_number] #site.wp.update_hall(hall_numbers) else: if not match_spg: site.wp.update_hall(hall_numbers) else: site.wp.update_index() # reset the matrix wp0 = sites[0].wp self.lattice = lattice0 self.standard_setting = wp0.is_standard_setting() = Group(wp0.hall_number, use_hall=True)
[docs] def to_json(self, filename='pyxtal.json'): """ Save the model as a dictionary """ from monty.json import MontyEncoder dict0 = self.save_dict() with open(filename, "w") as outfile: json.dump(dict0, outfile, cls=MontyEncoder)
[docs] def from_json(self, filename): """ Load the model from a json file """ from monty.serialization import loadfn data = loadfn(filename) self.load_dict(data)
[docs] def save_dict(self): """ Save the model as a dictionary """ sites = [] if self.molecular: for site in self.mol_sites: sites.append(site.save_dict()) else: for site in self.atom_sites: sites.append(site.save_dict()) dict0 = {"lattice": self.lattice.matrix, "sites": sites, "group":, "molecular": self.molecular, "numIons": self.numIons, "numMols": self.numMols, "factor": self.factor, "PBC": self.PBC, "formula": self.formula, "source": self.source, "dim": self.dim, "valid": self.valid, } return dict0
[docs] def load_dict(self, dict0): """ Load the structure from a dictionary """ = Group(dict0["group"], dict0["dim"]) self.lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(dict0["lattice"], self.molecular = dict0["molecular"] self.factor = dict0["factor"] self.source = dict0["source"] self.dim = dict0["dim"] self.PBC = dict0["PBC"] self.numIons = dict0["numIons"] self.numMols = dict0["numMols"] self.valid = dict0["valid"] self.formula = dict0["formula"] sites = [] if dict0["molecular"]: self.molecules = [None]*len(self.numMols) for site in dict0["sites"]: msite = mol_site.load_dict(site) sites.append(msite) if self.molecules[msite.type] is None: self.molecules[msite.type] = msite.molecule self.mol_sites = sites else: for site in dict0["sites"]: sites.append(atom_site.load_dict(site)) self.atom_sites = sites
[docs] def build(self, group, species, numIons, lattice, sites, tol=1e-2, use_hall=False): """ Build a atomic crystal based on the necessary input Args: group: 225 species: ['Na', 'Cl'] numIons: [4, 4] lattice: lattice object sites: [[{"4a": [0.0, 0.0, 0.0]}], [{"4b": [0.5, 0.5, 0.5]}]] """ from pyxtal.symmetry import choose_wyckoff if self.molecular: raise RuntimeError("Cannot support the molecular crystal") if type(group) == Group: = group else: = Group(group, use_hall=use_hall) # Lattica needs some special handling heree if type(lattice) != Lattice: if type(lattice) == np.ndarray: ltype = if len(lattice) == 3: lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(lattice, ltype=ltype) elif len(lattice) == 6: # cell para [a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma] = lattice lattice = Lattice.from_para(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, ltype=ltype) else: msg = 'Cannot convert the input array to pyxtal.lattice.Lattice' raise ValueError(msg, lattice) else: msg = 'Cannot convert the input array to pyxtal.lattice.Lattice' raise ValueError(msg, lattice) #else: # print(lattice, type(lattice), type(lattice)==Lattice, type(lattice)!=Lattice) # msg = 'The input lattice needs to be a pyxtal.lattice.Lattice class' # raise ValueError(msg, lattice) self.lattice = lattice self.dim = 3 self.factor = 1.0 self.PBC = [1, 1, 1] self.numIons = numIons self.species = species numIons_added = np.zeros(len(numIons), dtype=int) _sites = [] if len(sites) != len(species): print(len(sites), len(species)) raise RuntimeError("Inconsistency between sites and species") wp0 =[0] for sp, wps in zip(species, sites): for wp in wps: if type(wp) is dict: #dict for pair in wp.items(): (key, pos) = pair _wp = choose_wyckoff(, site=key) if _wp is not False: if _wp.get_dof() == 0: #fixed pos pt = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] else: pt = _wp.get_all_positions(pos)[0] _sites.append(atom_site(_wp, pt, sp)) else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot interpret site", key) elif len(wp) == 4: # tuple: (key, x, y, z) = wp _wp = choose_wyckoff(, site=key) if _wp is not False: if _wp.get_dof() == 0: #fixed pos pt = [0.0, 0.0, 0.0] else: pt = _wp.get_all_positions([x, y, z])[0] _sites.append(atom_site(_wp, pt, sp)) else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot interpret site", key) else: # List of atomic coordinates pt, _wp, _ = wp0.merge(wp, lattice.matrix, tol=tol) _sites.append(atom_site(_wp, pt, sp)) self.atom_sites = _sites self.standard_setting = True self.valid = True self.source = 'Build' self._get_formula()
[docs] def get_alternatives(self, include_self=True, same_letters=False, ref_lat=None, d_tol=2.0, f_tol=0.15): """ Get alternative structure representations Args: include_self (bool): return the original structure Return: list of structures """ if include_self: self.wyc_set_id = 0 new_strucs = [self] else: new_strucs = [] # the list of wyckoff indices in the original structure # e.g. [0, 2, 2, 4] -> [a, c, c, e] # ids = [len( for site in self.atom_sites] wyc_sets = No = len(wyc_sets['No.']) letters = wyc_sets['Transformed WP'][0] if No > 1: # skip the first setting since it is identity for no in range(1, No): if same_letters: if wyc_sets['Transformed WP'][no] == letters: add = True else: add = False else: add = True if add: new_struc = self._get_alternative(wyc_sets, no, ref_lat, d_tol, f_tol) if new_struc is not None: new_strucs.append(new_struc) #print("Numbers===============", len(new_strucs)); import sys; sys.exit() return new_strucs
[docs] def to_standard_setting(self): """ A short cut to symmetrize the structure in the stardard setting """ if self.molecular: pmg = self.to_pymatgen() self.from_seed(pmg, molecules=self.molecules, standard=True)
[docs] def resort_species(self, species): """ resort the atomic species Args: species: list of elements, e.g. ['Si', 'O'] """ sp1 = deepcopy(species); sp1.sort() sp2 = deepcopy(self.species); sp2.sort() if sp1 == sp2: self.species = species self.resort() else: ids = [] for specie in species: for j, site in enumerate(self.atom_sites): if site.specie == specie and j not in ids: ids.append(j) self.atom_sites = [self.atom_sites[j] for j in ids] self.species = species self._get_formula()
[docs] def resort(self): """ A short cut to resort the sites by self.molecules or self.species """ ids = [] if self.molecular: for mol in self.molecules: for j, site in enumerate(self.mol_sites): if == and j not in ids: ids.append(j) self.mol_sites = [self.mol_sites[j] for j in ids] else: for specie in self.species: for j, site in enumerate(self.atom_sites): if site.specie == specie and j not in ids: ids.append(j) self.atom_sites = [self.atom_sites[j] for j in ids]
#print(self.atom_sites) def _get_alternative(self, wyc_sets, index, ref_lat=None, d_tol=2.0, f_tol=0.15): """ Get alternative structure representations Args: wyc_sets: dictionary of `Coset Representative` and `Transformed WP` index: the index of target wyc_set ref_lat: a refernece lattice Returns: a new pyxtal structure after transformation """ new_struc = self.copy() # xyz_string like 'x+1/4,y+1/4,z+1/4' xyz_string = wyc_sets['Coset Representative'][index] op = get_inverse(SymmOp.from_xyz_str(xyz_string)) # transform lattice R = op.affine_matrix[:3,:3] #rotation cell = self.lattice.matrix new_lat = Lattice.from_matrix(, cell), ltype=self.lattice.ltype) #matrix = new_lat.matrix if ref_lat is not None: d_tol1, f_tol1, a_tol1, switch = new_lat.get_diff(ref_lat) if (d_tol1 > d_tol and f_tol1 > f_tol) or (a_tol1 > 15.0) or switch: #print('bad setting', new_lat); print(ref_lat) return None new_struc.lattice = new_lat #Lattice.from_matrix(matrix, for i, site in enumerate(new_struc.atom_sites): id = len( - site.wp.index - 1 letter = wyc_sets['Transformed WP'][index].split()[id] wp = Wyckoff_position.from_group_and_letter(, letter) pos = op.operate(site.position) pos1 = wp.search_generator(pos,[0]) if pos1 is not None: new_struc.atom_sites[i] = atom_site(wp, pos1, site.specie) else: return None #print(pos) #print(wp) #raise RuntimeError("Cannot find the right pos") new_struc.source = "Alt. Wyckoff Set [{:d}]: {:s}".format(index, xyz_string) new_struc.wyc_set_id = index return new_struc def _get_alternative_back(self, index): """ Get alternative structure representations Args: index: the index of target wyc_set Returns: a new pyxtal structure after transformation """ new_struc = self.copy() wyc_sets = # xyz_string like 'x+1/4,y+1/4,z+1/4' xyz_string = wyc_sets['Coset Representative'][index] op = SymmOp.from_xyz_str(xyz_string) #op = get_inverse(SymmOp.from_xyz_str(xyz_string)) letters = wyc_sets['Transformed WP'][0].split() letters1 = wyc_sets['Transformed WP'][index].split() for i, site in enumerate(new_struc.atom_sites): #id = len( - site.wp.index - 1 letter1 = site.wp.letter letter = letters[letters1.index(letter1)] #print("transition", letter1, '->', letter) wp = Wyckoff_position.from_group_and_index(, letter) pos = op.operate(site.position) pos1 = wp.search_generator(pos,[0]) if pos1 is not None: new_struc.atom_sites[i] = atom_site(wp, pos1, site.specie) else: print(pos) print(wp) raise RuntimeError("Cannot find the right pos") new_struc.source = "Alt. Wyckoff Set [{:d}]: {:s}".format(index, xyz_string) new_struc.wyc_set_id = index # transform lattice R = op.affine_matrix[:3,:3] #rotation matrix =, self.lattice.matrix) new_struc.lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(matrix, return new_struc
[docs] def check_distance(self): """ Check intermolecular distance for molecular crystal """ if self.molecular: for ms in self.mol_sites: if not ms.short_dist(): return False return True
[docs] def get_density(self): """ Compute density """ return self.to_pymatgen().density
[docs] def has_special_site(self, species=None): """ Check if the crystal has a special site """ special = False if species is None: species = self.species if self.molecular: sites = self.mol_sites else: sites = self.atom_sites for msite in sites: if self.molecular: if msite.wp.index > 0: special = True break else: if msite.specie in species and msite.wp.index > 0: special = True break return special
[docs] def to_subgroup(self, path=None, t_only=True, iterate=False, species=None): """ Transform a crystal with speical sites to subgroup represenatation with general sites Args: Path: list of path to get the general sites iterate (bool): whether or not do it iteratively """ if not self.standard_setting: self.optimize_lattice(standard=True) if species is None: species = self.species # Compute the path is needed if path is None: if self.molecular: sites = self.mol_sites max_index = max([site.wp.index for site in sites]) else: sites = self.atom_sites max_index = max([site.wp.index for site in sites if site.specie in species]) #print([site.wp.index for site in sites]) if self.molecular: path =, t_only) else: path =, t_only) #print(max_index, path) if path is not None: gtypes, ids = [], [] for p in path: gtypes.append(p[0]) ids.append(p[1]) sub, _ = self.subgroup_by_path(gtypes, ids, eps=0) sub.optimize_lattice() sub.source = "subgroup" else: sub = self.copy() if iterate: if sub.has_special_site(): sub = sub.to_subgroup() return sub
[docs] def show(self, **kwargs): """ display the crystal structure """ if self.molecular: return display_molecular(self, **kwargs) else: return display_atomic(self, **kwargs)
[docs] def get_free_axis(self): """ Check if the a, b, c axis have free parameters """ free_axis = for site in self.atom_sites: axis = site.wp.get_frozen_axis() for ax in axis: if ax in free_axis: free_axis.remove(ax) if len(free_axis) == 0: break return free_axis
[docs] def find_matched_lattice(self, ref_struc, d_tol=2.0, f_tol=0.15): """ Compute the displacement w.r.t. the reference structure Args: ref_struc: reference pyxtal structure (assuming the same atomic ordering) d_tol: tolerence of mismatch in the absolute scale f_tol: tolerence of mismatch in the fractional scale Returns: ref_struc with matched lattice """ ref_struc.optimize_lattice() l1 = self.lattice l2 = ref_struc.lattice #print(l1, l2) if <= 15: #QZ: here we enumerate all possible transformations, maybe redundant trans_good, _ = l2.search_transformations(l1, d_tol, f_tol) #print(l1, l2, len(trans_good)); import sys; sys.exit() good_strucs = [] for trans in trans_good: ref_struc0 = ref_struc.copy() for tran in trans: ref_struc0.transform(tran) #print(ref_struc0, len(trans)) if ref_struc0.standard_setting: good_strucs.append(ref_struc0) #============================== To remove #wp = ref_struc0.atom_sites[0].wp #pt = ref_struc0.atom_sites[0].position #if wp.is_standard_setting(): # good_strucs.append(ref_struc0) #else: # valid, vector = wp.check_translation(pt) # if valid: # ref_struc0.translate(vector, reset_wp=True) # ref_struc0.standard_setting = True # good_strucs.append(ref_struc0) return good_strucs else: d_tol1, f_tol1, a_tol1, switch = l1.get_diff(l2) if d_tol1 > d_tol and f_tol1 > f_tol: return [] else: return [ref_struc]
[docs] def check_mapping(self, ref_struc): """ Compute the displacement w.r.t. the reference structure Args: ref_struc: reference pyxtal structure (assuming the same atom order) Returns: True or False """ orders = list(range(len(self.atom_sites))) atom_sites = self.atom_sites for site1 in atom_sites: match = False #search for the best match for i in orders: site2 = ref_struc.atom_sites[i] if site1.specie == site2.specie and site1.wp.index == site2.wp.index: match = True break if match: orders.remove(i) else: return False return True
[docs] def get_disps_single(self, ref_struc, trans, d_tol=1.2): """ Compute the displacement w.r.t. the reference structure Args: ref_struc: reference pyxtal structure (assuming the same atom order) trans: translation vector d_tol: tolerence of mismatch Returns: Atomic displacements in np.array translation: """ cell1 = self.lattice.matrix disps = [] orders = list(range(len(self.atom_sites))) atom_sites = self.atom_sites for site1 in atom_sites: match = False #search for the best match ds = [] ids = [] _disps = [] for i in orders: site2 = ref_struc.atom_sites[i] if site1.specie == site2.specie and site1.wp.index == site2.wp.index: disp, dist = site1.get_disp(site2.position, cell1, trans) #strs = "{:2s} ".format(site1.specie) #strs += "{:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}".format(*site1.position) #strs += " => {:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f} ".format(*site2.position) #strs += "[{:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}] {:6.3f}".format(*disp, dist) #if dist < d_tol*1.2: strs += ' True' #print(strs) if dist < 0.3: match = True break elif dist < 1.2*d_tol: ds.append(dist) ids.append(i) _disps.append(disp) #print("========", ds, ids, site1.specie, site2.specie) if match: disps.append(disp) orders.remove(i) else: if len(ds) > 0: ds = np.array(ds) id = np.argmin(ds) disps.append(_disps[id]) orders.remove(ids[id]) match = True #print(match, site1, site2, trans, dist) if not match: return None, 5.0, False disps = np.array(disps) d = np.max(np.linalg.norm(, axis=1)) return disps, d, True
[docs] def get_disps_optim(self, ref_struc, trans, d_tol): """ Args: ref_struc: reference pyxtal structure (assuming the same atom order) trans: translation vector d_tol: tolerence of mismatch Returns: Atomic displacements in np.array translation: """ from scipy.optimize import minimize def fun(tran, ref_struc, d_tol, axis): for i in range(3): if i not in axis: tran[i] = 0 disp, d, _ = self.get_disps_single(ref_struc, tran, d_tol) return d res = minimize(fun, trans, args=(ref_struc, d_tol, self.axis), method='Nelder-Mead', options={'maxiter': 10}) #print("Best_dist: {:6.3f} [{:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}]".format(, *res.x)) disp, d, _ = self.get_disps_single(ref_struc, res.x, d_tol) return disp, d, res.x
[docs] def get_init_translations(self, ref_struc, tol=0.75): """ Compute the displacement w.r.t. the reference structure Args: ref_struc: reference pyxtal structure (assuming the same atom order) Returns: list of possible translations """ #print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++") #print(ref_struc) axis = self.get_free_axis() translations = [] #choose the one and avoid hydrogen is possible for specie in self.species: for site1 in self.atom_sites: if site1.specie == specie: break for i in range(len(self.atom_sites)): site2 = ref_struc.atom_sites[i] if site1.specie == site2.specie and site1.wp.index == site2.wp.index: trans0 = site1.get_translations(site2.position, axis) translations.extend(trans0) # remove close translations good_translations = [] for trans in translations: match = False for trans_ref in good_translations: diff = trans - trans_ref diff -= np.round(diff) diff =, self.lattice.matrix) if np.linalg.norm(diff) < tol: match = True break if not match: good_translations.append(trans) self.axis = axis return good_translations
[docs] def is_duplicate(self, ref_strucs): """ check if the structure is exactly the same """ lat0 = self.lattice pos0 = self.atom_sites[0].position for ref_struc in ref_strucs: d_tol1, f_tol1, a_tol1, switch = ref_struc.lattice.get_diff(lat0) #print(d_tol1, f_tol1, a_tol1, switch); import sys; sys.exit() if (d_tol1 + a_tol1) < 1e-3 and not switch: if > 15: tran = np.zeros([3]) else: tran = ref_struc.atom_sites[0].position - pos0 disp, d, valid = self.get_disps_single(ref_struc, -tran, d_tol=0.1) #print(self); print(ref_struc), print("=====", d); import sys; sys.exit() if d < 1e-3: return True return False
[docs] def get_disps_sets(self, ref_struc, d_tol, d_tol2=0.3, ld_tol=2.0, fd_tol=0.15, keep_lattice=False): """ Compute the displacement w.r.t. a reference structure (considering all wycsets) Args: ref_struc: reference pyxtal structure (assuming the same atomic ordering) d_tol: maximally allowed atomic displacement d_tol2: displacement that allows early termination kepp_lattice: whether or not change the WP sets Returns: Atomic displacements in np.array """ all_disps = [] all_trans = [] all_ds = [] good_ref_strucs = [] bad_ref_strucs = [] #print(ld_tol, fd_tol) if keep_lattice: ref_strucs_matched = [ref_struc] else: ref_strucs_matched = self.find_matched_lattice(ref_struc, d_tol=ld_tol, f_tol=fd_tol) for i, ref_struc_matched in enumerate(ref_strucs_matched): ref_strucs_alt = ref_struc_matched.get_alternatives(\ ref_lat=self.lattice, d_tol=ld_tol, f_tol=fd_tol) for j, ref_struc_alt in enumerate(ref_strucs_alt): #initial setup d_min = 10.0 disp_min = None tran_min = None trans = [] #print('========================', ref_struc_alt) #print('=======', i, j, len(ref_strucs_matched), len(ref_strucs_alt)) # must have the same wp letters and different strucs if self.check_mapping(ref_struc_alt): #if not ref_struc_alt.is_duplicate(good_ref_strucs+bad_ref_strucs): trans = self.get_init_translations(ref_struc_alt) for k, tran in enumerate(trans): disp, d, valid = self.get_disps_single(ref_struc_alt, tran, d_tol) if valid: if d > 0.3 and len(self.axis) > 0: disp, d, tran = self.get_disps_optim(ref_struc_alt, tran, d_tol) #update if d < d_min: d_min = d disp_min = disp trans_min = tran #strs = "\nlattice {:d} wyc {:d} trans {:d}".format(i, j, k) #strs += "[{:6.3f} {:6.3f} {:6.3f}] {:6.3f}".format(*tran, d) #print(strs) if d_min < d_tol2: # Return it early return disp_min, trans_min, ref_struc_alt, d_min elif d_min < d_tol: # add to database all_ds.append(d_min) all_disps.append(disp_min) all_trans.append(trans_min) good_ref_strucs.append(ref_struc_alt) elif d_min < 5.1: # add bad bad_ref_strucs.append(ref_struc_alt) #choose the best #print("Good_candiates", len(good_ref_strucs), "Bad canidates", len(bad_ref_strucs)) if len(all_ds) > 0: all_ds = np.array(all_ds) id = np.argmin(all_ds) if all_ds[id] < d_tol: return all_disps[id], all_trans[id], good_ref_strucs[id], all_ds[id] else: return None, None, None, None else: return None, None, None, None return None, None, None, None
def _get_elements_and_sites(self): """ Sometimes, the atoms are not arranged in order group the elements, sites Returns: elements: ['Si', 'O'] sites: [['4b'], ['4a','4a']] """ elements = [] sites = [] for at_site in self.atom_sites: e = at_site.specie site = at_site.wp.get_label() if e not in elements: elements.append(e) sites.append([site]) else: id = elements.index(e) sites[id].append(site) return elements, sites
[docs] def sort_sites_by_mult(self): mults = np.array([site.wp.multiplicity for site in self.atom_sites]) seq = np.argsort(mults) self.atom_sites = [self.atom_sites[i] for i in seq]
[docs] def sort_sites_by_numIons(self, seq=None): if seq is None: seq = np.argsort(self.numIons) sites = [] for i in seq: for site in self.atom_sites: if self.species[i] == site.specie: sites.append(site) self.atom_sites = sites
[docs] def get_transition(self, ref_struc, d_tol=1.0, d_tol2=0.3, N_images=2, max_path=30, both=False): """ Get the splitted wyckoff information along a given path: Args: ref_struc: structure with subgroup symmetry d_tol: maximally allowed atomic displacement d_tol2: displacement that allows early termination N_images: number of intermediate images max_path: maximum number of paths both: whether or not do interpolation along both sides Returns: - strucs: - displacements: - cell translation: - the list of space groups along the path - the list of splitters along the path """ #ref_struc.sort_sites_by_numIons() #self.sort_sites_by_numIons() paths = if len(paths) == 0: print("No valid paths between the structure pairs") return None, None, None, None, None else: Skipped = len(paths) - max_path if Skipped > 0: paths = paths[:max_path] #sample(paths, max_path) good_ds = [] good_strucs = [] good_disps = [] good_paths = [] good_trans = [] good_splitters = [] for p in paths: r = self.get_transition_by_path(ref_struc, p, d_tol, d_tol2, N_images, both) (strucs, disp, tran, count, sps) = r if count == 0: # prepare more paths to increase diversity add_paths = for p0 in add_paths: r = self.get_transition_by_path(ref_struc, p0, d_tol, d_tol2, N_images, both) (strucs, disp, tran, count, sps) = r if strucs is not None: if strucs[-1].disp < d_tol2: #stop return strucs, disp, tran, p0, sps else: good_ds.append(strucs[-1].disp) good_disps.append(disp) good_paths.append(p0) good_strucs.append(strucs) good_trans.append(tran) good_splitters.append(sps) else: if strucs is not None: if strucs[-1].disp < d_tol2: return strucs, disp, tran, p, sps else: good_ds.append(strucs[-1].disp) good_disps.append(disp) good_paths.append(p) good_strucs.append(strucs) good_trans.append(tran) good_splitters.append(sps) # Early stop if len(good_ds) > 5: break if len(good_ds) > 0: #print("Number of candidate path:", len(good_ds)) good_ds = np.array(good_ds) id = np.argmin(good_ds) return good_strucs[id], good_disps[id], good_trans[id], good_paths[id], good_splitters[id] if Skipped > 0: print("Warning: ignore some solutions: ", Skipped) return None, None, None, p, None
[docs] def get_transition_by_path(self, ref_struc, path, d_tol, d_tol2=0.5, N_images=2, both=False): """ Get the splitted wyckoff information along a given path: Args: ref_struc: structure with subgroup symmetry path: a list of transition path d_tol: maximally allowed atomic displacement d_tol2: displacement that allows early termination N_images: number of intermediate images both: interpolation on both sides Returns: - strucs: - displacements: - cell translation: """ import string #print("Searching the transition path.....", path) # Here we only check symbols count_match = 0 elements0, sites_G = self._get_elements_and_sites() elements1, sites_H = ref_struc._get_elements_and_sites() # resort sites_H based on elements0 seq = list(map(lambda x: elements1.index(x), elements0)) sites_H = [sites_H[i] for i in seq] numIons_H = [] for site in sites_H: numIons_H.append(sum([int(l[:-1]) for l in site])) # enumerate all possible solutions ids = [] g_types = [] G = for p in path[1:]: dicts, g_type = G.get_max_subgroup(p) _ids = [] for i, sub in enumerate(dicts['subgroup']): tran = dicts['transformation'][i] if sub == p and np.linalg.det(tran[:3,:3]) <= 4: _ids.append(i) ids.append(_ids) g_types.append(g_type) G = Group(p, quick=True) #print(ids) sols = list(itertools.product(*ids)) #loop over all disps = [] refs = [] trans = [] ds = [] splitters = [] for sol in sols: _sites = deepcopy(sites_G) G = sol = list(sol) #mult = 1 for p, s in zip(path[1:], sol): _sites0 = [] dicts, _ = G.get_max_subgroup(p) relation = dicts['relations'][s] #tran = dicts['transformation'][s]; mult *= np.linalg.det(tran[:3,:3]) # add site for each element for site in _sites: _site = [] for label in site: try: index = string.ascii_lowercase.index(label[-1]) except ValueError: #'8A' index = 26 _site.extend(relation[index]) _sites0.append(_site) _sites = _sites0 G = Group(p, quick=True) #print('============', path, mult) # match in sites and numbers match = True for i, site in enumerate(_sites): # sites if len(site) != len(sites_H[i]): #print("bad sites", elements0[i], site, sites_H[i]) match = False break # composition else: number = sum([int(l[:-1]) for l in site]) if number != numIons_H[i]: #print("bad number", site, number, numIons_H[i]) match = False break #if int(mult) == 2: print(path, _sites0, match) # make subgroup if match: count_match += 1 s, sps = self.subgroup_by_path(g_types, ids=sol, eps=0) if s is not None: disp, tran, s, max_disp = ref_struc.get_disps_sets(s, d_tol, d_tol2) #import sys; sys.exit() if disp is not None: # early termination if max_disp < d_tol2: cell = s.lattice.matrix strucs = ref_struc.make_transitions(disp, cell, tran, N_images, both) return strucs, disp, tran, count_match, sps else: disps.append(disp) refs.append(s) trans.append(tran) ds.append(max_disp) splitters.append(sps) if len(ds) > 0: ds = np.array(ds) id = np.argmin(ds) cell = refs[id].lattice.matrix tran = trans[id] disp = disps[id] sps = splitters[id] strucs = ref_struc.make_transitions(disp, cell, tran, N_images, both) return strucs, disp, tran, count_match, splitters else: return None, None, None, count_match, None
[docs] def translate(self, trans, reset_wp=False): """ move the atomic sites along a translation Note that this may change the structure Args: trans: 1*3 vector """ for site in self.atom_sites: site.update(site.position + trans, reset_wp=reset_wp)
[docs] def make_transitions(self, disps, lattice=None, translation=None, N_images=3, both=False): """ make the pyxtals by following the atomic displacements Args: disps: N*3 atomic displacements in fractional coordinates lattice: 3*3 cell matrix (self.lattice.matrix if None) translation: overall translation N_images: number of images both: whether or not interpolar on both sides """ N_images = max([N_images, 2]) cell = self.lattice.matrix strucs = [] disps = np.array(disps) disps /= (N_images-1) max_disp = np.max(np.linalg.norm(, axis=1)) if lattice is None: l_disps = np.zeros([3, 3]) else: l_disps = (lattice - cell) / (N_images - 1) if translation is None: translation = np.zeros([3]) if both: i_list = range(0, 2*N_images-1) else: i_list = range(N_images) for i in i_list: struc = self.copy() for j, site in enumerate(struc.atom_sites): coord = site.position + i*disps[j] + translation struc.atom_sites[j].update(coord) struc.source = 'Transition {:d} {:6.3f}'.format(i, max_disp*i) struc.disp = max_disp*i if i >= N_images: struc.lattice.set_matrix(cell - (i-2*(N_images-1))*l_disps) else: struc.lattice.set_matrix(cell + i*l_disps) strucs.append(struc) return strucs
[docs] def get_intermolecular_energy(self, factor=2.0, max_d=10.0): """ For molecular crystals, get the intermolecular interactions from Gavezzotti, A., Filippini, G., J. Phys. Chem., 1994, 98 (18), 4831-4837 Returns: Total energy """ eng = 0 for i in range(len(self.mol_sites)): res = self.get_neighboring_molecules(i, factor=factor, max_d=max_d, ignore_E=False) eng += np.array(res[-1]).sum() return eng
[docs] def get_neighboring_molecules(self, site_id=0, factor=1.5, max_d=5.0, ignore_E=True): """ For molecular crystals, get the neighboring molecules for a given WP Args: site_id: the index of reference site factor: factor of vdw tolerance max_d: ignore_E: Returns: min_ds: list of shortest distances neighs: list of neighboring molecular xyzs comps: list of molecular types Ps: list of [0, 1] to distinguish self and other molecules engs: list of energies from atom-atom potential """ min_ds = [] neighs = [] comps = [] Ps = [] engs = [] site0 = self.mol_sites[site_id] site0.get_ijk_lists() for id0, site1 in enumerate(self.mol_sites): if id0 == site_id: min_d0, neigh0, P, eng = site0.get_neighbors_auto(factor, max_d, ignore_E) else: min_d0, neigh0, eng = site0.get_neighbors_wp2(site1, factor, max_d, ignore_E) P = [1]*len(neigh0) comp = [site1.type]*len(min_d0) neighs.extend(neigh0) min_ds.extend(min_d0) Ps.extend(P) comps.extend(comp) engs.extend(eng) if engs[0] is None: #sort by distance ids = np.argsort(min_ds) else: #sort by energy ids = np.argsort(engs) #min_ds) neighs = [neighs[i] for i in ids] comps = [comps[i] for i in ids] min_ds = [min_ds[i] for i in ids] Ps = [Ps[i] for i in ids] engs = [engs[i] for i in ids] return min_ds, neighs, comps, Ps, engs
[docs] def get_spherical_images(self, **kwargs): """ get the spherical image representation Args: model: either 'molecule' or 'contacts' Returns: the sph class """ from pyxtal.descriptor import spherical_image sph = spherical_image(self, **kwargs) return sph
[docs] def get_neighboring_dists(self, site_id=0, factor=1.5, max_d=5.0): """ For molecular crystals, get the neighboring molecules for a given WP Args: site_id: the index of reference site factor: factor of vdw tolerance max_d: maximum distances Returns: pairs: list of short contact pairs engs: list of energies from atom-atom potential """ pairs = [] engs = [] dists = [] site0 = self.mol_sites[site_id] site0.get_ijk_lists() for id0, site1 in enumerate(self.mol_sites): if id0 == site_id: _eng, _pair, _dist = site0.get_neighbors_auto(factor, max_d, False, detail=True) else: _eng, _pair, _dist = site0.get_neighbors_wp2(site1, factor, max_d, False, detail=True) pairs.extend([p[1] for p in _pair]) engs.extend(_eng) dists.extend(_dist) return engs, pairs, dists
[docs] def show_mol_cluster(self, id, factor=1.5, max_d=4.0, plot=True, ignore_E=False, cmap='YlGn', **kwargs): """ display the local packing environment for a selected molecule """ np.set_printoptions(precision=3) min_ds, neighs, comps, Ps, engs = self.get_neighboring_molecules(id, factor, max_d, ignore_E) print("Number of neighboring molecules", len(engs)) print(np.array(engs)) if plot: import matplotlib.pyplot as plt #from scipy.ndimage.filters import gaussian_filter1d plt.figure() x_min, x_max, size = 0, 2.5, 100 res = (x_max-x_min)/size plt.gca() x = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, size) y = np.zeros([size, 2]) for d, p in zip(min_ds, Ps): j = round(d/res) if p == 0: y[j, 0] += 1 else: y[j, 1] += 1 #y[:, 1] = gaussian_filter1d(y[:, 0], 0.2) plt.plot(x, y[:,0], c='g', label='Self({:d})'.format(int(sum(y[:,0])))) if np.sum(y[:,1]) > 1e-1: plt.plot(x, y[:,1], c='c', label='Other({:d})'.format(int(sum(y[:,1])))) cut = min_ds[-1] CN = len(min_ds) plt.axvline(x=cut, c='r', ls=':', label='Cutoff_{:d}'.format(CN)) plt.legend() plt.xlim([x_min, x_max]) plt.xlabel('R') plt.ylabel('Intensity') site0 = self.mol_sites[id] coord0, specie0 = site0._get_coords_and_species(absolute=True, first=True) molecules = [Molecule(specie0, coord0)] for neigh, typ in zip(neighs, comps): specie0 = self.molecules[typ].mol.atomic_numbers molecules.append(Molecule(specie0, neigh)) return display_cluster(molecules, self.lattice.matrix, engs, cmap, **kwargs)
[docs] def substitute(self, dicts): """ A quick function to apply substitution Args: dicts: e.g., {"F": "Cl"} """ pmg = self.to_pymatgen() pmg.replace_species(dicts) if self.molecular: for e1e in dicts.keys(): smi = [, dicts[ele]) + '.smi' for m in self.molecules] self.from_seed(pmg, smi) else: self.from_seed(pmg)
[docs] def remove_species(self, species): """ To remove the atom_sites by specie name Args: dicts: e.g., ["O"] """ numIons = [] new_species = [] sites = [] count = 0 for site in self.atom_sites: sp = site.specie if sp not in species: num = site.wp.multiplicity sites.append(site) if sp in new_species: id = new_species.index(sp) numIons[id] += num else: new_species.append(sp) numIons.append(num) count += num struc = self.copy() struc.atom_sites = sites struc.numIons = numIons struc.species = new_species struc.resort() return struc
[docs] def substitute_linear(self, dicts): """ This is mainly designed for substitution between single atom and the linear block e.g., we want to make Zn(CN)2 from SiO2 Args: dicts: e.g., {"Si": ["Zn"], "O": ["C","N"]} """ from ase.neighborlist import neighbor_list if not hasattr(self, 'cutoff'): self.set_cutoff() cutoff = self.cutoff atoms = self.to_ase(resort=False) (id1, id2, shifts) = neighbor_list('ijS', atoms, cutoff) self.lattice = self.lattice.scale(1.5) matrix = self.lattice.matrix numIons = [] species = [] sites = [] count = 0 for site in self.atom_sites: sp = site.specie if sp in dicts.keys(): if len(dicts[sp]) == 1: e = dicts[sp][0] sites.append(site.substitute_with_single(e)) if e in species: id = species.index(e) numIons[id] += site.wp.multiplicity else: species.append(e) numIons.append(site.wp.multiplicity) else: eles = dicts[sp] ids = id2[id1==count] # index of ids neighbors = atoms.positions[ids] + shifts[id1==count].dot(atoms.cell) direction = neighbors[1] - neighbors[0] direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction) s1, s2 = site.substitute_with_linear(eles, direction, matrix) for e in eles: if e in species: id = species.index(e) numIons[id] += site.wp.multiplicity else: species.append(e) numIons.append(site.wp.multiplicity) sites.append(s1) sites.append(s2) else: sites.append(site) count += site.wp.multiplicity struc = self.copy() struc.atom_sites = sites struc.numIons = numIons struc.species = species struc.resort() return struc
[docs] def remove_water(self): """ Remove water from hydrates """ molecules = [] numMols = [] sites = [] for i, m in enumerate(self.molecules): symbols = deepcopy(m.symbols) symbols.sort() if len(symbols)!=3 and symbols != ['H', 'H', 'O']: molecules.append(m) numMols.append(self.numMols[i]) for site in self.mol_sites: symbols1 = site.molecule.symbols for i, m in enumerate(molecules): symbols2 = m.symbols if len(symbols1)==len(symbols2) and symbols1==symbols2: site.type = i sites.append(site) #print("add sites", i, m) break self.molecules = molecules self.numMols = numMols self.mol_sites = sites
[docs] def set_cutoff(self, exclude_ii=False): """ get the cutoff dictionary """ cutoff = {} tm = Tol_matrix(prototype="molecular") for i in range(len(self.species)): s1 = self.species[i] for j in range(i, len(self.species)): s2 = self.species[j] select = True if exclude_ii and s1 == s2: select = False if select: tuple_elements = (s1, s2) cutoff[tuple_elements] = tm.get_tol(s1, s2) self.cutoff = cutoff
[docs] def set_site_coordination(self, cutoff=None, verbose=False, exclude_ii=False): """ Compute the coordination number from each atomic site """ from ase.neighborlist import neighbor_list if cutoff is None: #if not hasattr(self, 'cutoff'): self.set_cutoff(exclude_ii) cutoff = self.cutoff if verbose: print("\n The cutoff values for CN calculation are") print(cutoff) atoms = self.to_ase(resort=False) NL = neighbor_list('i', atoms, cutoff) coords = np.bincount(NL) count = 0 for site in self.atom_sites: if count >= len(coords): site.coordination = 0 else: site.coordination = coords[count] count += site.multiplicity
[docs] def get_dimensionality(self, cutoff=None): """ A quick wrapper to compute dimensionality from pymatgen The dimensionality of the structure can be 1/2/3 """ from pymatgen.analysis.dimensionality import get_dimensionality_gorai if cutoff is None: if not hasattr(self, 'cutoff'): self.set_cutoff() cutoff = self.cutoff return get_dimensionality_gorai(self.to_pymatgen(), bonds=cutoff)
[docs] def from_CSD(self, csd_code): """ Download the crystal from CCDC if csd_code is given, return the single pyxtal object if csd_family is given, do group analysis and ignore high pressure form Args: csd_code: e.g., ``ACSALA01`` """ from pyxtal.util import process_csd_cif, get_struc_from__parser from pyxtal.msg import ReadSeedError, CSDError from pymatgen.core.periodic_table import Element from import CifParser try: from ccdc import io except: msg = 'No CSD-python api is available' raise CSDError(msg) try: from rdkit import Chem except: msg = 'No rdkit is available' raise CSDError(msg) try: entry = io.EntryReader('CSD').entry(csd_code) except: msg = 'Unknown CSD entry: ' + csd_code raise CSDError(msg) if entry.has_3d_structure: smi = entry.molecule.smiles if smi is None: raise CSDError("No smile from CSD") elif len(smi) > 350: raise CSDError("long smile {:s}".format(smi)) else: if Chem.MolFromSmiles(smi) is None: raise CSDError("problematic smiles: {:s}".format(smi)) cif = entry.to_string(format='cif') smiles = [s+'.smi' for s in smi.split('.')] # remove duplicates smiles = list(set(smiles)) smi1 = '' for i, s in enumerate(smiles): smi1 += s[:-4] if i + 1 < len(smiles): smi1 += '.' self.tag = {'smiles': smi1, 'csd_code': csd_code, 'ccdc_number': entry.ccdc_number, #'publication': entry.publication, } cif = process_csd_cif(cif) #, remove_H=True) remove_H = False #print(cif) try: parser = CifParser.from_str(cif, occupancy_tolerance=2.0) pmg = get_struc_from__parser(parser) #pmg = Structure.from_str(cif, fmt='cif') except: print(cif) msg = "Problem in parsing CSD cif" raise CSDError(msg) organic = True for ele in pmg.composition.elements: if ele.symbol == 'D': pmg.replace_species({ele: Element("H")}) elif ele.value not in ["C", "Si", "H", "O", "N", "S", "F", "Cl", "Br", "I", "P"]: organic = False break if not organic: msg = "Cannot handle the organometallic entry from CSD: " msg += entry.formula raise CSDError(msg) else: #print(smiles); self.from_seed(pmg, smiles) try: #print(smiles)#; import sys; sys.exit() self.from_seed(pmg, smiles) except ReadSeedError: try: #print("Add_H=============================================") self.from_seed(pmg, smiles, add_H=True) remove_H = True except: msg = 'unknown problems in Reading CSD {:s} {:s}'.format(csd_code, smi) raise CSDError(msg) except: msg = 'unknown problems in Reading CSD {:s} {:s}'.format(csd_code, smi) raise CSDError(msg) self.source = 'CSD: ' + csd_code else: msg = csd_code + ' does not have 3D structure' raise CSDError(msg) #check if the dumped cif is correct cif0 = self.to_file() try: pmg_c = Structure.from_str(cif0, fmt='cif') except: print(cif0) raise CSDError("Cif Error")
#import sys; sys.exit() #==================== ##check if the structure is consistent with the origin #pmg0 = self.to_pymatgen() #shape='lower') #if remove_H: # print("REMOVE H") # pmg.remove_species('H') # pmg0.remove_species('H') #import pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher as sm #if not sm.StructureMatcher().fit(pmg0, pmg): # pmg = Structure.from_str(cif, fmt='cif') # #pmg0 = Structure.from_str(self.to_file(), fmt='cif') # pmg0 = Structure.from_str('cif'), fmt='cif') # print(cif) # print(self) # print(pmg0) # pmg0.remove_species('H'); pmg0.remove_species('O') # pmg.remove_species('H'); pmg.remove_species('O') # #print('cif')) # print(sm.StructureMatcher().fit(pmg0, pmg)) # print(pmg) #reference # print(pmg0) #pyxtal # #print(cif) # #print(self.to_file()) # print("Wrong", csd_code); import sys; sys.exit()
[docs] def get_structure_factor(self, hkl, coeffs=None): """ Compute the structure factor for a given hkl plane Args: - hkl: three indices hkl plane - coeffs (N lengths): Atomic scatering factors """ coords, species = self._get_coords_and_species() g_dot_rs =, np.array(hkl)) F = np.exp(-2*np.pi*(1j)*g_dot_rs) if coeffs is not None: F *= coeffs return F.sum()
[docs] def to_molecular_xtal(self, molecules, oris=None, reflects=None): """ Convert the atomic xtal to molecular xtal the input molecules must have the same length of the self.atom_sites """ if not self.molecular: xtal = pyxtal(molecular=True) # updates mol_sites sites = [] for i, site in enumerate(self.atom_sites): if oris is None: ori = [0, 0, 0] else: ori = oris[i] if reflects is None: reflect = False else: reflect = reflects[i] sites.append(site.to_mol_site(self.lattice, molecules[i], ori=ori, reflect=reflect)) xtal.lattice = self.lattice = xtal.mol_sites = sites xtal.numMols = [sum([wp.multiplicity for wp in self.atom_sites])] xtal._get_formula() xtal.valid = True xtal.source = 'Center' return xtal else: raise RuntimeError('The input must be molecular xtal')
[docs] def to_atomic_xtal(self): """ Convert the molecular """ if self.molecular: xtal = pyxtal() sites = [] for i, site in enumerate(self.mol_sites): sites.append(site.to_atom_site(i+1)) xtal.lattice = self.lattice = xtal.atom_sites = sites xtal._get_formula() xtal.valid = True xtal.source = 'Mol. Center' return xtal else: raise RuntimeError('The input must be molecular xtal')
[docs] def get_forcefield(self, ff_style='openff', code='lammps', chargemethod='am1bcc', parameters=None): """ An interface to create forcefield for molecular simulation with - Charmm - LAMMPS Note that the current approach generates charge with its own conformer, need to provide the option to use the conformer from the given molecule Args: - ff_style: 'gaff' or 'openff' - code: 'lammps' or 'charmm' - charge_method: 'am1bcc', 'am1-mulliken', 'mmff94', 'gasteiger' - parameters: 1D-array of user-specified FF parameters Returns: An ase_atoms_objects with force field information """ from ost.forcefield import forcefield from ost.lmp import LAMMPSStructure from ost.charmm import CHARMMStructure from ost.interfaces.parmed import ParmEdStructure if self.molecular: smiles = [ for mol in self.molecules] assert(smiles[0] is not None) # Lammps needs the xyz for all molecules if code == 'lammps': # reset lammps cell from pyxtal.util import reset_lammps_cell atoms = self.to_ase(resort=False) atoms = reset_lammps_cell(atoms) converter = LAMMPSStructure n_mols = self.numMols # Charmm only needs the xyz for the asymmetric unit else: converter = CHARMMStructure coords, species = [], [] checked = [] for site in self.mol_sites: if site.type not in checked: _coords, _species = site._get_coords_and_species( absolute=True, first=True) coords.extend(_coords) species.extend(_species) checked.append(site.type) n_mols = [1] * len(self.molecules) atoms = Atoms(symbols=species, positions=coords) # print(len(atoms), n_mols) # Initialize the forcefield instance from ost ff = forcefield(smiles, style=ff_style, chargemethod=chargemethod) # update the parameters from the user if parameters is not None: ff.update_parameters(parameters) # Create the Parmed to handle FF parameters if sum(n_mols) == 1: pd_struc = ff.molecules[0].copy(cls=ParmEdStructure) else: from functools import reduce from operator import add mols = [] for i, m in enumerate(n_mols): mols += [ff.molecules[i] * m] pd_struc = reduce(add, mols) pd_struc.update(atoms) ase_with_ff = converter.from_structure(pd_struc) if code == 'lammps': print("\n Write and lmp.dat ......") ase_with_ff.write_lammps() else: print("\n Write charmm.rtf and charmm.prm ......") ase_with_ff.write_charmmfiles() #ase_with_ff.write_charmmfiles_by_parmd() return ase_with_ff else: raise NotImplementedError("\nNo support for atomic crystals")