Source code for pyxtal.XRD

Module for XRD simulation (experimental stage)
import os
import collections
import numpy as np
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
from monty.serialization import loadfn
from pkg_resources import resource_filename
from pyxtal.database.element import Element

ATOMIC_SCATTERING_PARAMS = loadfn(resource_filename("pyxtal", "database/atomic_scattering_params.json"))

[docs] class XRD(): """ a class to compute the powder XRD. Args: crystal: ase atoms object wavelength: float max2theta: float per_N: int ncpu: int preferred_orientation: boolean march_parameter: float """ def __init__(self, crystal, wavelength=1.54184, thetas = [0, 180], res = 0.01, per_N = 30000, ncpu = 1, filename = None, preferred_orientation = False, march_parameter = None): self.res = np.radians(res) if filename is None: self.wavelength = wavelength self.min2theta = np.radians(thetas[0]) self.max2theta = np.radians(thetas[1]) self.per_N = per_N self.ncpu = ncpu = crystal.get_chemical_formula() self.preferred_orientation = preferred_orientation self.march_parameter = march_parameter self.all_dhkl(crystal) self.skip_hkl = self.intensity(crystal) self.pxrdf() else: self.load(filename)
[docs] def save(self, filename): """ savetxt file """ header = "wavelength/thetas {:12.6f} {:6.2f} {:6.2f}".format(\ self.wavelength, np.degrees(self.min2theta), np.degrees(self.max2theta)) np.savetxt(filename, self.pxrd, header=header)
[docs] def load(self, filename): """ Load the pxrd from txt file """ fp = open(filename, 'r') tmp = fp.readline() res = tmp.split()[2:] self.wavelength = float(res[0]) self.min2theta = np.radians(float(res[1])) self.max2theta = np.radians(float(res[2])) pxrd = np.loadtxt(filename) self.theta2 = pxrd[:, 0] self.d_hkls = pxrd[:, 1] self.xrd_intensity = pxrd[:, -1] hkl_labels = [] for i in range(len(pxrd)): h, k, l = int(pxrd[i, 2]), int(pxrd[i, 3]), int(pxrd[i, 4]) hkl_labels.append([{"hkl": (h, k, l), "multiplicity": 1}]) self.hkl_labels = hkl_labels self.pxrd = pxrd = filename
def __str__(self): return self.by_hkl() def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def by_hkl(self, hkl=None): """ d for any give abitray [h,k,l] index """ s = "" if hkl is None: id1 = self.hkl_labels seqs = range(len(id1)) else: seqs = None for id, label in enumerate(self.hkl_labels): hkl0 = list(label[0]['hkl']) #label['multiplicity'] if hkl == hkl0: seqs = [id] if seqs is not None: s += ' 2theta d_hkl hkl Intensity Multi\n' for i in seqs: s += "{:8.3f} {:8.3f} ".format(self.theta2[i], self.d_hkls[i]) s += "[{:2d} {:2d} {:2d}]".format(*self.hkl_labels[i][0]["hkl"]) s += " {:8.2f} ".format(100*self.xrd_intensity[i]/max(self.xrd_intensity)) s += "{:8d}\n".format(self.hkl_labels[i][0]["multiplicity"]) else: s += 'This hkl is not in the given 2theta range' return s
[docs] def all_dhkl(self, crystal): """ 3x3 representation -> 1x6 (a, b, c, alpha, beta, gamma) """ #rec_matrix = crystal.get_reciprocal_cell() rec_matrix = crystal.cell.reciprocal() d_max = self.wavelength/np.sin(self.min2theta/2)/2 d_min = self.wavelength/np.sin(self.max2theta/2)/2 # This block is to find the shortest d_hkl # for all basic directions (1,0,0), (0,1,0), (1,1,0), (1,-1,0) hkl_index = create_index() #2, 2, 2) hkl_max = np.array([1,1,1]) # to fix soon for index in hkl_index: d = np.linalg.norm(, rec_matrix)) multiple = int(np.ceil(1/d/d_min)) index *= multiple for i in range(len(hkl_max)): if hkl_max[i] < index[i]: hkl_max[i] = index[i] h1, k1, l1 = hkl_max h = np.arange(-h1, h1+1) k = np.arange(-k1, k1+1) l = np.arange(-l1, l1+1) hkl = np.array((np.meshgrid(h,k,l))).transpose() hkl_list = np.reshape(hkl, [len(h)*len(k)*len(l),3]) hkl_list = hkl_list[np.where(hkl_list.any(axis=1))[0]] #id = int((len(hkl_list)-1)/2) #hkl_list = np.delete(hkl_list, int((len(hkl_list)-1)/2), axis=0) d_hkl = 1/np.linalg.norm(, rec_matrix), axis=1) shortlist = np.where((d_hkl >= d_min) & (d_hkl < d_max))[0] d_hkl = d_hkl[shortlist] hkl_list = hkl_list[shortlist] sintheta = self.wavelength/2/d_hkl self.theta = np.arcsin(sintheta) self.hkl_list = np.array(hkl_list, dtype=int) self.d_hkl = d_hkl
[docs] def intensity(self, crystal, TWO_THETA_TOL=1e-5, SCALED_INTENSITY_TOL=1e-5): """ This function calculates all that is necessary to find the intensities. This scheme is similar to pymatgen If the number of hkl is significanly large, will automtically switch to the fast mode in which we only calculate the intensity and do not care the exact hkl families Args: TWO_THETA_TOL: tolerance to find repeating angles SCALED_INTENSITY_TOL: threshold for intensities """ # obtain scattering parameters, atomic numbers, and occus #print("total number of hkl lists", len(self.hkl_list)) #print("total number of coords:", len(crystal.get_scaled_positions())) #from time import time #t0 = time() N_atom, N_hkls = len(crystal), len(self.hkl_list) # Make sure the code don't split into too many cycles if self.per_N < N_atom: self.per_N = N_atom coeffs = np.zeros([N_atom, 4, 2]) zs = np.zeros([N_atom, 1], dtype=int) for i, elem in enumerate(crystal.get_chemical_symbols()): if elem == 'D': elem = 'H' coeffs[i, :, :] = ATOMIC_SCATTERING_PARAMS[elem] zs[i] = Element(elem).z # A heavy calculation, Partition it to prevent the memory issue s2s = (np.sin(self.theta)/self.wavelength)**2 # M hkl_per_proc = int(self.per_N/N_atom) N_cycle = int(np.ceil(N_hkls/hkl_per_proc)) positions = crystal.get_scaled_positions() if self.ncpu == 1: N_cycles = range(N_cycle) Is = get_all_intensity(N_cycles, N_atom, self.per_N, positions, self.hkl_list, s2s, coeffs, zs) else: import multiprocessing as mp queue = mp.Queue() cycle_per_cpu = int(np.ceil(N_cycle/self.ncpu)) if False: Is = np.zeros([N_hkls]) for cycle in range(cycle_per_cpu): processes = [] for cpu in range(self.ncpu): mycycle = self.ncpu*cycle + cpu Start = mycycle * hkl_per_proc End = min([N_hkls, Start + hkl_per_proc]) #print(N_cycle, mycycle, cpu, Start, End, N_hkls) if Start < End: p = mp.Process(target=get_all_intensity_par, args = (cpu, queue, [mycycle], Start, End, hkl_per_proc, positions, self.hkl_list[Start:End], s2s[Start:End], coeffs, zs)) p.start() processes.append(p) #print("collect results") unsorted_result = [queue.get() for p in processes] for p in processes: p.join() for t in unsorted_result: Is[t[1]:t[2]] += t[3] #print('Done=================', cycle) else: processes = [] for cpu in range(self.ncpu): N1 = cpu * cycle_per_cpu Start = N1 * hkl_per_proc if cpu + 1 == self.ncpu: N2 = N_cycle End = N_hkls else: N2 = (cpu + 1) * cycle_per_cpu End = N2* hkl_per_proc cycles = range(N1, N2) p = mp.Process(target=get_all_intensity_par, args = (cpu, queue, cycles, Start, End, hkl_per_proc, positions, self.hkl_list[Start:End], s2s[Start:End], coeffs, zs)) p.start() processes.append(p) unsorted_result = [queue.get() for p in processes] for p in processes: p.join() #collect results Is = np.zeros([N_hkls]) for t in unsorted_result: Is[t[1]:t[2]] += t[3] # Lorentz polarization factor lfs = (1 + np.cos(2 * self.theta) ** 2) / (np.sin(self.theta) ** 2 * np.cos(self.theta)) # Preferred orientation factor if self.preferred_orientation != False: G = self.march_parameter pos = ((G * np.cos(self.theta))**2 + 1/G * np.sin(self.theta)**2)**(-3/2) else: pos = np.ones(N_hkls) # Group the peaks by theta values _two_thetas = np.degrees(2 * self.theta) self.peaks = {} N = int((self.max2theta - self.min2theta)/self.res) if len(self.hkl_list) > N: skip_hkl = True refs = np.degrees(np.linspace(self.min2theta, self.max2theta, N+1)) dtol = np.degrees(self.res/2) for ref_theta in refs: ids = np.where(np.abs(_two_thetas - ref_theta) < dtol)[0] if len(ids) > 0: intensity = np.sum(Is[ids] * lfs[ids] * pos[ids]) self.peaks[ref_theta] = [intensity, self.hkl_list[ids], self.d_hkl[ids[0]]] else: skip_hkl = False two_thetas = [] for id in range(len(self.hkl_list)): hkl, d_hkl = self.hkl_list[id], self.d_hkl[id] # find where the scattered angles are equal ind = np.where(np.abs(np.subtract(two_thetas, _two_thetas[id])) < TWO_THETA_TOL) if len(ind[0]) > 0: # append intensity, hkl plane, and thetas to lists self.peaks[two_thetas[ind[0][0]]][0] += Is[id] * lfs[id] * pos[id] self.peaks[two_thetas[ind[0][0]]][1].append(tuple(hkl)) else: self.peaks[_two_thetas[id]] = [Is[id] * lfs[id] * pos[id], [tuple(hkl)], d_hkl] two_thetas.append(_two_thetas[id]) # obtain important intensities (defined by SCALED_INTENSITY_TOL) # and corresponding 2*theta, hkl plane + multiplicity, and d_hkl max_intensity = max([v[0] for v in self.peaks.values()]) x = [] y = [] hkls = [] d_hkls = [] count = 0 for k in sorted(self.peaks.keys()): count += 1 v = self.peaks[k] if skip_hkl: fam = {} fam[tuple(v[1][0])] = len(v[1]) else: fam = self.get_unique_families(v[1]) if v[0] / max_intensity * 100 > SCALED_INTENSITY_TOL: #print(k, v[0]/max_intensity) x.append(k) y.append(v[0]) hkls.append([{"hkl": hkl, "multiplicity": mult} for hkl, mult in fam.items()]) d_hkls.append(v[2]) self.theta2 = x self.xrd_intensity = y self.hkl_labels = hkls self.d_hkls = d_hkls return skip_hkl
[docs] def pxrdf(self): """ Group the equivalent hkl planes together by 2\theta angle N*6 arrays, Angle, d_hkl, h, k, l, intensity """ rank = range(len(self.theta2)) #np.argsort(self.theta2) PL = [] last = 0 for i in rank: if self.xrd_intensity[i] > 0.01: angle = self.theta2[i] if abs(angle-last) < 1e-4: PL[-1][-1] += self.xrd_intensity[i] else: PL.append([angle, self.d_hkls[i], \ self.hkl_labels[i][0]["hkl"][0], \ self.hkl_labels[i][0]["hkl"][1], \ self.hkl_labels[i][0]["hkl"][2], \ self.xrd_intensity[i]]) last = angle PL = (np.array(PL)) PL[:,-1] = PL[:,-1]/max(PL[:,-1]) self.pxrd = PL
[docs] def get_unique_families(self,hkls): """ Returns unique families of Miller indices. Families must be permutations of each other. Args: hkls ([h, k, l]): List of Miller indices. Returns: {hkl: multiplicity}: A dict with unique hkl and multiplicity. """ # TODO: Definitely speed it up. def is_perm(hkl1, hkl2): h1 = np.abs(hkl1) h2 = np.abs(hkl2) return all([i == j for i, j in zip(sorted(h1), sorted(h2))]) unique = collections.defaultdict(list) for hkl1 in hkls: found = False for hkl2 in unique.keys(): if is_perm(hkl1, hkl2): found = True unique[hkl2].append(hkl1) break if not found: unique[hkl1].append(hkl1) pretty_unique = {} for k, v in unique.items(): pretty_unique[sorted(v)[-1]] = len(v) return pretty_unique
[docs] @staticmethod def draw_hkl(hkl): """ turn negative numbers in hkl to overbar """ hkl_str= [] for i in hkl: if i<0: label = str(int(-i)) label = r"$\bar{" + label + '}$' hkl_str.append(str(label)) else: hkl_str.append(str(int(i))) return hkl_str
[docs] def plot_pxrd(self, filename=None, profile=None, minimum_I=0.01, show_hkl=True, fontsize=None, figsize=(20,10), res = 0.02, fwhm = 0.1, ax=None, xlim=None, width=1.0, legend=None, show=False): """ plot PXRD Args: filename (None): name of the xrd plot. If None, show the plot profile: type of peak profile minimum_I (0.01): the minimum intensity to include in the plot show_hkl (True): whether or not show hkl labels fontsize (None): fontsize of text in the plot figsize ((20, 10)): figsize xlim (None): the 2theta range [x_min, x_max] """ import matplotlib import matplotlib.pyplot as plt if fontsize is not None: matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize}) if xlim is None: x_min, x_max = 0, np.degrees(self.max2theta) else: x_min, x_max = xlim[0], xlim[1] if ax is None: fig, axes = plt.subplots(1, 1, figsize=figsize) #plt.figure(figsize=figsize) axes.set_title('PXRD of ' + else: axes = ax if profile is None: dx = x_max-x_min for i in self.pxrd:[0],i[-1], color='b', width=width*dx/180) if i[-1] > minimum_I and x_min <= i[0] <= x_max: if show_hkl: label = self.draw_hkl(i[2:5]) axes.text(i[0]-dx/40, i[-1], label[0]+label[1]+label[2]) else: spectra = self.get_profile(method=profile, res=res, user_kwargs={"FWHM": fwhm}) if legend is None: label = 'Profile: ' + profile else: label = legend axes.plot(spectra[0], spectra[1], label=label) axes.legend() axes.set_xlim([x_min, x_max]) axes.set_xlabel('2$\Theta$ ($\lambda$=' + str(self.wavelength) + ' $\AA$)') axes.set_ylabel('Intensity') if ax is None: axes.grid() if filename is None: if show: else: fig.savefig(filename) #fig.close() return fig, axes
[docs] def plotly_pxrd(self, profile='gaussian', minimum_I=0.01, res=0.02, \ FWHM=0.1, height=450, html=None): import plotly.graph_objects as go """ interactive plot for pxrd powered by plotly Args: xrd: xrd object html: html filename (str) """ x, y, labels = [], [], [] for i in range(len(self.pxrd)): theta2, d, h, k, l, I = self.pxrd[i] h, k, l = int(h), int(k), int(l) if I > minimum_I: label = '<br>2&#952;: {:6.2f}<br>d: {:6.4f}<br>'.format(theta2, d) label += 'I: {:6.4f}</br>hkl: ({:d}{:d}{:d})'.format(I, h, k, l) x.append(theta2) y.append(-0.1) labels.append(label) trace1 = go.Bar(x=x, y=y, text=labels, hovertemplate = "%{text}", width=0.5, name='hkl indices') if profile is None: fig = go.Figure(data=[trace1]) else: spectra = self.get_profile(method=profile, res=res, user_kwargs={"FWHM": FWHM}) trace2 = go.Scatter(x=spectra[0], y=spectra[1], name='Profile: ' + profile) fig = go.Figure(data=[trace2, trace1]) fig.update_layout(height=height, xaxis_title = '2&#952; ({:.4f} &#8491;)'.format(self.wavelength), yaxis_title = 'Intensity', title = 'PXRD of ' if os.environ['_'].find('jupyter') == -1: if html is None: return fig.to_html() else: fig.write_html(html) else: print("This is running on Jupyter Notebook") return fig
[docs] def get_profile(self, method='gaussian', res=0.01, user_kwargs=None): """ return the profile detail """ return Profile(method, res, user_kwargs).get_profile(self.theta2, \ self.xrd_intensity, np.degrees(self.min2theta), np.degrees(self.max2theta))
# ----------------------------- Profile functions ------------------------------
[docs] class Profile: """ This class applies a profiling function to simulated or experimentally obtained XRD spectra. Args: method (str): Type of function used to profile res (float): resolution of the profiling array in degree user_kwargs (dict): The parameters for the profiling method. """ def __init__(self, method='mod_pseudo-voigt', res=0.02, user_kwargs=None): self.method = method self.user_kwargs = user_kwargs self.res = res kwargs = {} if method == 'mod_pseudo-voigt': _kwargs = { 'U': 5.776410E-03, 'V': -1.673830E-03, 'W': 5.668770E-03, 'A': 1.03944, 'eta_h': 0.504656, 'eta_l': 0.611844, } elif method in ['gaussian', 'lorentzian', 'pseudo-voigt']: _kwargs = {'FWHM': 0.1} else: msg = method + " isn't supported." raise NotImplementedError(msg) kwargs.update(_kwargs) if user_kwargs is not None: kwargs.update(user_kwargs) self.kwargs = kwargs
[docs] def get_profile(self, two_thetas, intensities, min2theta, max2theta): """ Performs profiling with selected function, resolution, and parameters Args: - two_thetas: 1d float array simulated/measured 2 theta values - intensities: simulated/measures peaks """ N = int((max2theta-min2theta)/self.res) px = np.linspace(min2theta, max2theta, N) py = np.zeros((N)) for two_theta, intensity in zip(two_thetas, intensities): #print(two_theta, intensity) if self.method == 'gaussian': fwhm = self.kwargs['FWHM'] dtheta2 = ((px - two_theta)/fwhm)**2 tmp = np.exp(-4*np.log(2)*dtheta2) #tmp = gaussian(two_theta, px, fwhm) elif self.method == 'lorentzian': fwhm = self.kwargs['FWHM'] tmp = lorentzian(two_theta, px, fwhm) elif self.method == 'pseudo-voigt': try: fwhm_g = self.kwargs['FWHM-G'] fwhm_l = self.kwargs['FWHM-L'] except: fwhm_g = self.kwargs['FWHM'] fwhm_l = self.kwargs['FWHM'] fwhm = (fwhm_g**5 + 2.69269*fwhm_g**4*fwhm_l + 2.42843*fwhm_g**3*fwhm_l**2 + 4.47163*fwhm_g**2*fwhm_l**3 + 0.07842*fwhm_g*fwhm_l**4 + fwhm_l**5)**(1/5) eta = 1.36603*fwhm_l/fwhm - 0.47719*(fwhm_l/fwhm)**2 + 0.11116*(fwhm_l/fwhm)**3 tmp = pseudo_voigt(two_theta, px, fwhm, eta) elif self.method == 'mod_pseudo-voigt': U = self.kwargs['U'] V = self.kwargs['V'] W = self.kwargs['W'] A = self.kwargs['A'] eta_h = self.kwargs['eta_h'] eta_l = self.kwargs['eta_l'] fwhm = np.sqrt(U*np.tan(np.pi*two_theta/2/180)**2 + V*np.tan(np.pi*two_theta/2/180) + W) x = px - two_theta tmp = mod_pseudo_voigt(x, fwhm, A, eta_h, eta_l, N) py += intensity * tmp #print(intensity * tmp) py /= np.max(py) self.spectra = np.vstack((px,py)) return self.spectra
# ------------------------------ Similarity between two XRDs ---------------------------------
[docs] class Similarity(): def __init__(self, f, g, N = None, x_range = None, l = 2.0, weight = 'cosine'): """ Class to compute the similarity between two diffraction patterns Args: f: spectra1 (2D array) g: spectra2 (2D array) N: number of sampling points for the processed spectra x_range: the range of x values used to compute similarity ([x_min, x_max]) l: cutoff value for shift (real) weight: weight function 'triangle' or 'cosine' (str) """ fx, fy = f[0], f[1] gx, gy = g[0], g[1] self.l = abs(l) res1 = (fx[-1] - fx[0])/len(fx) res2 = (gx[-1] - gx[0])/len(gx) self.resolution = min([res1, res2])/3 # improve the resolution if N is None: self.N = int(2*self.l/self.resolution) else: self.N = N self.r = np.linspace(-self.l, self.l, self.N) if x_range is None: x_min = max(np.min(fx), np.min(gx)) x_max = min(np.max(fx), np.max(gx)) else: x_min, x_max = x_range[0], x_range[1] self.x_range = [x_min,x_max] f_inter = interp1d(fx, fy, 'cubic', fill_value = 'extrapolate') g_inter = interp1d(gx, gy, 'cubic', fill_value = 'extrapolate') fgx_new = np.linspace(x_min, x_max, int((x_max-x_min)/self.resolution)+1) fy_new = f_inter(fgx_new) gy_new = g_inter(fgx_new) self.fx, self.gx, self.fy, = fgx_new, fgx_new, fy_new, gy_new self.weight = weight if self.weight == 'triangle': w = self.triangleFunction() elif self.weight == 'cosine': w = self.cosineFunction() else: msg = self.weight + 'is not supported' raise NotImplementedError(msg) Npts = len(self.fx) d = self.fx[1] - self.fx[0] self.value = similarity_calculate(self.r, w, d, Npts, self.fy, def __str__(self): s = "The similarity between two PXRDs is {:.4f}".format(self.value) return s def __repr__(self): return str(self)
[docs] def triangleFunction(self): """ Triangle function to weight correlations """ w = 1 - np.abs(self.r/self.l) ids = (np.abs(self.r) > self.l) w[ids] = 0 return w
[docs] def cosineFunction(self): """ cosine function to weight correlations """ w = 0.5 * (np.cos(np.pi * self.r/self.l) + 1.) ids = (np.abs(self.r) > self.l) w[ids] = 0 return w
[docs] def show(self, filename=None, fontsize=None, labels=["profile 1", "profile 2"]): """ show the comparison plot Args: filename (None): name of the xrd plot. If None, show the plot labels [A, B]: labels of each plot """ import matplotlib.pyplot as plt import matplotlib if fontsize is not None: matplotlib.rcParams.update({'font.size': fontsize}) fig1 = plt.figure(1, figsize=(15, 6)) fig1.add_axes((.1,.3,.8,.6)) plt.plot(self.fx, self.fy, label=labels[0]) plt.plot(self.fx,, label=labels[1]) plt.legend() # Residual plot residuals = - self.fy fig1.add_axes((.1,.1,.8,.2)) plt.plot(self.gx, residuals, '.r', markersize = 0.5) plt.title("{:6f}".format(self.value)) if filename is None: else: plt.savefig(filename) plt.close()
[docs] def mod_pseudo_voigt(x, fwhm, A, eta_h, eta_l, N): """ A modified split-type pseudo-Voigt function for profiling peaks - Izumi, F., & Ikeda, T. (2000). """ tmp = np.zeros((N)) for xi, dx in enumerate(x): if dx < 0: A = A eta_l = eta_l eta_h = eta_h else: A = 1/A eta_l = eta_h eta_h = eta_l tmp[xi] = ((1+A)*(eta_h + np.sqrt(np.pi*np.log(2))*(1-eta_h))) /\ (eta_l + np.sqrt(np.pi*np.log(2)) * (1-eta_l) + A*(eta_h +\ np.sqrt(np.pi*np.log(2))*(1-eta_h))) * (eta_l*2/(np.pi*fwhm) *\ (1+((1+A)/A)**2 * (dx/fwhm)**2)**(-1) + (1-eta_l)*np.sqrt(np.log(2)/np.pi) *\ 2/fwhm *np.exp(-np.log(2) * ((1+A)/A)**2 * (dx/fwhm)**2)) return tmp
[docs] def gaussian(theta2, alpha, fwhm): """ Gaussian function for profiling peaks """ tmp = ((alpha - theta2)/fwhm)**2 return np.exp(-4*np.log(2)*tmp)
[docs] def lorentzian(theta2, alpha, fwhm): """ Lorentzian function for profiling peaks """ tmp = 1 + 4*((alpha - theta2)/fwhm)**2 return 1/tmp
[docs] def pseudo_voigt(theta2, alpha, fwhm, eta): """ Original Pseudo-Voigt function for profiling peaks - Thompson, D. E. Cox & J. B. Hastings (1986). """ L = lorentzian(theta2, alpha, fwhm) G = gaussian(theta2, alpha, fwhm) return eta * L + (1 - eta) * G
[docs] def similarity_calculate(r, w, d, Npts, fy, gy): """ Compute the similarity between the pair of spectra f, g """ xCorrfg_w, aCorrff_w, aCorrgg_w = 0, 0, 0 for r0, w0 in zip(r, w): Corrfg, Corrff, Corrgg = 0, 0, 0 shift = int(r0/d) for i in range(Npts): if 0 <= i + shift <= Npts-1: Corrfg += fy[i]*gy[i+shift]*d Corrff += fy[i]*fy[i+shift]*d Corrgg += gy[i]*gy[i+shift]*d xCorrfg_w += w0*Corrfg*d aCorrff_w += w0*Corrff*d aCorrgg_w += w0*Corrgg*d return np.abs(xCorrfg_w / np.sqrt(aCorrff_w * aCorrgg_w))
[docs] def create_index(imax=1, jmax=1, kmax=1): """ shortcut to get the index """ hkl_index = [] for i in range(-imax, imax+1): for j in range(-jmax,jmax+1): for k in range(-kmax, kmax+1): hkl = np.array([i,j,k]) if sum(hkl*hkl)>0: hkl_index.append(hkl) hkl_index = np.array(hkl_index).reshape([len(hkl_index), 3]) return hkl_index
[docs] def get_intensity(positions, hkl, s2, coeffs, z): const = 2j * np.pi g_dot_rs =, hkl) # N*M exps = np.exp(const * g_dot_rs) # N*M tmp1 = np.exp(np.einsum('ij,k->ijk', -coeffs[:, :, 1], s2)) #N*4, M tmp2 = np.einsum('ij,ijk->ik', coeffs[:, :, 0], tmp1) #N*4, N*M sfs = np.add(-41.78214*np.einsum('ij,j->ij', tmp2, s2), z) #N*M, M -> N*M fs = np.sum(sfs*exps, axis=0) #M # Final intensity values, M return (fs * fs.conjugate()).real
[docs] def get_all_intensity(N_cycles, N_atom, per_N, positions, hkls, s2s, coeffs, zs): Is = np.zeros(len(hkls)) for i, cycle in enumerate(N_cycles): N1 = int(per_N*(cycle)/N_atom) if i+1 == len(N_cycles): N2 = min([len(hkls), int(per_N*(cycle+1)/N_atom)]) else: N2 = int(per_N*(cycle+1)/N_atom) hkl, s2 = hkls[N1:N2].T, s2s[N1:N2] Is[N1:N2] = get_intensity(positions, hkl, s2, coeffs, zs) return Is
[docs] def get_all_intensity_par(cpu, queue, cycles, Start, End, hkl_per_proc, positions, hkls, s2s, coeffs, zs): #print("proc", cpu, cycles) Is = np.zeros(End-Start) #print(cpu, Start, End) for i, cycle in enumerate(cycles): N1 = cycle*hkl_per_proc - Start if i+1 == len(cycles): N2 = End - Start else: N2 = N1 + hkl_per_proc hkl, s2 = hkls[N1:N2].T, s2s[N1:N2] Is[N1:N2] = get_intensity(positions, hkl, s2, coeffs, zs) #print('run', cpu, N1+Start, N2+Start, N1, N2) queue.put((cpu, Start, End, Is))