Source code for pyxtal.viz

This module handles visualization. Mostly powered by py3Dmol

[docs] def addBox(view, vecs, viewer=None): pts = [ ([0,0,0], vecs[0,:]), ([0,0,0], vecs[1,:]), ([0,0,0], vecs[2,:]), (vecs[0,:], vecs[0,:]+vecs[1,:]), (vecs[0,:], vecs[0,:]+vecs[2,:]), (vecs[1,:], vecs[0,:]+vecs[1,:]), (vecs[1,:], vecs[2,:]+vecs[1,:]), (vecs[2,:], vecs[0,:]+vecs[2,:]), (vecs[2,:], vecs[1,:]+vecs[2,:]), (vecs[0,:]+vecs[1,:], vecs[0,:]+vecs[1,:]+vecs[2,:]), (vecs[0,:]+vecs[2,:], vecs[0,:]+vecs[1,:]+vecs[2,:]), (vecs[1,:]+vecs[2,:], vecs[0,:]+vecs[1,:]+vecs[2,:]), ] for i, pt in enumerate(pts): pt1, pt2 = pt if viewer is None: view.addLine({"start": {"x":pt1[0], "y": pt1[1], "z": pt1[2]}, "end": {"x":pt2[0], "y": pt2[1], "z": pt2[2]}}) else: view.addLine({"start": {"x":pt1[0], "y": pt1[1], "z": pt1[2]}, "end": {"x":pt2[0], "y": pt2[1], "z": pt2[2]}}, viewer = viewer) # add unitcell labels labels = {"o": [0,0,0], "a": vecs[0,:], "b": vecs[1,:], "c": vecs[2,:]} for key in labels.keys(): text, pos = key, labels[key] if viewer is None: view.addLabel(text, {"position": {"x": pos[0], "y": pos[1], "z": pos[2]}, "fontColor":"black", "backgroundColor": "white", "fontsize": 12, "backgroundOpacity": "0.1", }) else: view.addLabel(text, {"position": {"x": pos[0], "y": pos[1], "z": pos[2]}, "fontColor":"black", "backgroundColor": "white", "fontsize": 12, "backgroundOpacity": "0.1", }, viewer = viewer)
[docs] def addlines(view, orig, axes, viewer=None): for ax in axes: ax += orig if viewer is None: view.addArrow({"start": {"x":orig[0], "y": orig[1], "z":orig[2]}, "end": {"x":ax[0], "y":ax[1], "z":ax[2]}}) else: view.addArrow({"start": {"x":orig[0], "y": orig[1], "z":orig[2]}, "end": {"x":ax[0], "y":ax[1], "z":ax[2]}}, viewer=viewer)
[docs] def display_atomic(struc, size=(600,300), scale=0.25, radius=0.10, supercell=(1,1,1), show_wp=False): """ display the molecular crystals generated from pyxtal. If the animation is False, only dump the structure to cif and let py3Dmol display it. If animation is on, show the generation of molecules in the crystal as an animation. Args: size: (width, height) in tuple scale: the size of sphere radius: the size of stick supercell: replicate the crystal (valid only when animation is False) show_wp: whether or not highlight the unique wyckoff site Returns: py3Dmol object """ import py3Dmol (width, height) = size view = py3Dmol.view(height=height, width=width) if struc.dim == 0: fmt = "xyz" else: fmt = "cif" txt = struc.to_file(fmt=fmt) view.addModel(txt, fmt, {'doAssembly':True,'duplicateAssemblyAtoms':True}) view.setStyle({'sphere':{'colorscheme':'Jmol','scale':scale}, 'stick':{'colorscheme':'Jmol', 'radius':radius}}) if struc.dim != 0: view.addUnitCell() A, B, C = supercell view.replicateUnitCell(A,B,C) if show_wp: view.setStyle({'sym':2},{'sphere':{'scale':scale*1.1,'color':'blue'}}) return view.zoomTo()
[docs] def display_molecular(struc, size=(600, 300), supercell=(1,1,1), axis=None, animation=False, interval=2000): """ display the molecular crystals generated from pyxtal. If the animation is False, only dump the structure to cif and let py3Dmol display it. If animation is on, show the generation of molecules in the crystal as an animation. Args: size: (width, height) in tuple supercell: replicate the crystal (valid only when animation is False) axis: 3-vector to reprent the rotational axis animation: whether or not display the animation Returns: py3Dmol object """ import py3Dmol (width, height) = size view = py3Dmol.view(height=height, width=width) if not animation: cif = struc.to_file() view.addModel(cif,'cif',{'doAssembly':True, 'duplicateAssemblyAtoms':True, 'normalizeAssembly':True}) view.setStyle({'stick':{'colorscheme':'greenCarbon'}}) view.addUnitCell() if axis is not None: site = struc.mol_sites[0] for id in range(len(site.wp)): mol = site.get_mol_object(id) addlines(view, mol.cart_coords.mean(axis=0), [axis.copy()]) A, B, C = supercell view.replicateUnitCell(A,B,C) else: cifs = "" for i in range(len(struc.mol_sites[0].wp)): cifs += struc.to_file(sym_num=i+1) view.addModelsAsFrames(cifs, 'cif') view.animate({'loop': 'forward', 'interval': interval}) view.addUnitCell() view.setStyle({'model':0},{'stick':{'colorscheme':'greenCarbon'}}) return view.zoomTo()
[docs] def display_molecular_site(site, id=None, size=(400, 300), axis=True, ax_id=range(3), box=False): """ display the Wyckoff site in the molecular crystals generated from pyxtal. Args: site: pyxtal.wyckoff_site.mol_site object id: list of molecules to display. If None, display all molecules in this site size: (width, height) in tuple axis: boolean, whether or not display the rotational axis axis_label: whether or not display the unitcell axis labels Returns: py3Dmol object """ import py3Dmol (width, height) = size view = py3Dmol.view(height=height, width=width) if id is None: ids = range(site.wp.multiplicity) else: ids = [id] for i in ids: mol = site.get_mol_object(i) cell, _, center = site.molecule.get_box_coordinates(mol.cart_coords) view.addModel('xyz'), 'xyz') if axis: axes = site.molecule.get_principle_axes(mol.cart_coords) addlines(view, mol.cart_coords.mean(axis=0), axes.T[ax_id]*5, viewer=(0,1)) if box: center_spec = {'x':center[0], 'y':center[1], 'z': center[2]} w_spec = {'x':cell[0,0], 'y': cell[0,1], 'z': cell[0,2]} h_spec = {'x':cell[1,0], 'y': cell[1,1], 'z': cell[1,2]} d_spec = {'x':cell[2,0], 'y': cell[2,1], 'z': cell[2,2]} view.addBox({'center': center_spec, 'dimensions': {'w': w_spec, 'h': h_spec, 'd': d_spec}, 'color':'magenta', 'alpha': 0.5, }) addBox(view, site.lattice.matrix, viewer=(0,1)) view.setStyle({'stick':{'colorscheme':'greenCarbon'}}) return view.zoomTo()
[docs] def display_molecules(molecules, size=(400,300), animation=False, center=False): """ display the molecules in Pymatgen object. Args: molecules: a list of pymatgen molecules size: (width, height) in tuple animation: whether or not display animation center: highlight center or not Returns: py3Dmol object """ import py3Dmol (width, height) = size view = py3Dmol.view(height=height, width=width) mol_strs = "" for mol in molecules: mol_strs +='xyz') + '\n' if animation: view.addModelsasFrames(mol_strs, 'xyz') view.animate({'loop': 'forward'}) else: view.addModels(mol_strs, 'xyz') view.setStyle({'stick':{'colorscheme':'greenCarbon'}}) return view.zoomTo()
[docs] def display_molecule(molecule, center, cell, size=(400,300)): """ display the molecules in Pymatgen object. Args: mol: pymatgen molecule center: molecular size: (width, height) in tuple Returns: py3Dmol object """ import py3Dmol (width, height) = size view = py3Dmol.view(height=height, width=width) mol_strs = "" mol_strs +='xyz') + '\n' view.addModels(mol_strs, 'xyz') center_spec = {'x':center[0], 'y':center[1], 'z': center[2]} w_spec = {'x':cell[0,0], 'y': cell[0,1], 'z': cell[0,2]} h_spec = {'x':cell[1,0], 'y': cell[1,1], 'z': cell[1,2]} d_spec = {'x':cell[2,0], 'y': cell[2,1], 'z': cell[2,2]} view.addBox({'center': center_spec, 'dimensions': {'w': w_spec, 'h': h_spec, 'd': d_spec}, 'color':'magenta', 'opacity': 0.4, #'alpha': 0.6, }) view.setStyle({'stick':{'colorscheme':'greenCarbon'}}) return view.zoomTo()
[docs] def display_mol_crystals(strucs, size=(600, 300), supercell=(1,1,1), axis=None, animation='slider', interval=2000): """ display the molecular crystals generated from pyxtal. two modes of animations are supported: slider or movie Args: size: (width, height) in tuple supercell: replicate the crystal (valid only when animation is False) animation: slider or movie Returns: py3Dmol object """ import py3Dmol (width, height) = size view = py3Dmol.view(height=height, width=width) if animation=='slider': from ipywidgets import interact, IntSlider def conf_viewer(idx): return strucs[idx].show(size=size, supercell=supercell, axis=axis) interact(conf_viewer, idx=IntSlider(min=0, max=len(strucs)-1, description='id:')) elif animation=='movie': cifs = "" for struc in strucs: cifs += struc.to_file() view.addModelsAsFrames(cifs, 'cif') view.animate({'loop': 'forward', 'interval': interval}) view.addUnitCell() view.setStyle({'model':0},{'stick':{'colorscheme':'greenCarbon'}}) return view.zoomTo() else: raise ValueError("only movie or slider is supported")
[docs] def display_crystals(strucs, size=(600, 300), supercell=(1,1,1), labels=None): """ display the molecular crystals generated from pyxtal. two modes of animations are supported: slider or movie Args: size: (width, height) in tuple supercell: replicate the crystal (valid only when animation is False) labels: labels for each structures Returns: py3Dmol object """ import py3Dmol from ipywidgets import interact, IntSlider (width, height) = size view = py3Dmol.view(height=height, width=width) if labels is None: l_min, l_max = 0, len(strucs)-1 else: l_min, l_max = labels[0], labels[-1] def conf_viewer(idx): return strucs[idx].show(size=size, supercell=supercell) interact(conf_viewer, idx=IntSlider(min=0, max=len(strucs)-1, description='id:'))
[docs] def display_cluster(molecules, cell, Ps, cmap='YlGn', s_opacity=0.5, size=(400,300), style='sphere'): import py3Dmol import numpy as np from matplotlib import cm, colors cmaps = getattr(cm, cmap)(Ps/np.mean(Ps)) models = {} view = py3Dmol.view() mol_str = "" mol_str += molecules[0].to(fmt='xyz') + '\n' view.addModel(mol_str, 'xyz') model = view.getModel() model.setStyle({}, {"sphere": {'colorscheme':'grayCarbon', 'scale':0.7}}) center = molecules[0].center_of_mass center_spec = {'x':center[0], 'y':center[1], 'z': center[2]} w_spec = {'x':cell[0,0], 'y': cell[0,1], 'z': cell[0,2]} h_spec = {'x':cell[1,0], 'y': cell[1,1], 'z': cell[1,2]} d_spec = {'x':cell[2,0], 'y': cell[2,1], 'z': cell[2,2]} #view.addBox({'center': center_spec, # 'dimensions': {'w': w_spec, 'h': h_spec, 'd': d_spec}, # 'color':'magenta', # 'alpha': 0.5, # #'opacity': 0.1, # }) addBox(view, cell) for i in range(1, len(molecules)): mol = molecules[i] mol_strs = "" mol_strs +='xyz') + '\n' view.addModel(mol_strs, 'xyz') model = view.getModel() color = 'greenCarbon' opacity = 0.65 if style == 'sphere': model.setStyle({}, {"sphere": {'colorscheme':color, 'scale':0.5, 'opacity': opacity}}) else: model.setStyle({}, {"stick": {'colorscheme':color, 'radius': 0.1, 'opacity': opacity}}) view.addSurface(py3Dmol.VDW, {'opacity': s_opacity, 'color': colors.rgb2hex(cmaps[i-1])}) return view.zoomTo({"model": list(models.values())})