Source code for pyxtal.crystal

Module for generating atomic crystals

# Standard Libraries
import random
from copy import deepcopy
import numpy as np

# PyXtal imports #avoid *
from pyxtal.symmetry import Group, choose_wyckoff
from pyxtal.wyckoff_site import atom_site
from pyxtal.msg import Comp_CompatibilityError, VolumeError
from pyxtal.tolerance import Tol_matrix
from pyxtal.lattice import Lattice
from pyxtal.database.element import Element

# Define functions
# ------------------------------
[docs] class random_crystal: """ Class for storing and generating atomic crystals based on symmetry constraints. Given a spacegroup, list of atomic symbols, the stoichiometry, and a volume factor, generates a random crystal consistent with the spacegroup's symmetry. Args: dim: dimenion (0, 1, 2, 3) group: the group number (1-56, 1-75, 1-80, 1-230) species: a list of atomic symbols for each ion type, e.g., `["Ti", "O"]` numIons: a list of the number of each type of atom within the primitive cell (NOT the conventional cell), e.g., `[4, 2]` factor (optional): volume factor used to generate the crystal sites (optional): pre-assigned wyckoff sites (e.g., `[["4a"], ["2b"]]`) lattice (optional): `Lattice <pyxtal.lattice.Lattice.html>`_ object to define the unit cell tm (optional): `Tol_matrix <pyxtal.tolerance.Tol_matrix.html>`_ object to define the distances """ def __init__( self, dim = 3, group = 227, species = ['C'], numIons = 8, factor = 1.1, thickness = None, area = None, lattice = None, sites = None, conventional = True, tm = Tol_matrix(prototype="atomic"), use_hall = False): # Initialize self.source = 'Random' self.valid = False self.factor = factor self.min_density = 0.75 # Dimesion self.dim = dim self.area = area # Cross-section area for 1D self.thickness = thickness # Thickness of 2D slab self.lattice0 = lattice #The periodic boundary condition if dim == 3: self.PBC = [1, 1, 1] elif dim == 2: self.PBC = [1, 1, 0] elif dim == 1: self.PBC = [0, 0, 1] elif dim == 0: self.PBC = [0, 0, 0] # Symmetry group if type(group) == Group: = group else: = Group(group, dim=self.dim, use_hall=use_hall) self.number = self.symbol = # Composition numIons = np.array(numIons) if not conventional: mul = else: mul = 1 self.numIons = numIons * mul self.species = species # Tolerance matrix if type(tm) == Tol_matrix: self.tol_matrix = tm else: self.tol_matrix = Tol_matrix(prototype=tm) # Wyckoff sites self.set_sites(sites) # Lattice and coordinates compat, self.degrees = if not compat: self.valid = False msg = "Compoisition " + str(self.numIons) msg += " not compatible with symmetry " msg += str( raise Comp_CompatibilityError(msg) else: #self.set_volume() #self.set_lattice(self.lattice0) self.set_elemental_volumes() self.set_crystal() def __str__(self): if self.valid: s = "------Crystal from {:s}------".format(self.source) s += "\nDimension: {}".format(self.dim) s += "\nGroup: {} ({})".format(self.symbol, self.number) s += "\n{}".format(self.lattice) s += "\nWyckoff sites:" for wyc in self.atom_sites: s += "\n\t{}".format(wyc) else: s = "\nStructure not available." return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def set_sites(self, sites): """ initialize Wyckoff sites Update 2023/09, track the wp index instead of letters to avoid many inquiries Args: sites: list """ # Symmetry sites self.sites = {} for i, specie in enumerate(self.species): if sites is not None and sites[i] is not None and len(sites[i])>0: self.sites[specie] = [] self._check_consistency(sites[i], self.numIons[i]) if type(sites[i]) is dict: for item in sites[i].items(): # keep the record of wp index id =[0]) self.sites[specie].append((id, item[1])) elif type(sites[i]) is list: #tuple for site in sites[i]: if type(site) is tuple: (letter, x, y, z) = site id = self.sites[specie].append((id, (x, y, z))) else: id = self.sites[specie].append(id) else: self.sites[specie] = None
[docs] def set_elemental_volumes(self): """ set up the radii for each specie """ self.elemental_volumes = [] for specie in self.species: sp = Element(specie) vol1, vol2 = sp.covalent_radius ** 3, sp.vdw_radius ** 3 self.elemental_volumes.append([4/3*np.pi*vol1, 4/3*np.pi*vol2])
[docs] def set_volume(self): """ Estimates the volume of a unit cell based on the number/types of ions. Assumes each atom takes up a sphere with radius equal to its covalent bond radius. 0.50 A -> 0.52 A^3 0.62 A -> 1.00 A^3 0.75 A -> 1.76 A^3 Returns: a float value for the estimated volume """ volume = 0 for i, numIon in enumerate(self.numIons): [vmin, vmax] = self.elemental_volumes[i] volume += numIon * random.uniform(vmin, vmax) self.volume = self.factor * volume #make sure the volume is not too small if self.volume/sum(self.numIons) < self.min_density: self.volume = sum(self.numIons) * self.min_density
[docs] def set_lattice(self, lattice): """ Generate the initial lattice """ if lattice is not None: # Use the provided lattice self.lattice = lattice self.volume = lattice.volume # Make sure the custom lattice PBC axes are correct. if lattice.PBC != self.PBC: self.lattice.PBC = self.PBC else: # Determine the unique axis if self.dim == 2: if self.number in range(3, 8): unique_axis = "c" else: unique_axis = "a" elif self.dim == 1: if self.number in range(3, 8): unique_axis = "a" else: unique_axis = "c" else: unique_axis = "c" # Generate a Lattice instance good_lattice = False for cycle in range(10): try: self.lattice = Lattice(, self.volume, PBC=self.PBC, unique_axis=unique_axis, thickness=self.thickness, area=self.area, ) good_lattice = True break except VolumeError: self.volume *= 1.1 msg = "Warning: increase the volume by 1.1 times: " msg += "{:.2f}".format(self.volume) print(msg) if not good_lattice: msg = "Volume estimation {:.2f} is very bad".format(self.volume) msg += " with the given composition " msg += str(self.numIons) raise RuntimeError(msg)
[docs] def set_crystal(self): """ The main code to generate a random atomic crystal. If successful, `self.valid` is True """ self.numattempts = 0 if not self.degrees: self.lattice_attempts = 5 self.coord_attempts = 5 else: self.lattice_attempts = 40 self.coord_attempts = 10 #QZ: Maybe we no longer need this tag #if not self.lattice.allow_volume_reset: # self.lattice_attempts = 1 for cycle1 in range(self.lattice_attempts): self.set_volume() self.set_lattice(self.lattice0) #print("VOLUME", cycle1, self.volume) self.cycle1 = cycle1 for cycle2 in range(self.coord_attempts): self.cycle2 = cycle2 output = self._set_coords() if output: self.atom_sites = output break if self.valid: return else: self.lattice.reset_matrix() return
def _set_coords(self): """ generate coordinates for random crystal """ wyks = [] cell = self.lattice.matrix # generate coordinates for each ion type in turn for numIon, specie in zip(self.numIons, self.species): output = self._set_ion_wyckoffs(numIon, specie, cell, wyks) if output is not None: wyks.extend(output) else: # correct multiplicity not achieved exit and start over return None # If numIon_added correct for all specie return structure self.valid = True return wyks def _set_ion_wyckoffs(self, numIon, specie, cell, wyks): """ generates a set of wyckoff positions to accomodate a given number of ions Args: numIon: Number of ions to accomodate specie: Type of species being placed on wyckoff site cellx: Matrix of lattice vectors wyks: current wyckoff sites Returns: Sucess: wyckoff_sites_tmp: list of wyckoff sites for valid sites Failue: None """ numIon_added = 0 tol = self.tol_matrix.get_tol(specie, specie) wyckoff_sites_tmp = [] # Now we start to add the specie to the wyckoff position sites_list = deepcopy(self.sites[specie]) # the list of Wyckoff site if sites_list is not None: wyckoff_attempts = max(len(sites_list)*2, 10) else: # the minimum numattempts is to put all atoms to the general WPs min_wyckoffs = int(numIon/len([0][0])) wyckoff_attempts = max(2*min_wyckoffs, 10) cycle = 0 while cycle < wyckoff_attempts: # Choose a random WP for given multiplicity: 2a, 2b if sites_list is not None and len(sites_list)>0: site = sites_list[0] else: # Selecting the merging site = None new_site = None if type(site) is tuple: #site with coordinates #print(site) (index, xyz) = site wp =[index] new_site = atom_site(wp, xyz, specie) else: if site is not None: wp =[site] pt = self.lattice.generate_point() # avoid using the merge function if len(wp.short_distances(pt, cell, tol)) > 0: #print('bad pt', pt, wp.short_distances(pt, cell, tol)) cycle += 1 continue else: # update pt pt = wp.project(pt, cell, self.PBC) #print('good', pt, tol, len(wp.short_distances(pt, cell, tol))) else: # generate wp wp = choose_wyckoff(, numIon-numIon_added, site, self.dim) if wp is not False: #print(wp.letter) passed_wp_check = True # Generate a list of coords from ops pt = self.lattice.generate_point() pt, wp, _ = wp.merge(pt, cell, tol, #print('good pt', pt) if wp is not False: # For pure planar structure if self.dim == 2 and self.thickness is not None and \ self.thickness < 0.1: pt[-1] = 0.5 new_site = atom_site(wp, pt, specie) # Check current WP against existing WP's if self.check_wp(wyckoff_sites_tmp, wyks, cell, new_site): if sites_list is not None and len(sites_list)>0: sites_list.pop(0) wyckoff_sites_tmp.append(new_site) numIon_added += new_site.multiplicity # Check if enough atoms have been added if numIon_added == numIon: return wyckoff_sites_tmp cycle += 1 self.numattempts += 1 return None
[docs] def check_wp(self, wyckoff_sites_tmp, wyks, cell, new_site): # Check current WP against existing WP's if new_site is None: return False for ws in wyckoff_sites_tmp + wyks: if not new_site.check_with_ws2(ws, cell, self.tol_matrix): return False return True
def _check_consistency(self, site, numIon): num = 0 for s in site: if type(s) is dict: for key in s.keys(): num += int(key[:-1]) else: num += int(s[:-1]) if numIon == num: return True else: diff = numIon - num if diff > 0: #check if compatible compat, self.degrees =[diff]) if compat: return True else: msg = "\nfrom numIons: {:d}".format(numIon) msg += "\nfrom Wyckoff list: {:d}".format(num) msg += "\nThe number is incompatible with composition: " mse += str(site) raise ValueError(msg) else: msg = "\nfrom numIons: {:d}".format(numIon) msg += "\nfrom Wyckoff list: {:d}".format(num) msg += "\nThe requested number is greater than composition: " msg += str(site) raise ValueError(msg)