Source code for pyxtal.operations

Module for generating and analyzing transformation operations. Several functions
for working with matrices are provided. The class OperationAnalyzer allows for
comparison between pymatgen.core.operations.SymmOp objects, and can be used to
identify conjugate operations. The orientation class can be used to identify
degrees of freedom for molecules in Wyckoff positions with certain symmetry
# Imports
# ------------------------------
# Standard libraries
import numpy as np
from copy import deepcopy
from scipy.spatial.distance import cdist
from scipy.spatial.transform import Rotation

# External Libraries
from pymatgen.core.operations import SymmOp

# PyXtal imports
from pyxtal.msg import printx
from pyxtal.tolerance import Tol_matrix
from pyxtal.constants import rad, deg, hex_cell, all_sym_directions

# ------------------------------
# Define functions
[docs] def check_distance( coord1, coord2, species1, species2, lattice, PBC=[1, 1, 1], tm=Tol_matrix(prototype="atomic"), d_factor=1.0, ): """ Check the distances between two atom set. Only distances between points from different sets are checked. Args: coord1: a list of fractional coordinates e.g. [[.1,.6,.4] [.3,.8,.2]] coord2: a list of new fractional coordinates e.g. [[.7,.8,.9], [.4,.5,.6]] species1: a list of atomic species or numbers for coord1 species2: a list of atomic species or numbers for coord2 lattice: matrix describing the unit cell vectors PBC: A periodic boundary condition list, where 1 means periodic, 0 means not periodic. [1,1,1] -> full 3d periodicity, [0,0,1] -> periodicity along the z axis tm: a Tol_matrix object, or a string representing Tol_matrix d_factor: the tolerance is multiplied by this amount. Larger values mean atoms must be farther apart Returns: a bool for whether or not the atoms are sufficiently far enough apart """ # Check that there are points to compare if len(coord1) < 1 or len(coord2) < 1: return True # Create tolerance matrix from subset of tm tols = np.zeros((len(species1), len(species2))) for i1, specie1 in enumerate(species1): for i2, specie2 in enumerate(species2): tols[i1][i2] = tm.get_tol(specie1, specie2) # Calculate the distance between each i, j pair d = distance_matrix(coord1, coord2, lattice, PBC=PBC) if (np.array(d) < np.array(tols)).any(): return False else: return True
[docs] def verify_distances(coordinates, species, lattice, factor=1.0, PBC=[1, 1, 1]): """ Checks the inter-atomic distance between all pairs of atoms in a crystal. Args: coordinates: a 1x3 list of fractional coordinates species: a list of atomic symbols for each coordinate lattice: a 3x3 matrix representing the lattice vectors of the unit cell factor: a tolerance factor for checking distances. A larger value means atoms must be farther apart PBC: A periodic boundary condition list, where 1 means periodic, 0 means not periodic. Ex: [1,1,1] -> full 3d periodicity, [0,0,1] -> 1d periodicity along the z axis Returns: True if no atoms are too close together, False if any pair is too close """ for i, c1 in enumerate(coordinates): specie1 = species[i] for j, c2 in enumerate(coordinates): if j > i: specie2 = species[j] diff = np.array(c2) - np.array(c1) d_min = distance(diff, lattice, PBC=PBC) radius = Element(specie1).covalent_radius + Element(specie2).covalent_radius tol = factor * 0.5 * radius if d_min < tol: return False return True
[docs] def check_images( coords, species, lattice, PBC=[1, 1, 1], tm=Tol_matrix(prototype="atomic"), tol=None, d_factor=1.0, ): """ Given a set of (unfiltered) frac coordinates, checks if the periodic images are too close. Args: coords: a list of fractional coordinates species: the atomic species of each coordinate lattice: a 3x3 lattice matrix PBC: the periodic boundary conditions tm: a Tol_matrix object tol: a single override value for the distance tolerances d_factor: the tolerance is multiplied by this amount. Larger values mean atoms must be farther apart Returns: False if distances are too close. True if distances are not too close """ # If no PBC, there are no images to check if PBC == [0, 0, 0]: return True # Create image coords from given coords and PBC coords = np.array(coords) m = create_matrix(PBC=PBC, omit=True) new_coords = [] new_species = [] for v in m: for v2 in coords + v: new_coords.append(v2) new_coords = np.array(new_coords) # Create a distance matrix dm = distance_matrix(coords, new_coords, lattice, PBC=[0, 0, 0]) # Define tolerances if tol is None: tols = np.zeros((len(species), len(species))) for i, s1 in enumerate(species): for j, s2 in enumerate(species): if i <= j: tols[i][j] = tm.get_tol(s1, s2) tols[j][i] = tm.get_tol(s1, s2) tols2 = np.tile(tols, int(len(new_coords) / len(coords))) if (dm < tols2).any(): return False else: return True elif tol is not None: if (dm < tol).any(): return False else: return True return True
[docs] def distance(xyz, lattice, PBC=[1, 1, 1]): """ Returns the Euclidean distance from the origin for a fractional displacement vector. Takes into account the lattice metric and periodic boundary conditions, including up to one non-periodic axis. Args: xyz: a fractional 3d displacement vector. Can be obtained by subtracting one fractional vector from another lattice: a 3x3 matrix describing a unit cell's lattice vectors PBC: A periodic boundary condition list, where 1 means periodic, 0 means not periodic. Ex: [1,1,1] -> full 3d periodicity, [0,0,1] -> 1d periodicity along the z axis Returns: a scalar for the distance of the point from the origin """ xyz = filtered_coords(xyz, PBC=PBC) matrix = create_matrix(PBC=PBC) matrix += xyz matrix =, lattice) return np.min(np.linalg.norm(matrix, axis=1))
[docs] def distance_matrix(pts1, pts2, lattice, PBC=[1, 1, 1], single=False, metric="euclidean"): """ Returns the distances between two sets of fractional coordinates. Takes into account the lattice metric and periodic boundary conditions. Args: pts1: a list of fractional coordinates pts2: another list of fractional coordinates lattice: a 3x3 matrix describing a unit cell's lattice vectors PBC: A periodic boundary condition list, where 1 means periodic, 0 means not periodic. Ex: [1,1,1] -> full 3d periodicity, [0,0,1] -> 1d periodicity along the z axis single: return a scalor and matrix? metric: the metric to use with cdist, such as 'euclidean', 'sqeuclidean', 'minkowski', and others Returns: a scalor or distance matrix """ if PBC != [0, 0, 0]: l1 = filtered_coords(pts1, PBC=PBC) l2 = filtered_coords(pts2, PBC=PBC) l1 =, lattice) l2 =, lattice) matrix = create_matrix(PBC=PBC) matrix =, lattice) all_distances = np.zeros([len(matrix), len(l1), len(l2)]) for i, v in enumerate(matrix): all_distances[i] += cdist(l1+v, l2, metric) #m1 = np.array([(l1 + v) for v in matrix]) #m1 = np.vstack([l1 + v for v in matrix]) #all_distances = np.array([cdist(l, l2, metric) for l in m1]) if single: return np.min(all_distances) else: #return np.apply_along_axis(np.min, 0, all_distances) return np.min(all_distances, axis=0) else: return distance_matrix_no_PBC(pts1, pts2, lattice, single, metric)
[docs] def distance_matrix_no_PBC(pts1, pts2, lattice, single=False, metric="euclidean"): """ Returns the distances between two sets of fractional coordinates. Without periodic boundary conditions. Args: pts1: a list of fractional coordinates (N1*3) pts2: another list of fractional coordinates (N2*3) lattice: a 3x3 matrix describing a unit cell's lattice vectors single: return the minimum distance or the matrix metric: the metric to use with cdist. e.g. `euclidean`, `sqeuclidean`, `minkowski`, and others Returns: a scalor or distance matrix """ l1 =, lattice) l2 =, lattice) d = cdist(l1, l2, metric) if single: return np.min(d) else: return d
[docs] def create_matrix(PBC=[1, 1, 1], omit=False): """ Used for calculating distances in lattices with periodic boundary conditions. When multiplied with a set of points, generates additional points in cells adjacent to and diagonal to the original cell Args: PBC: A periodic boundary condition list (1: periodic; 0: nonperiodic). Returns: A numpy array which can be multiplied by a set of coordinates """ matrix = [] i_list = [-1, 0, 1] if PBC[0] else [0] j_list = [-1, 0, 1] if PBC[1] else [0] k_list = [-1, 0, 1] if PBC[2] else [0] for i in i_list: for j in j_list: for k in k_list: if omit: if [i, j, k] != [0,0,0]: matrix.append([i, j, k]) else: matrix.append([i, j, k]) return np.array(matrix, dtype=float)
[docs] def filtered_coords(coords, PBC=[1, 1, 1]): """ Transform all coordinates to [0, 1] interval if PBC is allowed For example, [1.2, 1.6, -.4] becomes [0.2, 0.6, 0.6] when PBC=[1,1,1] [0.2, 1.6, 0.6] when PBC=[1,0,1] Args: coords: an array of real 3d vectors. PBC: A periodic boundary condition list (1: periodic; 0: nonperiodic). Returns: an array of filtered coords with the same shape as coords """ if isinstance(coords, list): coords = np.array(coords) for i in range(3): if PBC[i] > 0: if len(coords.shape)>1: coords[:,i] -= np.floor(coords[:,i]) else: coords[i] -= np.floor(coords[i]) return coords
[docs] def filtered_coords_euclidean(coords, PBC=[1, 1, 1]): """ Given an array of fractional 3-vectors, filters coordinates to between 0 and 1. Then, values which are greater than 0.5 are converted to 1 minus their value. This is used for converting displacement vectors with a Euclidean lattice. Args: coords: an array of real 3d vectors. The shape does not matter PBC: A periodic boundary condition list (1: periodic; 0: nonperiodic). Returns: an array of filtered coords with the same shape as coords """ def filter_vector_euclidean(vector): for i, a in enumerate(PBC): if a: # QZ: check if this is equivalent to -= np.rint() vector[i] -= np.floor(vector[i]) if vector[i] > 0.5: vector[i] = 1 - vector[i] return vector return np.apply_along_axis(filter_vector_euclidean, -1, coords)
[docs] def get_inverse(op): """ Given a SymmOp object, returns its inverse. Args: op: a Symmop object Returns: the inverse """ matrix = op.affine_matrix.copy() # fill the matrix if it is ill conditioned # experimental if np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix) < 4: for row in range(3): # fixed value if np.sum(matrix[row,:3]**2) < 1e-3: matrix[row, row] = 1 matrix[row, 3] = 0 if np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix) == 3: # [-3x/2, -x/2, 1/4] # [0, x, 1/4] for rows in [[0,1,2],[1,2,0],[0,2,1]]: #m = (matrix[rows,:])[:,rows] #print(rows, m) if np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix[rows[:2],:3]) != 2: break id0, id1, id2 = rows[0], rows[1], rows[2] if matrix[id0, id1] == 0: matrix[id0, id1], matrix[id0, id0] = matrix[id0, id0], matrix[id0, id1] if np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix) == 3: matrix[id0, id1], matrix[id0, id2] = matrix[id0, id2], matrix[id0, id1] else: matrix[id1, id0], matrix[id1, id1] = matrix[id1, id1], matrix[id1, id0] if np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix) == 3: matrix[id1, id0], matrix[id1, id2] = matrix[id1, id2], matrix[id1, id0] elif np.linalg.matrix_rank(matrix) == 2: # -3x/2, -x/2, -x+1/4 if np.sum(matrix[:, 0]**2) > 1e-3: matrix[1,0], matrix[1,1] = matrix[1,1], matrix[1,0] matrix[2,0], matrix[2,2] = matrix[2,2], matrix[2,0] elif np.sum(matrix[:, 1]**2) > 1e-3: matrix[0,1], matrix[0,0] = matrix[0,0], matrix[0,1] matrix[2,1], matrix[2,2] = matrix[2,2], matrix[2,1] else: matrix[0,2], matrix[0,0] = matrix[0,0], matrix[0,2] matrix[1,2], matrix[1,1] = matrix[1,1], matrix[1,2] return SymmOp(np.linalg.inv(matrix))
[docs] def get_inverse_ops(ops): """ Given a inverse list of SymmOp objects Args: ops: a list of Symmop's Returns: a list of equal shape to ops, with the inverse operations """ inverses = [] for op in ops: if type(op) == SymmOp: inverses.append(op.inverse) else: inverses.append(get_inverse_ops(op)) return inverses
[docs] def apply_ops(coord, ops): """ Apply a list of SymmOps to a single 3-vector and return an array of the generated vectors. This is the inverse of SymmOp.operate_multi. Args: coord: a 3-vector (list or numpy array) ops: a list, tuple, or array of SymmOp objects Returns: an np array of floating-point 3-vectors """ coord = np.array(coord) affine_point = np.concatenate([coord, np.ones(coord.shape[:-1] + (1,))], axis=-1) matrices = np.array([op.affine_matrix for op in ops]) return np.inner(affine_point, matrices)[..., :-1]
[docs] def apply_ops_diagonal(coords, ops): """ Given a list of coordinates and SymmOps, apply the ith op to the ith coord and return the list of transformed coordinates Args: coords: a list or array of 3-vectors Returns: a transformed numpy array of 3-vectors """ coords = np.array(coords) affine_points = np.concatenate([coords, np.ones(coords.shape[:-1] + (1,))], axis=-1) matrices = np.array([op.affine_matrix for op in ops]) return np.einsum("...ij,...j", matrices, affine_points)[:, :3]
[docs] def angle(v1, v2, radians=True): """ Calculate the angle (in radians) between two vectors. Args: v1: a 1x3 vector v2: a 1x3 vector radians: whether to return angle in radians (default) or degrees Returns: the angle in radians between the two vectors """ v1 = np.real(v1) v2 = np.real(v2) dot =, v2)/(np.linalg.norm(v1) * np.linalg.norm(v2)) #if np.isclose(dot, 1.0): if np.abs(dot-1)<1e-3: a = 0 elif np.abs(dot+1)<1e-3: a = np.pi else: a = np.arccos(dot) if radians: return a else: return a * deg
[docs] def is_orthogonal(m, tol=0.001): """ Check whether or not a 3x3 matrix is orthogonal. An orthogonal matrix has the property that it is equal to its transpose. Args: m: a 3x3 matrix (list or numpy array) tol: the numerical tolerance for checking if two matrices are equal Returns: True if the matrix is orthogonal, False if it is not """ m1 =, np.transpose(m)) m2 =, m) if not np.allclose(m1, np.identity(3), rtol=tol) or not np.allclose( m2, np.identity(3), rtol=tol ): return False else: return True
[docs] def aa2matrix(axis, angle, radians=True, random=False): """ Given an axis and an angle, return a 3x3 rotation matrix. Based on: Args: axis: a vector about which to perform a rotation angle: the angle of rotation radians: whether the supplied angle is in radians (True) or in degrees (False) random: whether or not to choose a random rotation matrix. If True, the axis and angle are ignored, and a random orientation is generated Returns: a 3x3 numpy array representing a rotation matrix """ # Convert to radians if necessary if not radians: angle *= rad # Allow for generation of random rotations if random: # a = np.random.random() axis = np.random.sample(3) angle = np.random.random() * np.pi * 2 # Ensure axis is a unit vector axis = axis / np.linalg.norm(axis) # Define quantities which are reused x = np.real(axis[0]) y = np.real(axis[1]) z = np.real(axis[2]) c = np.cos(angle) s = np.sin(angle) C = 1 - c # Define the rotation matrix Q = np.zeros([3, 3]) Q[0][0] = x * x * C + c Q[0][1] = x * y * C - z * s Q[0][2] = x * z * C + y * s Q[1][0] = y * x * C + z * s Q[1][1] = y * y * C + c Q[1][2] = y * z * C - x * s Q[2][0] = z * x * C - y * s Q[2][1] = z * y * C + x * s Q[2][2] = z * z * C + c return Q
[docs] def rotate_vector(v1, v2, rtol=1e-4): # TODO: Verify that multiplication order is correct # (matrix should come after vector in """ Rotates a vector v1 to v2 about an axis perpendicular to both. Returns the 3x3 rotation matrix used to do so. Args: v1: a 1x3 vector (list or array) of floats v2: a 1x3 vector (list or array) of floats Returns: a 3x3 matrix corresponding to a rotation which can be applied to v1 to obtain v2 """ v1 = v1 / np.linalg.norm(v1) v2 = v2 / np.linalg.norm(v2) dot =, v2) # Handle collinear vectors if np.abs(dot-1) < rtol: return np.identity(3) elif np.abs(dot+1)< rtol: r = [np.random.random(), np.random.random(), np.random.random()] v3 = np.cross(v1, r) v3 /= np.linalg.norm(v3) #return aa2matrix(v3, np.pi) return Rotation.from_rotvec(np.pi * v3).as_matrix() theta = angle(v1, v2) v3 = np.cross(v1, v2) v3 /= np.linalg.norm(v3) #return aa2matrix(v3, theta) return Rotation.from_rotvec(theta * v3).as_matrix()
[docs] def are_equal(op1, op2, PBC=[1, 1, 1], rtol=1e-3, atol=1e-3): """ Check whether two SymmOp objects are equal up to some numerical tolerance. Allows for optional consideration of periodic boundary conditions. This option is useful for handling the periodicity of crystals. Args: op1: a SymmOp object op2: another SymmOp object PBC: A periodic boundary condition list. rtol: the relative numerical tolerance for equivalence atol: the absolute numerical tolerance for equivalence Returns: True if op1 and op2 are equivalent, False otherwise """ # Check two SymmOps for equivalence # pbc=True means integer translations will be ignored m1 = op1.rotation_matrix m2 = op2.rotation_matrix # Check that rotations are equivalent if not np.allclose(m1, m2, rtol=rtol, atol=atol): return False v1 = op1.translation_vector v2 = op2.translation_vector difference = v2 - v1 for i, a in enumerate(PBC): if a: difference[i] -= np.rint(difference[i]) d = np.linalg.norm(difference) if abs(d) < rtol: return True else: return False
[docs] class OperationAnalyzer(SymmOp): """ Class for comparing operations. Stores rotation axis and angle, as well as the type and order of operation (identity, inversion, rotation, or rotoinversion). By default, takes a SymmOp as argument. This information can be accessed by calling print(object). The class methods is_conjugate and are_conjugate can be used to determine if two operations are conjugate to each other. That is, whether they represent the same angle of rotation and are either both inverted or both uninverted. Note: rotoinversions with odd-order rotational parts will have an over-all even order. For example, the order of (-3) is 6. Note: reflections are treated as rotoinversions of order 2. Args: SymmOp: a pymatgen.core.structure.SymmOp object to analyze """ # ++++: include support for off-center operations # TODO: include support for shear and scaling operations # TODO: include support for matrix-column and axis-angle initialization
[docs] def get_order(angle, rotoinversion=False, tol=1e-2): # Find the order of a rotation based on its angle found = False for n in range(1, 61): x = (n * angle) / (2.0 * np.pi) y = x - np.rint(x) if abs(y) <= tol: found = True break if found: # Double order of odd-rotation rotoinversions if rotoinversion: if n % 2 == 1: return int(n * 2) else: return int(n) else: return int(n) if not found: return "irrational"
def __init__(self, op, parse_trans=False, hexagonal=False): if type(op) == deepcopy(SymmOp): # The numerical tolerance associated with op # The 4x4 affine matrix of the op # The 3x3 rotation (or rotoinversion) matrix # The determinant of self.m self.op = op self.tol = op.tol self.affine_matrix = op.affine_matrix self.m = op.rotation_matrix self.det = np.linalg.det(self.m) self.hexagonal = hexagonal elif (type(op) == np.ndarray) or (type(op) == np.matrix): if op.shape == (3, 3): self.op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(op, [0, 0, 0]) self.m = self.op.rotation_matrix self.det = np.linalg.det(op) else: raise ValueError("Error: OperationAnalyzer requires a SymmOp or 3x3 array.") self.symbol = None self.parse_trans = parse_trans # only for space group # If rotation matrix is not orthogonal if not is_orthogonal(self.m): self.type = "general" self.axis, self.angle, self.order, self.rotation_order = ( None, None, None, None, ) # If rotation matrix is orthogonal else: # If determinant is positive, rotation if np.linalg.det(self.m) > 0: self.inverted = False rotvec = Rotation.from_matrix(self.m).as_rotvec() if np.sum( < 1e-6: self.axis = None self.angle = 0 else: self.angle = np.linalg.norm(rotvec) self.axis = rotvec / self.angle if self.hexagonal: #print('convert hex', self.axis,, hex_cell)) self.axis =, hex_cell) #parse symmetry direction if self.parse_trans and not self.parse_axis(): self.axis *= -1 self.angle = 2*np.pi - self.angle #print('switch angle', self.angle) if np.isclose(self.angle, 0): # Types: 'identity', 'inversion', 'rotation', or 'rotoinversion'. # order: the number of times to get to origin # rotation_order: 2, 3, 4, 6 self.type = "identity" self.order = int(1) self.rotation_order = int(1) self.symbol = '1' else: self.type = "rotation" self.order = OperationAnalyzer.get_order(self.angle) self.rotation_order = self.order if self.parse_trans: self.symbol = self.parse_screw_symmetry() # If determinant is negative, rotoinversion (including reflection) elif np.linalg.det(self.m) < 0: self.inverted = True rotvec = Rotation.from_matrix(-1 * self.m).as_rotvec() if np.sum( < 1e-6: self.axis = None self.angle = 0 else: self.angle = np.linalg.norm(rotvec) self.axis = rotvec / self.angle if self.hexagonal: #print('convert hex', self.axis,, hex_cell)) self.axis =, hex_cell) if np.isclose(self.angle, 0): self.symbol = '-1' self.type = "inversion" self.order = int(2) self.rotation_order = int(1) else: #parse symmetry direction #if self.parse_trans and not self.parse_axis(): # self.axis *= -1 # self.angle = 2*np.pi - self.angle # print('switch angle', self.angle) self.axis *= -1 self.type = "rotoinversion" self.order = OperationAnalyzer.get_order( self.angle, rotoinversion=True ) self.rotation_order = OperationAnalyzer.get_order( self.angle, rotoinversion=False ) if self.parse_trans: self.symbol = self.parse_glide_symmetry() elif np.linalg.det(self.m) == 0: self.type = "degenerate" self.axis, self.angle = None, None
[docs] def parse_screw_symmetry(self, tol=1e-2): """ If the point group symmetry is rotation, parse the screw vector Returns: 0, 2_1, 3_1, 3_2, 4_1, 4_2, 4_3, 6_1, 6_2, 6_3, 6_4, 6_5 """ # only count the translation on the given axis vec = self.translation_vector.copy() if np.isclose(abs(, np.array([1, 0, 0]))), 1): vec[1] = 0 vec[2] = 0 elif np.isclose(abs(, np.array([0, 1, 0]))), 1): vec[0] = 0 vec[2] = 0 elif np.isclose(abs(, np.array([0, 0, 1]))), 1): vec[0] = 0 vec[1] = 0 else: vec = 0 # No screw symmetry for other directios for tetragonal???? if np.linalg.norm(vec) < tol: return str(self.order) # 2, 3, 4, 6 else: trans = np.sum(vec) if self.order == 2: return '2_1' elif self.order == 3: if abs(self.angle/trans - 2*np.pi) < tol: return '3_1' else: return '3_2' elif self.order == 4: if abs(trans) < tol: # return '4_2' elif abs(self.angle/trans - 2*np.pi) < tol: return '4_1' elif abs(self.angle/trans - np.pi) < tol or \ abs(self.angle/trans - 3*np.pi) < tol: return '4_2' elif abs(self.angle/trans - 2/3*np.pi) < tol or \ abs(self.angle/trans - 6*np.pi) < tol: return '4_3' elif self.order == 6: if abs(trans) < tol: # return '6_3' elif abs(self.angle/trans - 2*np.pi) < tol: return '6_1' elif abs(self.angle/trans - np.pi) < tol or\ abs(self.angle/trans - 5/2*np.pi) < tol: return '6_2' elif abs(self.angle/trans - 2/3*np.pi) < tol or\ abs(self.angle/trans - 10/3*np.pi) < tol: return '6_3' elif abs(self.angle/trans - 1/2*np.pi) < tol or\ abs(self.angle/trans - 5*np.pi) < tol: return '6_4' elif abs(self.angle/trans - 2/5*np.pi) < tol or\ abs(self.angle/trans - 10*np.pi) < tol: return '6_5' print("Cannot assign symbol", self.angle, trans)
[docs] def parse_glide_symmetry(self, tol=1e-2): """ If the point group symmetry is rotation, parse the screw vector Returns: m, a, b, c, n, d """ if self.rotation_order > 2: return '-'+str(self.rotation_order) elif abs(self.angle - np.pi) > tol: return 'm' # just indicate else: vec = self.translation_vector.copy() if np.isclose(abs(, np.array([1, 0, 0]))), 1): vec[0] = 0 elif np.isclose(abs(, np.array([0, 1, 0]))), 1): vec[1] = 0 elif np.isclose(abs(, np.array([0, 0, 1]))), 1): vec[2] = 0 if np.linalg.norm(vec) < tol: return 'm' else: if np.linalg.norm(vec - np.array([1/2, 0, 0])) < tol: return 'a' elif np.linalg.norm(vec - np.array([0, 1/2, 0])) < tol: return 'b' elif np.linalg.norm(vec - np.array([0, 0, 1/2])) < tol: return 'c' elif np.linalg.norm(vec - np.array([0, 1/2, 1/2])) < tol or\ np.linalg.norm(vec - np.array([1/2, 0, 1/2])) < tol or\ np.linalg.norm(vec - np.array([1/2, 1/2, 0])) < tol: return 'n' elif np.linalg.norm(vec - np.array([1/2, 1/2, 1/2])) < tol: if np.isclose(abs(, np.array([0, -0.7071, 0.7071]))), 1) or\ np.isclose(abs(, np.array([-0.7071, 0, 0.7071]))), 1): return 'n' else: return 'c' else: return 'd'
[docs] def parse_axis(self): """ parse if the axis follows the standard convention """ ax = self.axis ax /= np.linalg.norm(ax) for direction in all_sym_directions: direction /= np.linalg.norm(direction) #print(direction,, ax)) if np.isclose(, ax), 1): return True elif np.isclose(, ax), -1): return False raise ValueError("Cannot find the symmetry direction", ax)
def __str__(self): """ A custom printing string for the object. The type, order, angle, and axis are printed. Converts values close to 0 to 0 for readability. Also only prints the real part of the axis. """ # Avoid printing '-0.' instead of '0.' if self.axis is not None: if len(self.axis) == 3: for i, x in enumerate(self.axis): if np.isclose(x, 0): self.axis[i] = 0.0 return ( "~~ Operation: " + self.op.as_xyz_str() + " ~~" + "\nType: " + str(self.type) + "\nOrder: " + str(self.order) + "\nAngle: " + str(self.angle) + "\nAxis: " + str(np.real(self.axis)) )
[docs] def is_conjugate(self, op2): """ Returns whether or not another operation is conjugate (the same operation in a different reference frame). Rotations with the same order will not always return True. For example, a 5/12 and 1/12 rotation will not be considered conjugate. Args: op2: a SymmOp or OperationAnalyzer object to compare with Returns: True if op2 is conjugate to self.op, and False otherwise """ if type(op2) != OperationAnalyzer: opa2 = OperationAnalyzer(op2) if opa2.type == self.type: if self.type == "rotation" or self.type == "rotoinversion": ratio = self.angle / opa2.angle if np.isclose(np.fabs(ratio), 1.0, atol=1e-2): return True elif self.type == "identity" or self.type == "inversion": return True else: return False else: if op2.type == self.type: if self.type == "rotation" or self.type == "rotoinversion": ratio = self.angle / op2.angle if np.isclose(ratio, 1.0, atol=1e-2): return True elif self.type == "identity" or self.type == "inversion": return True else: return False
[docs] def are_conjugate(op1, op2): """ Returns whether or not two operations are conjugate (the same operation in a different reference frame). Rotations with the same order will not always return True. For example, a 5/12 and 1/12 rotation will not be considered conjugate. Args: op1: a SymmOp or OperationAnalyzer object op2: a SymmOp or OperationAnalyzer object to compare with op1 Returns: True if op2 is conjugate to op1, and False otherwise """ if type(op1) != OperationAnalyzer: opa1 = OperationAnalyzer(op1) return opa1.is_conjugate(op2)
[docs] def find_ids(coords, ref, tol=1e-3): """ find the refernce ids that can match """ ids = [] #print('ref', ref) for coord in coords: diffs = ref - coord diffs -= np.rint(diffs) norms = np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=1) #print(norms, diffs) for i, norm in enumerate(norms): if norm < tol and i not in ids: ids.append(i) break return ids
[docs] def get_best_match(positions, ref, cell): """ find the best match with the reference from a set of positions Args: positions: N*3 array ref: 1*3 array cell: cell matrix 3*3 array Returns: position: matched position id: matched id """ diffs = positions - ref diffs -= np.rint(diffs) diffs =, cell) dists = np.linalg.norm(diffs, axis=1) id = np.argmin(dists) return positions[id], dists[id]
# Test Functionality if __name__ == "__main__": # ---------------------------------------------------- from pymatgen.symmetry.analyzer import generate_full_symmops rot = Rotation.from_rotvec(np.pi / 6 * np.array([1, 0, 0])) op = SymmOp.from_rotation_and_translation(rot.as_matrix(), vec0) ops = [op] symm_m = generate_full_symmops(ops, 1e-3) for op in symm_m: opa = OperationAnalyzer(op) print(opa.order)