Source code for pyxtal.interface.vasp

from pyxtal import pyxtal
from ase import Atoms
from pyxtal.util import good_lattice
from ase.calculators.vasp import Vasp
import os, time
import numpy as np

A script to perform multistages vasp calculation
[docs] class VASP(): """ This is a calculator to perform structure optimization in GULP At the moment, only inorganic crystal is considered Args: struc: structure object generated by Pyxtal ff: path of forcefield lib opt: `conv`, `conp`, `single` """ def __init__(self, struc, path='tmp', cmd='mpirun -np 16 vasp_std'): if isinstance(struc, pyxtal): struc = struc.to_ase() if not isinstance(struc, Atoms): raise NotImplementedError("only support ASE atoms object") self.structure = struc self.folder = path if not os.path.exists(self.folder): os.makedirs(self.folder) self.pstress = 0.0 = None self.energy_per_atom = None self.stress = None self.forces = None = None self.cputime = 0 self.error = True self.cmd = cmd
[docs] def set_vasp(self, level=0, pstress=0.0000, setup=None): self.pstress = pstress default0 = {'xc': 'pbe', 'npar': 8, 'kgamma': True, 'lcharg': False, 'lwave': False, 'ibrion': 2, 'pstress': pstress*10, 'setups': setup, } if level==0: default1 = {'prec': 'low', 'algo': 'normal', 'kspacing': 0.4, 'isif': 4, 'ediff': 1e-2, 'nsw': 10, 'potim': 0.02, } elif level==1: default1 = {'prec': 'normal', 'algo': 'normal', 'kspacing': 0.3, 'isif': 3, 'ediff': 1e-3, 'nsw': 25, 'potim': 0.05, } elif level==2: default1 = {'prec': 'accurate', 'kspacing': 0.2, 'isif': 3, 'ediff': 1e-3, 'nsw': 50, 'potim': 0.1, } elif level==3: default1 = {'prec': 'accurate', 'encut': 600, 'kspacing': 0.15, 'isif': 3, 'ediff': 1e-4, 'nsw': 50, } elif level==4: default1 = {'prec': 'accurate', 'encut': 600, 'kspacing': 0.15, 'isif': 3, 'ediff': 1e-4, 'nsw': 0, } dict_vasp = dict(default0, **default1) return Vasp(**dict_vasp)
[docs] def read_OUTCAR(self, path='OUTCAR'): """read time and ncores info from OUTCAR""" time = 0 ncore = 0 for line in open(path, 'r'): if line.rfind('running on ') > -1: ncore = int(line.split()[2]) elif line.rfind('Elapsed time ') > -1: time = float(line.split(':')[-1]) self.cputime = time self.ncore = ncore
[docs] def read_OSZICAR(self, path='OSZICAR'): """read the enthalpy from OSZICAR""" energy = 100000 for line in open(path, 'r'): if line.rfind(' F= ') > -1: energy = float(line.split()[2]) = energy # this is actually enthalpy
[docs] def read_bandgap(self, path='vasprun.xml'): from pyxtal.interface.vasprun import vasprun myrun = vasprun(path) = myrun.values['gap']
[docs] def run(self, setup=None, pstress=0, level=0, clean=True, read_gap=False, walltime=None): if walltime is not None: os.environ["VASP_COMMAND"] = "timeout " + max_time + " " + self.cmd else: os.environ["VASP_COMMAND"] = self.cmd cwd = os.getcwd() setups = self.set_vasp(level, pstress, setup) self.structure.set_calculator(setups) os.chdir(self.folder) try: self.structure.get_potential_energy() self.error = False self.read_OSZICAR() except RuntimeError: # VASP is not full done self.read_OSZICAR() if < 10000: self.error = False except (IndexError, ValueError, UnboundLocalError): print("Error in parsing vasp output or VASP calc is wrong") os.system("cp OUTCAR Error-OUTCAR") if not self.error: try: self.forces = self.structure.get_forces() except: self.forces = np.zeros([len(self.structure),3]) self.energy_per_atom = self.read_OUTCAR() if read_gap: self.read_bandgap() if clean: self.clean() os.chdir(cwd)
[docs] def clean(self): os.remove("POSCAR") os.remove("POTCAR") os.remove("INCAR") os.remove("OUTCAR") if os.path.exists("OSZICAR"): os.remove("OSZICAR")
[docs] def to_pymatgen(self): from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure return Structure(self.lattice.matrix, self.sites, self.frac_coords)
[docs] def to_pyxtal(self): struc = pyxtal() struc.from_seed(self.structure) return struc
[docs] def single_optimize(struc, level, pstress, setup, path, clean, cmd='mpirun -np 16 vasp_std', walltime="30m"): """ single optmization Args: struc: pyxtal structure level: vasp calc level pstress: external pressure setup: vasp setup path: calculation directory Returns: the structure, energy and time costs """ calc = VASP(struc, path, cmd=cmd), pstress, level, clean=clean) if calc.error: return None, None, 0, True else: try: struc = calc.to_pyxtal() struc.optimize_lattice() return struc, calc.energy_per_atom, calc.cputime, calc.error except: return None, None, 0, True
[docs] def single_point(struc, setup=None, path=None, clean=True): """ single optmization Args: struc: pyxtal structure level: vasp calc level pstress: external pressure setup: vasp setup path: calculation directory Returns: the energy and forces """ calc = VASP(struc, path), level=4, clean=clean) return, calc.forces, calc.error
[docs] def optimize(struc, path, levels=[0,2,3], pstress=0, setup=None, clean=True, cmd='mpirun -np 16 vasp_std', walltime="30m"): """ multi optimization Args: struc: pyxtal structure path: calculation directory levels: list of vasp calc levels pstress: external pressure setup: vasp setup Returns: list of structures, energies and time costs """ time_total = 0 for i, level in enumerate(levels): struc, eng, time, error = single_optimize(struc, level, pstress, setup, path, clean, cmd, walltime) time_total += time #print(eng, time, time_total, '++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++') if error or not good_lattice(struc): return None, None, 0, True return struc, eng, time_total, error
if __name__ == "__main__": while True: struc = pyxtal() struc.from_random(3, 19, ["C"], [4]) if struc.valid: break # set up the commands os.system("source /share/intel/mkl/bin/ intel64") cmd='mpirun -n 4 /share/apps/bin/vasp544-2019u2/vasp_std' calc = VASP(struc, path='tmp', cmd=cmd) print("Energy:", print("Forces", calc.forces) struc, eng, time, _ = optimize(struc, path='tmp', levels=[0,1,2], cmd=cmd, walltime='30s') print(struc) print("Energy:", eng) print("Time:", time) calc = VASP(struc, path='tmp', cmd=cmd), read_gap=True) print("Energy:", print("Gap:",