Source code for pyxtal.supergroup

Module to search for the supergroup symmetry
from copy import deepcopy
from random import sample
import itertools

import numpy as np
from scipy.optimize import minimize

from pymatgen.core.operations import SymmOp
import pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher as sm

import pyxtal.symmetry as sym
from pyxtal.lattice import Lattice
from pyxtal.wyckoff_site import atom_site
from pyxtal.operations import apply_ops, get_best_match
from pyxtal.wyckoff_split import wyckoff_split

ALL_SHIFTS = np.array([[0,0,0], [0,1,0], [1,0,0], [0,0,1], [0,1,1], [1,1,0], [1,0,1], [1,1,1]])

[docs] def write_poscars(H_struc, G_struc, mappings, splitters, wyc_sets, N_images=3): """ Write the intermediate POSCARs betwee H and G structure. The key is to continuously change G to subgroup represenations with zero displacements. Finally, call `write_poscars_intermediate`. Args: H_struc: PyXtal low symmetry structure G_strucs: a list of PyXtal high symmetry structures mapping: a list of atomic mappings splitter: a list of splitter object wyc_set: a list of wyc_set transformation N_images: number of intermediate structures between H and G Return: a list of POSCARs """ raise NotImplementedError
[docs] def new_structure(struc, refs): """ check if struc is already in the reference solutions """ g1 = pmg1 = struc.to_pymatgen() for ref in refs: g2 = if g1 == g2: pmg2 = ref.to_pymatgen() if sm.StructureMatcher().fit(pmg1, pmg2): return False return True
[docs] def new_path(path, paths): """ check if it is a new path """ for ref in paths: if path[:len(ref)] == ref: return False return True
[docs] def find_mapping_per_element(sites1, sites2, max_num=720): """ search for all mappings for a given splitter Args: sites1 (list): e.g., l layer ['4a', '8b', '4c'] sites2 (list): e.g., 2 layers [['4a'], ['8b', '4c']] max_num (int): maximum number of atomic mapping Returns: unique solutions: e.g. 3 layers: [[[0], [1,2]]] """ unique_letters=list(set(sites1)) site1_letter_indices=[] for letter in unique_letters: site1_letter_indices.append([i for i, x in enumerate(sites1) if x==letter]) site2_letter_bins=[] for lbin in sites2: site2_letter_bins.append([unique_letters.index(x) for x in lbin]) combo_list=[] for s in site2_letter_bins: ls=list(set(s)) rs=[s.count(r) for r in ls] p=[] for i, l in enumerate(ls): combo=itertools.combinations(site1_letter_indices[l],rs[i]) combo=[list(x) for x in combo] p.append(deepcopy(combo)) pr=p[0] for i in range(1,len(p)): pr=itertools.product(pr,p[i]) pr=[sum(list(x),[]) for x in pr] combo_list.append(pr) unique_solutions=[[x] for x in combo_list[0]] for i in range(1,len(combo_list)): unique_solutions=[x+[y] for x in unique_solutions \ for y in combo_list[i] if len(set(sum(x,[])).intersection(y))==0] return unique_solutions
[docs] def find_mapping(atom_sites, splitter, max_num=720): """ search for all mappings for a given splitter Args: atom_sites: list of wp object splitter: wp_splitter object max_num (int): maximum number of atomic mapping Returns: unique solutions """ eles = set([site.specie for site in atom_sites]) # loop over the mapping for each element # then propogate the possible mapping via itertools.product lists = [] for ele in eles: # ids of atom sites site_ids = [id for id, site in enumerate(atom_sites) if site.specie==ele] # ids to be assigned wp2_ids = [id for id, e in enumerate(splitter.elements) if e==ele] letters1 = [atom_sites[id].wp.letter for id in site_ids] letters2 = [] for id in wp2_ids: wp2 = splitter.wp2_lists[id] letters2.append([wp.letter for wp in wp2]) #print(ele, letters1, letters2) res = find_mapping_per_element(letters1, letters2, max_num=720) lists.append(res) # resort the mapping mappings = list(itertools.product(*lists)) ordered_mappings = [] for mapping in mappings: ordered_mapping = [None]*len(splitter.wp2_lists) for i, ele in enumerate(eles): site_ids = [id for id, site in enumerate(atom_sites) if site.specie==ele] count = 0 for j, wp2 in enumerate(splitter.wp2_lists): if splitter.elements[j] == ele: ordered_mapping[j] = [site_ids[m] for m in mapping[i][count]] count += 1 #print("res", ordered_mapping) ordered_mappings.append(ordered_mapping) return ordered_mappings
[docs] def search_G1(G, rot, tran, pos, wp1, op): """ search the best matched position in G1 basis Args: G: the target space group object rot: rotation, 3*3 matrix tran: translation, 1*3 vector pos: starting position wp1: wyckoff symmetry op: one symmetry operation Returns: the cloest position and the distance """ if np.linalg.det(rot) < 1: shifts = ALL_SHIFTS else: shifts = np.array([[0,0,0]]) diffs = [] coords = [] # loop over all nearby translations for shift in shifts: res =, pos + shift) + tran.T tmp = sym.search_cloest_wp(G, wp1, op, res) diff = res - tmp diff -= np.round(diff) dist = np.linalg.norm(diff) diffs.append(dist) coords.append(tmp) if dist < 1e-1: break # choose the one returns minimum difference diffs = np.array(diffs) minID = np.argmin(diffs) tmp = coords[minID] tmp -= np.round(tmp) return tmp, np.min(diffs)
[docs] def search_G2(rot, tran, pos1, pos2, cell=None): """ search the best matched position in G2 basis Args: rot: 3*3 rotation matrix tran: 1*3 translation vector pos1: position in G1 pos2: reference position in G2 cell: 3*3 matrix Returns: pos: matched position in G2 dist: relative distance """ pos1 -= np.round(pos1) shifts = ALL_SHIFTS dists = [] for shift in shifts: res =, pos1 + shift + tran.T) diff = res - pos2 diff -= np.round(diff) dist = np.linalg.norm(diff) dists.append(dist) if dist < 1e-1: break dists = np.array(dists) dist = np.min(dists) shift = shifts[np.argmin(dists)] pos =, pos1 + shift + tran.T) diff = pos - pos2 diff -= np.round(diff) if cell is not None: diff =, cell) dist = np.linalg.norm(diff) return pos, dist
[docs] def find_xyz(G2_op, coord, quadrant=[0,0,0]): """ Finds the x,y,z free parameter values for positions in the G_2 basis. Args: G2_op: a symmetry operation in G2 coord: the coordinate that matches G2_op quadrant: a 3 item list (ex:[1,1,-1]) that contains information on the orientation of the molecule Returns: G2_holder: x,y,z parameters written in the G2 basis """ if np.all(quadrant == [0,0,0]): for i, n in enumerate(coord): if n>=0.: quadrant[i] = 1 else: quadrant[i] = -1 # prepare the rotation matrix and translation vector seperately G2_holder = [1,1,1] G2_op = np.array(G2_op.as_dict()['matrix']) rot_G2 = G2_op[:3,:3].T tau_G2 = G2_op[:3,3] b = coord - tau_G2 for k in range(3): b[k] = b[k]%quadrant[k] # eliminate any unused free parameters in G2 # The goal is to reduce the symmetry operations to be a full rank matrix # any free parameter that is not used has its spot deleted from the rot+trans for i,x in reversed(list(enumerate(rot_G2))): if set(x)=={0.}: G2_holder[i] = 0 rot_G2 = np.delete(rot_G2,i,0) quadrant = np.delete(quadrant,i) # eliminate any leftover empty rows to have fulll rank matrix rot_G2=rot_G2.T for i, x in reversed(list(enumerate(rot_G2))): if set(x) == {0.}: rot_G2=np.delete(rot_G2,i,0) b=np.delete(b,i) while len(rot_G2) != 0 and len(rot_G2) != len(rot_G2[0]): rot_G2 = np.delete(rot_G2,len(rot_G2)-1,0) b = np.delete(b,len(b)-1) # Later must add Schwarz Inequality check to elininate any dependent vectors # solves a linear system to find the free parameters if set(G2_holder) == {0.}: return np.array(G2_holder) else: try: G2_basis_xyz = np.linalg.solve(rot_G2,b) for i in range(len(quadrant)): G2_basis_xyz[i] = G2_basis_xyz[i]%quadrant[i] # print("!ST G2 HOLDER") for i in range(G2_holder.count(1)): G2_holder[G2_holder.index(1)] = G2_basis_xyz[i] # print('second G## holder') return np.array(G2_holder) except: raise RuntimeError('unable to find free parameters in the operation')
[docs] class supergroup(): """ Class to find the structure with supergroup symmetry Args: struc: pyxtal structure G: target supergroup number """ def __init__(self, struc, G): # initilize the necesary parameters = [] self.error = True self.G = sym.Group(G) if self.G.point_group == group_type = 'k' else: group_type = 't' self.group_type = group_type # list of all alternative wycsets strucs = struc.get_alternatives() for struc in strucs: solutions = self.G.get_splitters_from_structure(struc, group_type) if len(solutions) > 0: self.struc = struc self.wyc_set_id = struc.wyc_set_id self.elements, self.sites = struc._get_elements_and_sites() = solutions self.cell = struc.lattice.matrix self.error = False break
[docs] def search_supergroup(self, d_tol=0.9, max_per_G=2500, max_solutions=None): """ Search for valid supergroup transition Args: d_tol (float): tolerance for atomic displacement max_per_G (int): maximum number of possible solution for each G max_solutions (int): maximum number of solutions. Returns: solutions: list of solutions with small displacements """ solutions = [] done = False if len( > 0: # extract the valid for sols in (id, sols) = sols if len(sols) > max_per_G: print("Warning: ignore some solutions: ", len(sols)-max_per_G) sols = sample(sols, max_per_G) #sols=[(['8c'], ['4a', '4b'], ['4b', '8c', '8c'])] for i, sol in enumerate(sols): max_disp, trans, mapping, sp = self.calc_disps(id, sol, d_tol*1.1) #print(i, sp.H.number, sp.G.number, sol, max_disp, mapping) if max_disp < d_tol: solutions.append((sp, mapping, trans, self.wyc_set_id, max_disp)) if max_solutions is not None and len(solutions) >= max_solutions: done = True break if done or len(solutions)>0: break solutions = self.sort_solutions(solutions) return solutions
[docs] def make_supergroup(self, solutions, show_detail=False): """ Create unique supergroup structures from a list of solutions Args: solutions: list of tuples (splitter, mapping, translation, disp) show_detail (bool): print out the detail Returns: list of pyxtal structures """ G_strucs = [] new_sols = [] for solution in solutions: (sp, mapping, translation, wyc_set_id, max_disp) = solution details = self.symmetrize(sp, mapping, translation) coords_G1, coords_G2, coords_H1, elements, ordered_mapping = details G_struc = self._make_pyxtal(sp, coords_G1) if new_structure(G_struc, G_strucs): if show_detail: self.print_detail(solution, coords_H1, coords_G2, elements) G_struc.source = 'supergroup {:6.3f}'.format(max_disp) G_struc.disp = max_disp G_strucs.append(G_struc) new_sols.append((sp, ordered_mapping, translation, wyc_set_id, max_disp)) return G_strucs, new_sols
[docs] def calc_disps(self, split_id, solution, d_tol): """ For a given solution, compute the minimum disp by adusting translation. Args: split_id (int): integer solution (list): e.g., [['2d'], ['6h'], ['2c', '6h', '12i']] d_tol (float): tolerance Returns: max_disp: maximum atomic displcement translation: overall cell translation """ sites_G = [] elements = [] muls = [] for i, e in enumerate(self.elements): sites_G.extend(solution[i]) elements.extend([e]*len(solution[i])) muls.extend([int(sol[:-1]) for sol in solution[i]]) # resort the sites_G by multiplicity, needed by the mask calculation ids = np.argsort(np.array(muls)) elements = [elements[id] for id in ids] sites_G = [sites_G[id] for id in ids] splitter = wyckoff_split(self.G, split_id, sites_G, self.group_type, elements) mappings = find_mapping(self.struc.atom_sites, splitter) dists = [] translations = [] masks = [] if len(mappings) > 0: mask = self.get_initial_mask(splitter) for mapping in mappings: dist, trans, mask = self.symmetrize_dist(splitter, mapping, mask, None, d_tol) dists.append(dist) translations.append(trans) masks.append(mask) dists = np.array(dists) max_disp = np.min(dists) id = np.argmin(dists) translation = translations[id] mask = masks[id] if 0.2 < max_disp < d_tol: # optimize disp further if mask is None or len(mask)<3: def fun(translation, mapping, splitter, mask): return self.symmetrize_dist(splitter, mapping, mask, translation)[0] res = minimize(fun, translations[id], args=(mappings[id], splitter, mask), method='Nelder-Mead', options={'maxiter': 10}) if < max_disp: max_disp = translation = res.x return max_disp, translation, mappings[id], splitter else: print("bug in findding the mappings", solution) print(splitter.G.number, '->', splitter.H.number) return 1000, None, None, None
[docs] def get_initial_mask(self, splitter): """ Get the mask """ for wp2 in splitter.wp2_lists: for wp in wp2: if wp.get_dof() == 0: return [0, 1, 2] return None
[docs] def get_coord_H(self, splitter, id, atom_sites_H, mapping): """ Extract the atomic coordinates """ # number of split sites for a given WP n = len(splitter.wp2_lists[id]) if n > 1: letters = [atom_sites_H[mapping[id][x]].wp.letter for x in range(n)] letters_wp = [wp.letter for wp in splitter.wp2_lists[id]] seq = [] for l in letters_wp: index = letters.index(l) seq.append(index) letters[index] = 0 ordered_mapping = [mapping[id][x] for x in seq] #print(letters, mapping[id], '->', letters_wp, ordered_mapping) else: ordered_mapping = mapping[id] coord_H = [atom_sites_H[ordered_mapping[x]].position.copy() for x in range(n)] return np.array(coord_H), ordered_mapping
[docs] def symmetrize_dist(self, splitter, mapping, mask, translation=None, d_tol=1.2): """ For a given solution, search for the possbile supergroup structure based on a given `translation` and `mask`. Args: splitter: splitter object between G and H mapping: list of sites in H, e.g., ['4a', '8b'] mask: if there is a need to freeze the direction translation: an overall shift from H to G, None or 3 vector d_tol: the tolerance in angstrom Returns: atomic displacement cell translation vector mask """ max_disps = [] if mask is not None: if translation is not None: translation[mask] = 0 for i in range(len(splitter.wp1_lists)): n = len(splitter.wp2_lists[i]) coord_H, _ = self.get_coord_H(splitter, i, self.struc.atom_sites, mapping) if n == 1: res = self.symmetrize_site_single(splitter, i, coord_H[0], translation) (dist, _tran, _mask) = res if translation is None: translation = _tran mask = _mask elif n == 2: if splitter.group_type == 'k': dist = self.symmetrize_site_double_k(splitter, i, coord_H, translation) else: dist = self.symmetrize_site_double_t(splitter, i, coord_H, translation) else: dist = self.symmetrize_site_multi(splitter, i, coord_H, translation) #strs = self.print_wp(splitter, i); print(strs, dist) if i == 0 and translation is None: translation = np.zeros(3) if dist < d_tol: max_disps.append(dist) else: return 10000, None, mask return max(max_disps), translation, mask
[docs] def symmetrize(self, splitter, mapping, translation): """ Symmetrize the structure (G) to supergroup symmetry (H) Args: splitter: splitter object to specify the relation between G and H mapping: atomic mapping between H and G translation: an overall shift from H to G, None or 3 vector Returns: coords_G1: coordinates in G coords_G2: coordinates in G under the subgroup setting coords_H1: coordinates in H elements: list of elements """ coords_G1 = [] # position in G coords_G2 = [] # position in G on the subgroup bais coords_H = [] # position in H elements = [] ordered_mapping = [] for i, wp1 in enumerate(splitter.wp1_lists): n = len(splitter.wp2_lists[i]) coord_H, seq = self.get_coord_H(splitter, i, self.struc.atom_sites, mapping) if n == 1: res = self.symmetrize_site_single(splitter, i, coord_H[0], translation, 0) elif n==2: if splitter.group_type == 'k': res = self.symmetrize_site_double_k(splitter, i, coord_H, translation, 0) else: res = self.symmetrize_site_double_t(splitter, i, coord_H, translation, 0) else: res = self.symmetrize_site_multi(splitter, i, coord_H, translation, 0) coord_G1, coord_G2, coord_H = res coords_G1.append(coord_G1) coords_G2.extend(coord_G2) coords_H.extend(coord_H) elements.extend([splitter.elements[i]]*n) ordered_mapping.extend(seq) #self.print_wp(splitter, i); print(coord_G1); print(coord_G2) coords_G1 = np.array(coords_G1) coords_G2 = np.array(coords_G2) coords_H = np.array(coords_H) return coords_G1, coords_G2, coords_H, elements, ordered_mapping
[docs] def print_wp(self, sp, id): """ A short cut to print the wp information (for debug purpose) """ wp1 = sp.wp1_lists[id] l = wp1.get_label() + '->' for wp in sp.wp2_lists[id]: l += wp.get_label() + ',' strs = '{:2s}{:s} ID-{:d} {:s}'.format(sp.elements[id], sp.group_type, id, l) return strs
[docs] def symmetrize_site_single(self, splitter, id, base, translation, run_type=1): """ Symmetrize one WP to another with higher symmetry Args: splitter: splitter object id: index of splitter base: atomic position of site in H translation: 1*3 translation vector run_type: return distance or coordinates """ # Some necessary items mask = [] op_G1 = splitter.G1_orbits[id][0][0] ops_H = splitter.H_orbits[id][0] wp1 = splitter.wp1_lists[id] rot = splitter.R[:3,:3] tran = splitter.R[:3,3] inv_rot = np.linalg.inv(rot) # choose the best coord1_H coords_H = apply_ops(base, ops_H) ds = [] for coord_H in coords_H: if translation is not None: coord_G2 = coord_H + translation else: coord_G2 = coord_H coord_G1, diff = search_G1(splitter.G, rot, tran, coord_G2, wp1, op_G1) ds.append(diff) ds = np.array(ds) minID = np.argmin(ds) coord_H = coords_H[minID] if run_type == 1: if translation is not None: coord_G2 = coord_H + translation else: coord_G2 = coord_H tmp, _ = search_G1(splitter.G, rot, tran, coord_G2, wp1, op_G1) # initial guess on disp if translation is None: coord_G2, dist1 = search_G2(inv_rot, -tran, tmp, coord_H, None) diff = coord_G2 - coord_H diff -= np.round(diff) translation = diff.copy() for m in range(3): if abs(diff[m])<1e-4: mask.append(m) dist = 0 else: coord_G2, dist = search_G2(inv_rot, -tran, tmp, coord_H+translation, self.cell) return dist, translation, mask else: tmp, _ = search_G1(splitter.G, rot, tran, coord_H+translation, wp1, op_G1) coord_G2, _ = search_G2(inv_rot, -tran, tmp, coord_H+translation, self.cell) #print('XXXXXXXXX', coord_H+translation, tmp, coord_G2, dist) return tmp, [coord_G2], [coord_H]
[docs] def symmetrize_site_double_k(self, splitter, id, coord_H, translation, run_type=1): """ Symmetrize two WPs (wp_h1, wp_h2) to another wp_G with higher symmetry Args: splitter: splitter object id: index of splitter coord_H: 2*3 coordinates translation: 1*3 transaltion vector run_type: return distance or coordinates """ # For k-type splitting, restore the translation symmetry: # e.g. (0.5, 0.5, 0.5), (0.5, 0, 0), .etc # then find the best_match between coord1 and coord2, if translation is None: translation = np.zeros(3) rot = splitter.R[:3,:3] tran = splitter.R[:3,3] inv_rot = np.linalg.inv(rot) wp1 = splitter.wp1_lists[id] # wp_G ops_H1 = splitter.H_orbits[id][0] # operations of wp_h1 op_G21 = splitter.G2_orbits[id][0][0] # operation 1 of wp_h1 in subgroup ops_G22 = splitter.G2_orbits[id][1] # operations of wp_h2 in subgroup coord1_H, coord2_H = coord_H[0], coord_H[1] coord1_G2, coord2_G2 = coord1_H + translation, coord2_H + translation # since rotation does not change, search for the closest match on rotation # then we can get the translation vector for op_G22 in ops_G22: diff = (op_G22.rotation_matrix - op_G21.rotation_matrix).flatten() if np.sum(diff**2) < 1e-3: trans = op_G22.translation_vector - op_G21.translation_vector break trans -= np.round(trans) coords11 = apply_ops(coord1_G2, ops_H1) coords11 += trans tmp, dist = get_best_match(coords11, coord2_G2, self.cell) # needed displacement if run_type == 1: return dist/2 #np.linalg.norm(, self.cell)) else: d = coord2_G2 - tmp d -= np.round(d) op_G11 = splitter.G1_orbits[id][0][0] coord2_G2 -= d/2 coord1_G2 += d/2 coord1_G1, _ = search_G1(splitter.G, rot, tran, tmp, wp1, op_G11) return coord1_G1, [coord1_G2, coord2_G2], coord_H
[docs] def symmetrize_site_double_t(self, splitter, id, coord_H, translation, run_type=1): """ Symmetrize two WPs (wp_h1, wp_h2) to another wp_G with higher symmetry Args: splitter: splitter object id: the id in the splitter coord_H: coordinates to work on translation: 1*3 transaltion vector run_type: return distance or coordinates """ if translation is None: translation = np.zeros(3) rot = splitter.R[:3,:3] tran = splitter.R[:3,3] inv_rot = np.linalg.inv(rot) cell_G =[:3,:3]).T, self.cell) wp1 = splitter.wp1_lists[id] # wp_G ops_G11 = splitter.G1_orbits[id][0] # operations of wp_h1 in subgroup ops_G12 = splitter.G1_orbits[id][1] # operations of wp_h2 in subgroup ops_G1 = splitter.G[0] # general operations of G coord1_H, coord2_H = coord_H[0], coord_H[1] #coordinates in H coord1_G2, coord2_G2 = coord1_H+translation, coord2_H+translation # in G # forward search for the best generator for wp_h1 and wp_h2 in subgroup coord1_G1, _ = search_G1(splitter.G, rot, tran, coord1_G2, wp1, ops_G11[0]) coord2_G1, _ = search_G1(splitter.G, rot, tran, coord2_G2, wp1, ops_G12[0]) # apply the operations in G # find the position that is closest to coord2_G1 coords11 = apply_ops(coord1_G1, ops_G1) tmp, dist = get_best_match(coords11, coord2_G1, cell_G) #self.print_wp(splitter, id) if run_type == 1: return dist/2 else: # G1->G2->H d = coord2_G1 - tmp d -= np.round(d) coord2_G1 -= d/2 coords22 = apply_ops(coord2_G1, ops_G1) coord1_G1, dist = get_best_match(coords22, coord1_G1, cell_G) #print("in G", l1, coord1_G1, l2, coord2_G1) # backward search (G->H) coord1_G2, dist = search_G2(inv_rot, -tran, coord1_G1, coord1_G2, self.cell) coord2_G2, dist = search_G2(inv_rot, -tran, coord2_G1, coord2_G2, self.cell) #print("in G1", l1, coord1_G2, l2, coord2_G2, dist) return coord2_G1, np.array([coord1_G2, coord2_G2]), coord_H
[docs] def symmetrize_site_multi(self, splitter, id, coord_H, translation, run_type=1): """ Symmetrize multiple WPs to another with higher symmetry Args: splitter: splitter object id: the id in the splitter coord_H: coordinates to work on translation: 1*3 transaltion vector run_type: return distance or coordinates """ if translation is None: translation = np.zeros(3) n = len(splitter.wp2_lists[id]) rot = splitter.R[:3,:3] tran = splitter.R[:3,3] inv_rot = np.linalg.inv(rot) cell_G =[:3,:3]).T, self.cell) wp1 = splitter.wp1_lists[id] # Finds the correct quadrant to easily generate all possible_wycs # add translations when trying to match quadrant = np.array(splitter.G2_orbits[id][0][0].as_dict()['matrix'])[:3,3] for k in range(3): if quadrant[k] >= 0.: quadrant[k] = 1 else: quadrant[k] = -1 coord_G2 = coord_H + translation coord_G2 %= quadrant # uses 1st coordinate and 1st wyckoff position as starting example. # Finds the matching G2 operation based on the nearest G1 search dist_list = [] coord_list = [] index = [] G2_xyz = np.zeros([n,3]) corresponding_ops = [] for op in splitter.G1_orbits[id][0]: coord, dist = search_G1(splitter.G, rot, tran, coord_G2[0], wp1, op) dist_list.append(dist) coord_list.append(coord) dist_list = np.array(dist_list) index.append(np.argmin(dist_list)) corresponding_ops.append(splitter.G2_orbits[id][0][index[0]]) # Finds the free parameters xyz in the G2 basis for this coordinate G2_xyz[0] += find_xyz(corresponding_ops[0], coord_G2[0], quadrant) # Generates all possible G2 positions to match the remaining coordinates # Also finds the corresponding G2 free parameters xyz for each coordinate for j in range(1, n): possible_coords = [x.operate(G2_xyz[0]) for x in splitter.G2_orbits[id][j]] corresponding_coord, _ = get_best_match(possible_coords, coord_G2[j], cell_G) index.append([np.all(x==corresponding_coord) for x in possible_coords].index(True)) corresponding_ops.append(splitter.G2_orbits[id][j][index[j]]) G2_xyz[j] += find_xyz(corresponding_ops[j], coord_G2[j], quadrant) #print(G2_xyz) # Finds the average free parameters between all the coordinates as the best set # of free parameters that all coordinates must match final_xyz = np.mean(G2_xyz, axis=0) if run_type == 1: dist_list = [] for j in range(n): d =[j] - final_xyz, cell_G) dist_list.append(np.linalg.norm(d)) return max(dist_list) else: coords_G1 = np.zeros([n, 3]) #xyz in G1 coords_G2 = np.zeros([n, 3]) #xyz in G2 #dist_list = [] for j in range(n): coords_G1[j] = splitter.G1_orbits[id][j][index[j]].operate(final_xyz) tmp = coord_H[j] + translation coords_G2[j], _ = search_G2(inv_rot, -tran, coords_G1[j], tmp, self.cell) #dist_list.append(dist) #print("dist", dist) return coords_G1[0], coords_G2, coord_H
[docs] def print_detail(self, solution, coords_H, coords_G, elements): """ Print out the details of tranformation """ (sp, mapping, translation, _, max_disp) = solution print("\nTransition: ", sp.H.number, '->', sp.G.number) print('Maximum displacement: {:6.3f}'.format(max_disp)) print('Mapping:', mapping) count = 0 disps = [] for i, wp2 in enumerate(sp.wp2_lists): wp1 = sp.wp1_lists[i] strs = '' for wp in wp2: x, y, ele = coords_H[count], coords_G[count], elements[count] label = wp.get_label() + '->' + wp1.get_label() dis = y - x - translation dis -= np.round(dis) dis_abs = np.linalg.norm( output = "{:2s}[{:8s}] {:8.4f}{:8.4f}{:8.4f}".format(ele, label, *x) output += " -> {:8.4f}{:8.4f}{:8.4f}".format(*y) output += " -> {:8.4f}{:8.4f}{:8.4f} {:8.4f}".format(*dis, dis_abs) count += 1 disps.append(dis_abs) print(output) output = "Cell: {:7.3f}{:7.3f}{:7.3f}".format(*translation) output += ", Disp (A): {:6.3f}".format(max(disps)) print(output)
[docs] def sort_solutions(self, solutions): disps = [solution[-1] for solution in solutions] disps = np.array(disps) seq = np.argsort(disps) return [solutions[s] for s in seq]
[docs] def make_pyxtals_in_subgroup(self, solution, N_images=5): """ Make the pyxtal according to the given solution Args: solution: a tuple of (sp, mapping, translation, wyc_set_id, max_disp) N_images: number of images Return: a list of pyxtal structures in low symmetry """ (sp, mapping, translation, wyc_set_id, max_disp) = solution details = self.symmetrize(sp, mapping, translation) _, coords_G2, coords_H1, elements, _ = details #self.print_detail(solution, coords_H1, coords_G2, elements) # Get the list of atomic displacements disps = [] count = 0 for wp2 in sp.wp2_lists: for wp in wp2: x, y, ele = coords_H1[count], coords_G2[count], elements[count] disp = y - x - translation disp -= np.round(disp) disps.append(disp) count += 1 # Create the PyXtals strucs = [] disps = np.array(disps) disps /= (N_images-1) max_disp = np.max(np.linalg.norm(, axis=1)) for i in range(N_images): coords = coords_H1 + i*disps + translation struc = self._make_pyxtal(sp, coords, elements, 1, False) struc.source = 'supergroup {:d} {:6.3f}'.format(i, max_disp*i) strucs.append(struc) return strucs
[docs] def make_pyxtal_in_supergroup(self, solution): """ Make the pyxtal according to the given solution Args: solution: a tuple of (sp, mapping, translation, wyc_set_id, max_disp) Return: a pyxtal structure in high symmetry """ (sp, mapping, translation, wyc_set_id, max_disp) = solution details = self.symmetrize(sp, mapping, translation) coords_G1, coords_G2, coords_H1, elements, _ = details struc = self._make_pyxtal(sp, coords_G1) struc.source = 'supergroup {:6.3f}'.format(max_disp) struc.disp = max_disp return struc
def _make_pyxtal(self, sp, coords, elements=None, run_type=0, check=True): """ Create the pyxtal with high/low symmetries Args: sp: splitter object coords: coordinates for each WP run_type: 0: high symmetry, otherwise low symmetry Return: pyxtal structure """ # Create the pyxtal struc = self.struc.copy() cell_G =[:3,:3]).T, self.cell) lattice_G = Lattice.from_matrix(cell_G, ltype=sp.G.lattice_type) # Collect the atom_sites G_sites = [] if run_type == 0: for i, wp in enumerate(sp.wp1_lists): pos = coords[i] pos -= np.floor(pos) if check: #pos1 = wp.search_matched_position(sp.G[0], pos) pos1 = wp.search_generator(pos, sp.G[0]) if pos1 is not None: site = atom_site(wp, pos1, sp.elements[i]) G_sites.append(site) else: print("Group:", print("Position:", pos) print(wp) raise RuntimeError("cannot assign the right wp") else: pos1 = pos # Update space group and lattice = sp.G struc.lattice = lattice_G else: count = 0 for wp2 in sp.wp2_lists: for wp in wp2: pos = coords[count] pos -= np.floor(pos) #pos1 = wp.search_matched_position(sp.H[0], pos) pos1 = wp.search_generator(pos, sp.H[0]) if pos1 is not None: site = atom_site(wp, pos1, elements[count]) G_sites.append(site) count += 1 else: print("Position:", pos) print(wp) print(sp) raise RuntimeError("cannot assign the right wp") cell_U =[:3, :3].T, lattice_G.matrix) struc.lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(cell_U, ltype=sp.H.lattice_type) struc.atom_sites = G_sites struc._get_formula() return struc
#class symmetry_mapper(): # """ # Class to map the symmetry relation between two structures # QZ: not needed now # Args: # struc_H: pyxtal structure with low symmetry (H) # struc_G: pyxtal structure with high symmetry (G) # max_d: maximum displacement to be considered # """ # def __init__(self, struc_H, struc_G, max_d=1.0): # # initilize the necesary parameters # G = # H = # elements, sites = struc_G._get_elements_and_sites() # strucs, disp, cell, path, gts, sols = struc_G.get_transition(struc_H, d_tol=max_d) # if path is not None: # struc_G.subgroup_by_path(gts, sols)
[docs] class supergroups(): """ Class to search for the feasible transition to a given super group Args: struc: pyxtal structure G (int): the desired super group number path: the path to connect G and H, e.g, [62, 59, 74] d_tol (float): tolerance for largest atomic displacement show (bool): whether or not show the detailed process """ def __init__(self, struc, G=None, path=None, d_tol=1.0, max_per_G=100,\ max_layer=5, show=False): self.struc_H = struc = show self.d_tol = d_tol self.max_per_G = max_per_G self.max_layer = max_layer if path is None: if G is None: raise ValueError('G and path cannot be None at the same time') else: paths =, max_layer=max_layer) else: paths = [path] G = path[-1] self.G = G print("{:d} paths will be checked".format(len(paths))) self.strucs = None failed_paths = [] for i, p in enumerate(paths): status = "Path{:2d}: {:s}, ".format(i, str(p)) if new_path(p, failed_paths): strucs, solutions, w_path, valid = self.struc_along_path(p) status += "stops at: {:s}".format(str(w_path)) if valid: self.strucs = strucs = solutions if len(strucs) > len(p): self.path = [] + p else: self.path = p break else: failed_paths.append(w_path) else: status += "skipped..." def __str__(self): s = "\nTransition to super group: " if self.strucs is None: s += "Unsuccessful, check your input" else: s += "{:d}".format(self.path[0]) for i, p in enumerate(self.path[1:]): s += " -> {:d} [{:4.3f}]".format(p, self.strucs[i+1].disp) s += '\n' for struc in self.strucs: s += str(struc) return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def print_solutions(self): for i, solution in enumerate( (sp, mapping, trans, wyc_set_id, max_disp) = solution print("\nTransition: ", sp.H.number, '->', sp.G.number) output = "Cell: {:7.3f}{:7.3f}{:7.3f}".format(*trans) output += ", Disp (A): {:6.3f}".format(max_disp) print(output) #print('mapping', mapping) for i, wp2 in enumerate(sp.wp2_lists): wp1 = sp.wp1_lists[i] ele = sp.elements[i] l2 = wp1.get_label() for j, wp in enumerate(wp2): l1 = wp.get_label() output = "{:2s} [{:2d}]: ".format(ele, mapping[i]) output += "{:3s} -> {:3s}".format(l1, l2) print(output)
[docs] def get_transformation(self, N_images=2): """ Get the series of transformed structures between H and G Args: N_images: number of structures Returns: a series of pyxtal structures """ # self.print_solutions() # derive the backward subgroup representation struc0 = self.strucs[-1] for i in range(1, len( (sp, mapping, trans, wyc_set_id, max_disp) =[-i] struc0 = struc0._subgroup_by_splitter(sp, eps=0) seq = list(map(lambda x: mapping.index(x), list(range(len(mapping))))) struc0.atom_sites = [struc0.atom_sites[i] for i in seq] if wyc_set_id > 0: struc0 = struc0._get_alternative_back(wyc_set_id) #print(struc0) #print(i, sp.G.number, sp.H.number, wyc_set_id, match, trans) #print(self.struc_H) #print(struc0) disps, _, _, _ = self.struc_H.get_disps_sets(struc0, d_tol=1.0, keep_lattice=True) if disps is not None: cell = struc0.lattice.matrix return self.struc_H.make_transitions(disps, lattice=cell, N_images=N_images) else: raise RuntimeError("Cannot find the match between H and G")
[docs] def struc_along_path(self, path): """ Search for the super group structure along a given path Args: path: [59, 71, 139] Returns: strucs: list of structures along the path working_path: list of space group path valid: True or False """ strucs = [] valid_sols = [] working_path = [] valid = False G_strucs = [self.struc_H] prev_sols = None for G in path: working_path.append(G) # Here we just include the first one that works for i, G_struc in enumerate(G_strucs): my = supergroup(G_struc, G) sols = my.search_supergroup(self.d_tol, self.max_per_G) new_G_strucs, new_sols = my.make_supergroup(sols, if len(new_G_strucs) > 0: strucs.append(G_struc) if prev_sols is not None: valid_sols.append(prev_sols[i]) G_strucs = new_G_strucs prev_sols = deepcopy(new_sols) break # Give up if the path does not work if len(new_G_strucs) == 0: break # add the final struc if len(new_G_strucs) > 0: ds = [st.disp for st in new_G_strucs] minID = np.argmin(np.array(ds)) strucs.append(new_G_strucs[minID]) valid_sols.append(prev_sols[i]) valid = True return strucs, valid_sols, working_path, valid
[docs] def write_cifs(self): """ Dump the cif files in sequence """ for i, struc in enumerate(self.strucs): struc.to_file(str(i)+'-G'+str('.cif')
if __name__ == "__main__": from pyxtal import pyxtal from time import time data = { #"PVO": [12, 166], #"PPO": [12], "BTO": [123, 221], "lt_cristobalite": [98, 210, 227], "BTO-Amm2": [65, 123, 221], "NaSb3F10": [186, 194], "NaSb3F10": [176, 194], "MPWO": [59, 71, 139, 225], #"NbO2": 141, #"GeF2": 62, #"lt_quartz": 180, #"NiS-Cm": 160, #"BTO-Amm2": 221, #"BTO": 221, #"lt_cristobalite": 227, #"NaSb3F10": 194, #"MPWO": 225, } cif_path = "pyxtal/database/cifs/" for cif in data.keys(): t0 = time() print("===============", cif, "===============") s = pyxtal() s.from_seed(cif_path+cif+'.cif') if isinstance(data[cif], list): sup = supergroups(s, path=data[cif], show=False, max_per_G=2500) else: sup = supergroups(s, G=data[cif], show=False, max_per_G=2500) if len(sup.strucs) > 0: #print(sup.strucs[-1]) strucs = sup.get_transformation() pmg_0, pmg_1 = s.to_pymatgen(), sup.strucs[-1].to_pymatgen() pmg_2, pmg_3 = strucs[0].to_pymatgen(), strucs[1].to_pymatgen() print(strucs) dist1 = sm.StructureMatcher().get_rms_dist(pmg_0, pmg_2)[0] dist2 = sm.StructureMatcher().get_rms_dist(pmg_1, pmg_3)[0] strs = "=====================================================" strs += "==============={:12.3f} seconds".format(time()-t0) print(strs) if dist1 > 1e-3 or dist2 > 1e-3: print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Problem in ", cif) break else: print("+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Problem in ", cif) break