Source code for

This module handles reading and write crystal files.
import numpy as np
from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure, Molecule
from pymatgen.core.bonds import CovalentBond
from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import SpacegroupAnalyzer
from pyxtal.wyckoff_site import atom_site, mol_site
from pyxtal.molecule import pyxtal_molecule, Orientation, compare_mol_connectivity
from pyxtal.symmetry import Wyckoff_position, Group
from pyxtal.lattice import Lattice
from pyxtal.util import get_symmetrized_pmg
from pyxtal.constants import deg, logo
from pyxtal.msg import ReadSeedError
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from monty.serialization import loadfn

bonds = loadfn(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/bonds.json"))

[docs] def in_merged_coords(wp, pt, pts, cell): """ Whether or not the pt in within the pts """ (c, s) = pt for pt0 in pts: (c0, s0) = pt0 if s == s0 and wp.are_equivalent_pts(c, c0, cell): #print(c, c0, 'equivalent') return True return False
[docs] def write_cif(struc, filename=None, header="", permission='w', sym_num=None, style='mp'): """ Export the structure in cif format The default setting for _atom_site follows the materials project cif Args: struc: pyxtal structure object filename: path of the structure file header: additional information permission: write(`w`) or append(`a+`) to the given file sym_num: the number of symmetry operations, None means writing all symops style: `icsd` or `mp` (used in pymatgen) """ if struc.molecular: sites = struc.mol_sites molecule = True #special = struc.has_special_site() #print('===============================================', struc) else: sites = struc.atom_sites molecule = False if sym_num is None: l_type = number = G1 =[0] if G1.is_standard_setting(): symbol = else: symbol = sites[0].wp.get_hm_symbol() else: #P1 symmetry l_type = 'triclinic' symbol = 'P1' number = 1 G1 = Group(1).Wyckoff_positions[0] lines = logo lines += 'data_' + header + '\n' if hasattr(struc, "energy"): if struc.molecular: eng = else: eng = lines += '#Energy: {:} eV/cell\n'.format(eng) lines += "\n_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M '{:s}'\n".format(symbol) lines += '_symmetry_Int_Tables_number {:>15d}\n'.format(number) lines += '_symmetry_cell_setting {:>15s}\n'.format(l_type) a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = struc.lattice.get_para(degree=True) lines += '_cell_length_a {:12.6f}\n'.format(a) lines += '_cell_length_b {:12.6f}\n'.format(b) lines += '_cell_length_c {:12.6f}\n'.format(c) lines += '_cell_angle_alpha {:12.6f}\n'.format(alpha) lines += '_cell_angle_beta {:12.6f}\n'.format(beta) lines += '_cell_angle_gamma {:12.6f}\n'.format(gamma) lines += '_cell_volume {:12.6f}\n'.format(struc.lattice.volume) #if struc.molecular: # lines += '_cell_formula_units_Z {:d}\n'.format(sum(struc.numMols)) #else: # lines += '_cell_formula_units_Z {:d}\n'.format(sum(struc.numIons)) lines += '\nloop_\n' lines += ' _symmetry_equiv_pos_site_id\n' lines += ' _symmetry_equiv_pos_as_xyz\n' for i, op in enumerate(G1): lines += "{:d} '{:s}'\n".format(i+1, op.as_xyz_str()) lines += '\nloop_\n' lines += ' _atom_site_label\n' lines += ' _atom_site_type_symbol\n' lines += ' _atom_site_symmetry_multiplicity\n' if style == 'icsd': lines += ' _atom_site_Wyckoff_symbol\n' lines += ' _atom_site_fract_x\n' lines += ' _atom_site_fract_y\n' lines += ' _atom_site_fract_z\n' lines += ' _atom_site_occupancy\n' for site in sites: mul = site.wp.multiplicity letter = site.wp.letter if molecule: if sym_num is None: coord0s, specie0s = site._get_coords_and_species(first=True) if site.wp.index > 0: #print("#Check if the mul is consistent!", site.wp.index) muls = [] coords = [] species = [] merges = [] for coord, specie in zip(coord0s, specie0s): _, wp, _ = G1.merge(coord, struc.lattice.matrix, 0.05) if len(wp) > mul: if not in_merged_coords(G1, [coord, specie], merges, struc.lattice.matrix): #print("General Position", specie, coord) coords.append(coord) species.append(specie) muls.append(len(wp)) merges.append((coord, specie)) else: #print("Special Position", specie, coord) coords.append(coord) species.append(specie) muls.append(mul) else: coords, species = coord0s, specie0s muls = [mul] * len(coords) else: coords = None species = [] for id in range(sym_num): mol = site.get_mol_object(id) tmp = if coords is None: coords = tmp else: coords = np.append(coords, tmp, axis=0) species.extend([s.value for s in mol.species]) muls = [mul] * len(coords) #coords, species = site._get_coords_and_species(ids=sym_num) else: coords, species, muls = [site.position], [site.specie], [mul] for specie, coord, mul in zip(species, coords, muls): lines += '{:6s} {:6s} {:3d} '.format(specie, specie, mul) if style != 'mp': lines += '{:s} '.format(letter) lines += '{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f} 1\n'.format(*coord) lines +='#END\n\n' if filename is None: return lines else: with open(filename, permission) as f: f.write(lines) return
[docs] def read_cif(filename): """ read the cif, mainly for pyxtal cif output Be cautious in using it to read other cif files Args: filename: path of the structure file Return: pyxtal structure """ species = [] coords = [] with open(filename, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() for i, line in enumerate(lines): if line.startswith('_symmetry_Int_Tables_number'): sg = int(line.split()[-1]) elif line.startswith('_cell_length_a'): a = float(lines[i].split()[-1]) b = float(lines[i+1].split()[-1]) c = float(lines[i+2].split()[-1]) alpha = float(lines[i+3].split()[-1]) beta = float(lines[i+4].split()[-1]) gamma = float(lines[i+5].split()[-1]) elif line.startswith('_symmetry_cell_setting'): lat_type = line.split()[-1] elif line.startswith('_symmetry_space_group_name_H-M '): symbol = line.split()[-1] if eval(symbol) in ["Pn", "P21/n", "C2/n"]: diag = True else: diag = False elif line.find('_atom_site') >= 0: s = i while True: s += 1 if lines[s].find('_atom_site') >= 0: pass elif len(lines[s].split()) <= 3: break else: tmp = lines[s].split() pos = [float(tmp[-4]), float(tmp[-3]), float(tmp[-2])] species.append(tmp[0]) coords.append(pos) break wp0 = Group(sg)[0] lattice = Lattice.from_para(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, lat_type) sites = [] for specie, coord in zip(species, coords): pt, wp, _ = wp0.merge(coord, lattice.matrix, tol=0.1) sites.append(atom_site(wp, pt, specie, diag)) return lattice, sites
[docs] class structure_from_ext(): def __init__(self, struc, ref_mols, tol=0.2, ignore_HH=False, add_H=False, hn=None): """ extract the mol_site information from the give cif file and reference molecule Args: struc: cif/poscar file or a Pymatgen Structure object ref_mols: a list of reference molecule (xyz file or Pyxtal molecule) tol: scale factor for covalent bond distance ignore_HH: whether or not ignore short H-H in checking molecule add_H: whether or not add the H atoms """ for ref_mol in ref_mols: if isinstance(ref_mol, str): ref_mol = pyxtal_molecule(ref_mol, fix=True) elif isinstance(ref_mol, pyxtal_molecule): ref_mol = ref_mol else: print(type(ref_mol)) raise NameError("reference molecule cannot be defined") if isinstance(struc, str): pmg_struc = Structure.from_file(struc) elif isinstance(struc, Structure): pmg_struc = struc else: print(type(struc)) raise NameError("input structure cannot be intepretted") # reset the hydrogen position if add_H: pmg_struc.remove_species('H') self.ref_mols = ref_mols self.tol = tol self.add_H = add_H sym_struc, number = get_symmetrized_pmg(pmg_struc, hn=hn) if hn is None: group = Group(number) else: group = Group(hn, use_hall=True) = group self.wyc = group[0] molecules = search_molecules_in_crystal(sym_struc, self.tol, ignore_HH=ignore_HH) self.pmg_struc = sym_struc matrix = sym_struc.lattice.matrix ltype = group.lattice_type self.lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(matrix, ltype=ltype) self.resort(molecules) if len(self.ids) == 0: raise RuntimeError('Cannot extract molecules')
[docs] def resort(self, molecules): from pyxtal.operations import apply_ops, find_ids # filter out the molecular generators lat = self.pmg_struc.lattice.matrix inv_lat = self.pmg_struc.lattice.inv_matrix new_lat = self.lattice.matrix positions = np.zeros([len(molecules),3]) for i in range(len(molecules)): positions[i] =[i].cart_coords.mean(axis=0), inv_lat) wps = [] ids = [] #id for the generator visited_ids = [] for id, pos in enumerate(positions): if id not in visited_ids: centers = apply_ops(pos, self.wyc) tmp_ids = find_ids(centers, positions) visited_ids.extend(tmp_ids) #print(id, pos, tmp_ids, len(self.wyc), len(molecules[id])) if len(tmp_ids) == len(self.wyc): #general position #if len(molecules[id])==1: print("groups", tmp_ids, '\n', centers) wps.append(self.wyc) ids.append(id) else: #special sites for id0 in tmp_ids: p0 = positions[id0] p1, wp, _ = self.wyc.merge(p0, new_lat, 0.1) diff = p1 - p0 diff -= np.round(diff) if np.abs(diff).sum() < 1e-2: #sort position by mapping wps.append(wp) ids.append(id0) #find the right ids #print("add special", wp.index, id0) break #print("===============================================================", self.wps) # add position and molecule, print("ids", ids, mults) N_sites = len(ids) self.numMols = [0] * len(self.ref_mols) self.positions = [] self.wps = [] self.p_mols = [] self.ids = [] ids_done = [] #search for the matched molecules for j, mol2_ref in enumerate(self.ref_mols): mol2 = mol2_ref.copy() if self.add_H: mol2.mol.remove_species("H") for i, id in enumerate(ids): mol1 = molecules[id] #print("++++++++++++++++++++++++++", id, ids, len(mol2.mol), len(mol1)) #print('xyz')) if id not in ids_done and len(mol2.mol) == len(mol1): p_mol = mol2_ref.copy() # create p_mol match, mapping = compare_mol_connectivity(mol2.mol, mol1) if match: if len(mol1) > 1: # rearrange the order order = [mapping[at] for at in range(len(mol1))] xyz = mol1.cart_coords[order] # add hydrogen positions here if self.add_H: #print( xyz = self.add_Hydrogens(, xyz) #print(xyz) frac =, inv_lat) xyz =, new_lat) center = p_mol.get_center(xyz) p_mol.reset_positions(xyz-center) position =, np.linalg.inv(new_lat)) else: xyz = mol1.cart_coords[0] position =, inv_lat) position -= np.floor(position) self.positions.append(position) self.p_mols.append(p_mol) self.ids.append(j) ids_done.append(id) self.wps.append(wps[i]) self.numMols[j] += len(wps[i]) #print("================================================ADDDDDD", id, len(mol1)) # check if some molecules cannot be matched if len(ids_done) < len(ids): #print("==========================================================Nonmatched molecules", ids_done, ids) for id in ids: if id not in ids_done: msg = "This molecule cannot be matched to the reference\n" msg += 'Molecules extracted from the structure\n' msg += molecules[id].to(fmt='xyz') + '\n' msg += "Reference molecule from smiles or xyz\n" msg +='xyz') raise ReadSeedError(msg)
[docs] def add_Hydrogens(self, smile, xyz): """ add hydrogen for pymtagen molecule """ from rdkit import Chem from rdkit.Chem import AllChem from rdkit.Geometry import Point3D #print("SSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS", smile) m1 = Chem.MolFromSmiles(smile) m2 = Chem.AddHs(m1) if len(smile) > 100: AllChem.EmbedMolecule(m2, randomSeed=3) else: AllChem.EmbedMolecule(m2, randomSeed=0xf00d) m2 = Chem.RemoveHs(m2) conf = m2.GetConformer(0) for i in range(conf.GetNumAtoms()): x, y, z = xyz[i] conf.SetAtomPosition(i, Point3D(x,y,z)) #Chem.MolToPDBFile(m2, 'test.pdb') #conf = m2.GetConformer(0); print(conf.GetPositions()) m1 = Chem.AddHs(m1) if len(smile) > 100: AllChem.EmbedMolecule(m1, randomSeed=3) else: AllChem.EmbedMolecule(m1, randomSeed=0xf00d) #print(m1.GetNumAtoms(), m2.GetNumAtoms()) AllChem.UFFOptimizeMolecule(m1) try: m3 = AllChem.ConstrainedEmbed(m1, m2) except ValueError as e: raise ReadSeedError(str(e)) conf = m3.GetConformer(0) #; print(conf.GetPositions()) return conf.GetPositions()
[docs] def make_mol_sites(self): """ generate the molecular wyckoff sites """ ori = Orientation(np.eye(3)) sites = [] for id, mol, pos, wp in zip(self.ids, self.p_mols, self.positions, self.wps): #print(id,, wp.multiplicity) site = mol_site(mol, pos, ori, wp, self.lattice) site.type = id #print(pos) #print(self.lattice.matrix) #print([a.value for a in site.molecule.mol.species]) #print(site.molecule.mol.cart_coords) #print(site._get_coords_and_species(absolute=True)[0][:10]) sites.append(site) return sites
[docs] def align(self): """ compute the orientation wrt the reference molecule """ try: from openbabel import pybel, openbabel except: import pybel, openbabel m1 = pybel.readstring('xyz','xyz')) m2 = pybel.readstring('xyz','xyz')) aligner = openbabel.OBAlign(True, False) aligner.SetRefMol(m1.OBMol) aligner.SetTargetMol(m2.OBMol) aligner.Align() print("RMSD: ", aligner.GetRMSD()) rot=np.zeros([3,3]) for i in range(3): for j in range(3): rot[i,j] = aligner.GetRotMatrix().Get(i,j) coord2 = self.molecule.cart_coords coord2 -= np.mean(coord2, axis=0) coord3 = + np.mean(self.ref_mol.cart_coords, axis=0) self.mol_aligned = Molecule(self.ref_mol.atomic_numbers, coord3) self.ori = Orientation(rot)
[docs] def show(self, overlay=True): from pyxtal.viz import display_molecules if overlay: return display_molecules([self.ref_mol, self.mol_aligned]) else: return display_molecules([self.ref_mol, self.molecule])
[docs] def search_molecules_in_crystal(struc, tol=0.2, once=False, ignore_HH=True): """ Function to perform to find the molecule in a Pymatgen structure Args: struc: Pymatgen Structure tol: tolerance value to check the connectivity once: search only one molecule or all molecules ignore_HH: whether or not ignore the short H-H in checking molecule Returns: molecules: list of pymatgen molecules positions: list of center positions """ def check_one_layer(struc, sites0, visited): new_members = [] for site0 in sites0: sites_add, visited = check_one_site(struc, site0, visited) new_members.extend(sites_add) return new_members, visited def check_one_site(struc, site0, visited, rmax=2.8): neigh_sites = struc.get_neighbors(site0, rmax) ids = [m.index for m in visited] sites_add = [] ids_add = [] pbc = isinstance(struc, Structure) for site1 in neigh_sites: if (site1.index not in ids+ids_add): try: if CovalentBond.is_bonded(site0, site1, tol): if pbc: (d, image) = site0.distance_and_image(site1) else: d = site0.distance(site1) val1, val2 = site1.specie.value, site0.specie.value key = "{:s}-{:s}".format(val1, val2) #sometime the H-H short distance is not avoidable if key == 'H-H': if not ignore_HH: if pbc: site1.frac_coords += image sites_add.append(site1) ids_add.append(site1.index) else: if d < bonds[key]: if pbc: site1.frac_coords += image sites_add.append(site1) ids_add.append(site1.index) except ValueError: #QZ: use our own bond distance lib if pbc: (d, image) = site0.distance_and_image(site1) else: d = site0.distance(site1) val1, val2 = site1.specie.value, site0.specie.value key = "{:s}-{:s}".format(val1, val2) if d < bonds[key]: if pbc: site1.frac_coords += image sites_add.append(site1) ids_add.append(site1.index) if len(sites_add) > 0: visited.extend(sites_add) return sites_add, visited molecules = [] visited_ids = [] for id, site in enumerate(struc.sites): if id not in visited_ids: first_site = site visited = [first_site] first_site.index = id n_iter, max_iter = 0, len(struc)-len(visited_ids) while n_iter < max_iter: if n_iter == 0: new_sites, visited = check_one_site(struc, first_site, visited) else: new_sites, visited = check_one_layer(struc, new_sites, visited) n_iter += 1 if len(new_sites)==0: break coords = [s.coords for s in visited] coords = np.array(coords) numbers = [s.specie.number for s in visited] molecules.append(Molecule(numbers, coords)) visited_ids.extend([s.index for s in visited]) #print(molecules[-1].to(fmt='xyz')); import sys; sys.exit() if once and len(molecules) == 1: break return molecules
if __name__ == "__main__": from pyxtal.database.collection import Collection pmg = Structure.from_file('pyxtal/database/cifs/resorcinol.cif') mols = search_molecules_in_crystal(pmg, tol=0.2, once=False) print(len(mols)) pmg = Collection("molecules")['xxv'] mols = search_molecules_in_crystal(pmg, tol=0.2, once=False) print(len(mols))