Source code for pyxtal.interface.gulp

import os
import numpy as np
import re
from pyxtal import pyxtal
from pyxtal.lattice import Lattice
from ase import Atoms
from ase.units import eV, Ang

[docs] class GULP(): """ This is a calculator to perform structure optimization in GULP At the moment, only inorganic crystal is considered Args: struc: structure object generated by Pyxtal ff: path of forcefield lib opt: `conv`, `conp`, `single` pstress (float): external pressure steps (int): relaxation steps symm (bool): whether or not impose the symmetry """ def __init__(self, struc, label="_", path='tmp', ff='reax', \ pstress=None, opt='conp', steps=1000, exe='gulp',\ input='', output='gulp.log', dump=None, symmetry=False, labels=None): if isinstance(struc, pyxtal): self.pyxtal = struc self.species = struc.species struc = struc.to_ase(resort=False) else: self.pyxtal = None if isinstance(struc, Atoms): self.lattice = Lattice.from_matrix(struc.cell) self.frac_coords = struc.get_scaled_positions() self.sites = struc.get_chemical_symbols() self.species = None else: raise NotImplementedError("only support ASE atoms object") self.symmetry = symmetry#; print(self.pyxtal.lattice.ltype) self.structure = struc self.pstress= pstress self.label = label self.labels = labels self.ff = ff self.opt = opt self.exe = exe self.steps = steps self.folder = path if not os.path.exists(self.folder): os.makedirs(self.folder) self.input = self.folder + '/' + self.label + input self.output = self.folder + '/' + self.label + output self.dump = dump self.iter = 0 = None self.energy_per_atom = None self.stress = None self.forces = None self.positions = None self.optimized = False self.cputime = 0 self.error = False
[docs] def set_catlow(self): """ set the atomic label for catlow potentials O_O2- general O2- species O_OH oxygen in hydroxyl group H_OH hydrogen in hydroxyl group """ pass
[docs] def run(self, clean=True): self.write() self.execute() if clean: self.clean()
[docs] def execute(self): cmd = self.exe + '<' + self.input + '>' + self.output os.system(cmd)
[docs] def clean(self): os.remove(self.input) os.remove(self.output) if self.dump is not None: os.remove(self.dump)
[docs] def to_ase(self): return Atoms(self.sites, scaled_positions=self.frac_coords, cell=self.lattice.matrix)
[docs] def to_pymatgen(self): from pymatgen.core.structure import Structure return Structure(self.lattice.matrix, self.sites, self.frac_coords)
[docs] def to_pyxtal(self): ase_atoms = self.to_ase() for tol in [1e-2, 1e-3, 1e-4, 1e-5]: try: struc = pyxtal() struc.from_seed(ase_atoms, tol=tol) break except: pass #print('Something is wrong', tol) #struc.from_seed('bug.vasp', tol*10) return struc
[docs] def write(self): a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma = self.lattice.get_para(degree=True) with open(self.input, 'w') as f: if self.opt == 'conv': f.write('opti stress {:s} conjugate '.format(self.opt)) elif self.opt == "single": f.write('grad conp stress ') else: f.write('opti stress {:s} conjugate '.format(self.opt)) if not self.symmetry: f.write('nosymmetry\n') f.write('\ncell\n') f.write('{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}{:12.6f}\n'.format(\ a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma)) f.write('\nfractional\n') symbols = [] if self.symmetry and self.pyxtal is not None: # Use pyxtal here for site in self.pyxtal.atom_sites: symbol, coord = site.specie, site.position f.write('{:4s} {:12.6f} {:12.6f} {:12.6f} core \n'.format(symbol, *coord)) if self.ff == 'catlow' and symbol == 'O': f.write('{:4s} {:12.6f} {:12.6f} {:12.6f} shell \n'.format(symbol, *coord)) # Tested for all space groups f.write('\nspace\n{:d}\n'.format( f.write('\norigin\n0 0 0\n') else: # All coordinates for coord, site in zip(self.frac_coords, self.sites): f.write('{:4s} {:12.6f} {:12.6f} {:12.6f} core \n'.format(site, *coord)) if self.species is not None: species = self.structure.species else: species = list(set(self.sites)) f.write('\nSpecies\n') if self.labels is not None: for specie in species: if specie in self.labels.keys(): sp = self.labels[specie] f.write('{:4s} core {:s}\n'.format(specie, sp)) else: f.write('{:4s} core {:4s}\n'.format(specie, specie)) else: for specie in species: if self.ff == 'catlow' and specie == 'O': f.write('O core O_O2- core\n') f.write('O shell O_O2- shell\n') else: f.write('{:4s} core {:4s}\n'.format(specie, specie)) f.write('\nlibrary {:s}\n'.format(self.ff)) f.write('ewald 10.0\n') #f.write('switch rfo gnorm 1.0\n') #f.write('switch rfo cycle 0.03\n') if self.opt != "single": f.write('maxcycle {:d}\n'.format(self.steps)) if self.pstress is not None: f.write("pressure {:6.3f}\n".format(self.pstress)) if self.dump is not None: f.write('output cif {:s}\n'.format(self.dump))
[docs] def read(self): # for symmetry case lattice_para = None lattice_vector = None if self.pyxtal is not None: ltype = self.pyxtal.lattice.ltype else: ltype = 'triclinic' with open(self.output, 'r') as f: lines = f.readlines() try: for i, line in enumerate(lines): if self.symmetry and[0] != 'P': m = re.match(r'\s*Non-primitive unit cell\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*eV', line) elif self.pstress is None or self.pstress == 0: m = re.match(r'\s*Total lattice energy\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*eV', line) else: m = re.match(r'\s*Total lattice enthalpy\s*=\s*(\S+)\s*eV', line) #print(line.find('Final asymmetric unit coord'), line) if m: = float( self.energy_per_atom = elif line.find('Job Finished')!= -1: self.optimized = True elif line.find('Total CPU time') != -1: self.cputime = float(line.split()[-1]) elif line.find('Final stress tensor components')!= -1: stress = np.zeros([6]) for j in range(3): var=lines[i+j+3].split()[1] stress[j]=float(var) var=lines[i+j+3].split()[3] stress[j+3]=float(var) self.stress = stress # Forces, QZ copied from elif line.find('Final internal derivatives') != -1: s = i + 5 forces = [] while(True): s = s + 1 if lines[s].find("------------") != -1: break g = lines[s].split()[3:6] for t in range(3-len(g)): g.append(' ') for j in range(2): min_index=[i+1 for i,e in enumerate(g[j][1:]) if e == '-'] if j==0 and len(min_index) != 0: if len(min_index)==1: g[2]=g[1] g[1]=g[0][min_index[0]:] g[0]=g[0][:min_index[0]] else: g[2]=g[0][min_index[1]:] g[1]=g[0][min_index[0]:min_index[1]] g[0]=g[0][:min_index[0]] break if j==1 and len(min_index) != 0: g[2]=g[1][min_index[0]:] g[1]=g[1][:min_index[0]] G = [-float(x) * eV / Ang for x in g] forces.append(G) forces = np.array(forces) self.forces = forces elif line.find(' Cycle: ') != -1: self.iter = int(line.split()[1]) # asymmetric unit elif line.find('Final asymmetric unit coordinates') != -1: s = i + 6 positions = [] for _i in range(len(self.pyxtal.atom_sites)): xyz = lines[s+_i].split()[3:6] XYZ = [float(x) for x in xyz] #print(XYZ) self.pyxtal.atom_sites[_i].update(XYZ) elif line.find('Final fractional coordinates of atoms') != -1: s = i + 5 positions = [] species = [] while True: s = s + 1 if lines[s].find("------------") != -1: break xyz = lines[s].split()[3:6] XYZ = [float(x) for x in xyz] positions.append(XYZ) species.append(lines[s].split()[1]) #if len(species) != len(self.sites): # print("Warning", len(species), len(self.sites)) self.frac_coords = np.array(positions) elif line.find('Final Cartesian lattice vectors') != -1: lattice_vectors = np.zeros((3,3)) s = i + 2 for j in range(s, s+3): temp=lines[j].split() for k in range(3): lattice_vectors[j-s][k]=float(temp[k]) lattice_vector = Lattice.from_matrix(lattice_vectors, ltype=ltype) elif line.find('Non-primitive lattice parameters') != -1: s = i + 2 temp = lines[s].split() a, b, c = float(temp[2]), float(temp[5]), float(temp[8]) temp = lines[s+1].split() alpha, beta, gamma = float(temp[1]), float(temp[3]), float(temp[5]) lattice_para = Lattice.from_para(a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma, ltype) except: self.error = True = None if lattice_para is not None: self.lattice = lattice_para elif lattice_vector is not None: self.lattice = lattice_vector else: self.error = True = None if self.pyxtal is not None: self.pyxtal.lattice = self.lattice if is None or np.isnan( self.error = True = None print("GULP calculation is wrong, reading------")
[docs] def single_optimize(struc, ff, steps=1000, pstress=None, opt="conp", exe="gulp", path="tmp", label="_", clean=True, symmetry=False, labels=None): calc = GULP(struc, steps=steps, label=label, path=path, pstress=pstress, ff=ff, opt=opt, symmetry=symmetry, labels=labels) if calc.error: print("GULP error in single optimize") return None, None, 0, True else: if calc.pyxtal is None: struc = calc.to_pyxtal() else: struc = calc.pyxtal #if sum(struc.numIons) == 42: print("SSSSS"); import sys; sys.exit() return struc, calc.energy_per_atom, calc.cputime, calc.error
[docs] def optimize(struc, ff, optimizations=["conp", "conp"], exe="gulp", pstress=None, path="tmp", label="_", clean=True, adjust=False): """ Multiple calls """ time_total = 0 for opt in optimizations: struc, energy, time, error = single_optimize(struc, ff, pstress=pstress, opt=opt, exe=exe, path=path, label=label, clean=clean) time_total += time if error: return None, None, 0, True elif adjust and abs(energy)<1e-8: matrix = struc.lattice.matrix struc.lattice.set_matrix(matrix*0.8) return struc, energy, time_total, False
if __name__ == "__main__": while True: struc = pyxtal() struc.from_random(3, 19, ["C"], [4]) if struc.valid: break print(struc) pmg1 = struc.to_pymatgen() calc = GULP(struc, opt="single", ff="tersoff.lib"); import sys; sys.exit() print( print(calc.stress) print(calc.forces) pmg2 = calc.to_pymatgen() #xtal = calc.pyxtal #calc.to_pyxtal() #print(calc.iter) #print(xtal) import pymatgen.analysis.structure_matcher as sm print(sm.StructureMatcher().fit(pmg1, pmg2)) struc, eng, time, _ = optimize(struc, ff="tersoff.lib") print(struc) print(eng) print(time)