Source code for pyxtal.database.collection

from pymatgen.core.structure import Molecule
import json
import os.path as op

[docs] class Collection: """Collection of molecular data. Used for obtaining pymatgen objects from a small database file. Example of use: >>> from pyxtal.database.collection import Collection >>> test=Collection('molecules') >>> test['H2O'] Molecule Summary Site: O (0.0000, 0.0000, 0.0000) Site: H (0.2774, 0.8929, 0.2544) Site: H (0.6068, -0.2383, -0.7169) >>> list(test) ['C60', 'H2O', 'CH4', 'NH3', 'benzene', 'naphthalene', 'anthracene', 'tetracene', 'pentacene', 'coumarin', 'resorcinol', 'benzamide', 'aspirin', 'ddt', 'lindane', 'glycine', 'glucose', 'ROY'] Args: name: the type of collection to get. Defaults to "molecules" """ def __init__(self, name="molecules"): """Create a collection lazily. Will read data from json file when needed. A collection can be iterated over to get the Atoms objects and indexed with names to get individual members. Attributes: name: str Name of collection. data: object Pymetgen molecule object filename: str Location of json file. """ = name self._data = {} self.filename = op.join(op.dirname(__file__), name + ".json") with open(self.filename, "r") as f: self.content = json.load(f) def __getitem__(self, name): self._read(name) if len(self._data) == 0: names = "" for dct in self.content: names += dct["name"] + ", " msg = name + " is not supported\n" msg += "Available molecules are:\n" msg += names raise NameError(msg) else: return self._data def __iter__(self): for dct in self.content: yield dct["name"] def _read(self, name): if == "molecules": """ read the data by name and convert it to pymatgen format """ for dct in self.content: if dct["name"].lower() == name.lower(): pos = dct["xyz"] symbols = dct["elements"] self._data = Molecule(symbols, pos) elif == "clusters": for dct in self.content: if dct["name"] == int(name): self._data = dct
[docs] def show_names(self): names = [] for dct in self.content: names.append(dct["name"]) print(names)